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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stuns are killing PvP


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iirc, spike + electrocute = full resolve.


I just logged on my sin toon and was able to mind trap + electrocute or electrocute + spike but not all three. I stand corrected. That's still two stuns with most/all (still haven't had a clear answer on that) classes having one breaker. The post is not about tactical scenarios, it's about cc.

Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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One thing you may want to try, or maybe you already have....is not using a stun breaker unless your Resolve bar is full. This prevents you from breaking one and being insta-stunned again. If you can survive the first stun, always try to. Then, when you come out of it and they stun again, you break it and run around with a full resolve bar.


You are correct that it is a bad system but this tactic can help a small percent of the time.

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1. They should bring the old resolve system back, or consider changes to the CC breaks. In general, people agree that at least something needs to be done about stuns, even if it's just fixing the resolve on bubble stuns (or another fix to it).


2. If you have that bad luck in warzone, yes, it is you. Yes, it is. Nope, you aren't the exception. It is you. Yes, it really is you. I'm going to stop you right there: yes, it is you. If you create threads like this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=594819

It's probably you.

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When did the resolve thing change? I haven't used my sin for about three weeks now. I might be mistaken but I'm not telling lies. Again you attempt to derail the point. The point is the stuns, not the tactics.


The point is what you have been describing in your earlier points are simplynot true or factual. Mezzing someone once would fill up half their resolve, followed by a stun, they would have a full resolve. When outta it, they would be able to fight back and use their own forms of CCs on you as well. Not to mention if it's a sentinel/mara, you would have to soak up their remaining 4s of undying rage/gbtf.

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I just today got backfilled into a civil war match that was all but over. The team i got put on was huddled around grass. All 7 of them. There were 4-5 ticks left before gake over. They needed a three cap to win, so everyone gave up. A pretty normal Civil War honestly. But I needed my three medals at least to at least get something for the match. I run to mid just hoping I can drop and entrench, shield probe, and evasion and get off one ambush and maybe a followthrough. Guaranteed at least my 2.5k medal, shield probe may be able to get me 2.5k heal, and a lucky crit could get me 5k damage. Well I get there and get charged and then stunned before I drop into cover. I CC break (not trying to win 1 vs 6, just trying to get off one or possibly two abilities) and get stunned again. Ate 3-4 smashes or whatever and died before the stun ended.


You expect to die in 3-4 seconds when you try to fight one against six people. That part doesn't bother me. The fact that stuns and CC are so ingrained into people's heads that at least two people needed to open with CC when they were killing somebody 6 vs 1 is what bothers me. Every single class has multiple CC abilities. Some classes use more CC abilities than damage abilities. All of it is on such a short cooldown that people open with CC and use CC in literally every single encounter they are in.


That is retarded game design.

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I'm 100% against back fill, but if you lose, then you don't get credit for the weekly anyway.


you do, however, get credit for the daily.


so you don't need medals for the daily. just want to clarify that. you might not get crap in comms though.

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The point is what you have been describing in your earlier points are simplynot true or factual. Mezzing someone once would fill up half their resolve, followed by a stun, they would have a full resolve. When outta it, they would be able to fight back and use their own forms of CCs on you as well. Not to mention if it's a sentinel/mara, you would have to soak up their remaining 4s of undying rage/gbtf.


Since you're such an expert on tactics and want to lambast me over one mistaken tactic which was never the underpinning of the argument, explain to me how it is in the best interests of the game for Marauders and Sentinels to use their AOE stuns in a cascading manner to anchor opposing teams in place whilst they hack them to death before taking control of the control point? Then rinsing and repeating when the opposing team comes back from respawn? Please explain to me how it is in the game's interests to have people quit war zones in sheer frustration and those that stick it out, end up sitting down on their one captured control point just to earn a few defender medals because all competitiveness has gone out of the match? Or are you telling me this simply isn't true?


I just today got backfilled into a civil war match that was all but over.


Yesterday I got backfilled in to a game only to see the stats page when I finished loading.

Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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My main is an MM sniper. I've been leveling a marauder and the pre 50 PvP is soooo annoying with the stuns and roots. How do you guys stand it? I just jump back on my sniper where I at least have a fighting chance to get off shots. If i'm gonna die with 3 guys focusing me, at least I do it shooting at someone. Heck, I might even take one of them with me before I go. Half the time, my mara is dead because he's being electrocuted, blinded, knocked back, etc. I think i've been spoiled by my sniper. I feel like I can actually play the game more with her then with my sith.


I don't have all the answers nor do I know of the best solution, but I do know that being stunned over and over isn't fun game play.

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I'm sorry, but this simply isn't possible unles;


A). Facing hackers.

B). Facing a premade team of Scoundrels/Operatives who are specifically targetting you and you alone.

C). You suck immensely.

D). You run around solo instead of working as a group (ties back into point C).

E). You're overstating the facts so much that the facts have become a fairy tale about flying unicorns trying to mate with four-headed monkeys of which each head has a different rainbow-colored afro.


You can get a kill by simply taking your face, smashing it repeatedly into your keyboard while throwing your mouse against the nearest wall.



I love stuns. I especially love people who don't know when to use their stuns (on the opposing team anyway).


Yeah, if you're one of those people who randomly runs around solo, you will get stunlocked to death. But in that case, the fault does not lie with the stuns.



To me, taking out or diminishing stuns, actually decreases the amount of skill required. Stuns, like any other ability, are the tools that any class gets. True, some classes get more/better stuns then others. But if you're going to go that route, Bioware might just as well decide to wipe the slate clean and have everyone roll a single class with a single AC so that people can't moan and complain about the grass on the other side.


Sorry if I come off as a bit offensive. It's by no means meant as a personal attack or anything. It's just that it's starting to peeve me off a bit how everyone seems to complain rather than deal with it.


Fact is half of wat is acctually CC does not count toward resolve so it is not hard to be CC'ed out of the game

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