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Mega Ding!!!


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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p


Do a /played and add up all characters, then you check how much % you have been online the last year

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Im at 12 characters & 7 50's I was actually going to try to achieve what you have done. I have both AC for inquisitor and knight. and then i have a bh a agent and consular , I got sick of that so im currently levelling up both AC for the warrior lvl for lvl. your effort is fantastic any tips?


I think my quickest 50 was somewhere between 5-7 days. 150-170 hours game time something like that. I just cant bring myself to see the trooper through though. the story just is not engaging enough for me. which was your least favorite to level up? as i mentioned mine has to be trooper and gunslinger (currently @ lvls 18 and 38)


anyway congrats on the megading. perhaps your the first :)


Tips, I went imp then rep, imp rep to help break up the repetitiveness.

Also, I had heaps on the go at the same time so as to take advantage of rested XP, and the last 4 toons I also used the boosters, note though you will be over leveled, but with rested and boosted XP, that makes up most of it, plus you will fly through the levels because you can just face roll everything so fast you nullify the lower XP., for example, an area that would take you 15 mins to clear at par, you'll blow through it in 5.

I would often get a guy to 20ish and let him sit for a week or more while I do other stuff, or work on one of the other toons. I had the shadow at 38 with full rested XP, and that was enough to take her to 50, there wasnt much left, so I'd say that would be about the lowest you could be to take the full trip to 50.

With heroics, always check them out if you cant find a group in decent time, you will be surprised on how many you can do yourself, especially if your heals or tank.

When coming to a new base and you pick up all the missions for that new area, and the planet mission ark gives you a mission thats close by, make sure you do that mission ark mission and come straight back and hand it in before heading out to do the others you picked up, as quite often there will be 2 mission for the planet ark in a lot of areas and it will save you going back and forth. theres nothing worse that treading over the same ground that could of been avoided.

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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p




Here I thought I was the only crazy person with 8 level 50's, Working on 3 more. Considering most of my Guild only has one or two toons. Heck we still haven't even started doing Hard Mode OP's, seems most people in our Guild just don't spend enough time in game to do any. Luckily for you, you must have an active raiding Guild to get all that gear.


Grats Again!

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I'm at...


Guardian - 50

Scoundrel - 50

Vanguard - 50

Shadow - 22

Inquisitor - 50

Mercenary - 21

Marauder - 23

Sniper - 24



I'm planning to play the Merc next, followed by the Shadow, Mara and finally the Sniper. I also have all of the mirrors created, but they're levels only range from 11-20.

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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p


How long did it take to get 4 of them to Social X?

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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p


How many dread guard geared raid chars you got? :p

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Can you please reveal secret how to be so much patient and get the strenght to even finish third 50? I have two toons on 50 and i must force myself to exp that second one thru all of these boring and repeatable quests ...


Don't look at it like a chore.


Play it as a certain type of character. Example I played my vanguard through the whole game as "To Protect the Republic, by any means necessary" (So I was Lawful Evil)

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Im in your tale, problem is I dont count a 50 just after the ding. Here is my current status


Class : Gear


Mara 50: 50/50 Campaign/DG

Jugg 50: Full DG

Sorc 50: 30/70 Campaign/DG

BH 50: 30/70 Campaign/DG

Assasin 50: 30/70 Campaign/DG

Sniper 50: 50/50 Rakata/BH

Vanguard 40: Full BH waiting

Operative 35:

Guardian 25:

Sentinel 22:

PT 22:

Sage 15:

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I can understand one of each class, but I don't know how you made it through each of the Class Stories twice. You basically did Voss 16 times... that's sort of accomplishment given how annoying that planet is.


Well you can play each character differently.


like I did, and also some characters, like my vanguard, was done by playing lawful evil.


I have 16 toons level 50 as well and did 4 classes male (LIGHT scoundrel, LIGHT guardian, LIGHT shadow, DARK vanguard) and 4 female (Neutral Gunslinger, Dark Sentinel, Dark Sage, Light commando)


and basically the opposite for the empire.

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Well you can play each character differently.


like I did, and also some characters, like my vanguard, was done by playing lawful evil.


I have 16 toons level 50 as well and did 4 classes male (LIGHT scoundrel, LIGHT guardian, LIGHT shadow, DARK vanguard) and 4 female (Neutral Gunslinger, Dark Sentinel, Dark Sage, Light commando)


and basically the opposite for the empire.

I already spacebar through the mission quests after doing them once, regardless if I choose a different path now. So doing the ACs as light one time and dark the other doesn't make much of a difference. You still end up the basically the same storyline.

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Have you done max affection on all the companions yet and completed all the conversations? I'm wondering what 500 extra presence from all that does for a companion. Right now I've got all 20 imperial companions done and am working on the republic side. Seems to get easier and easier as I go.
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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's.


This actually highlights one of the things BW did right, and that's Advanced Class gameplay. Combat and gameplay in the different ACs really is unique, and definitely worth exploring. I can switch from my Mara to my Sniper, to my Shadow, to my Vanguard, etc. and it's like playing a different game on each toon.


BW definitely deserves props for pulling this off successfully.

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Have you done max affection on all the companions yet and completed all the conversations? I'm wondering what 500 extra presence from all that does for a companion. Right now I've got all 20 imperial companions done and am working on the republic side. Seems to get easier and easier as I go.

I've gotten 5 of the 8 needed with Max affect + the Human at 50 for the extra +100.


At early levels it's pretty funny. I'm currently on my 6th Class (Jedi Knight) and your T7 has so much bonus damage and extra life when you get it around level 7 that I had him solo kill the mobs while sat back. He's stronger than golds at that level. And now that I'm level 19 Kira hits waaaaay harder than I do with both using same level of hilts. It's sort of embarrassing. I'm not tank-spec'd, but this is the first time a dps companion has pulled aggro from my dps toon.


On my 5th companion I first got Mako so the huge amount of heals she gave me made a lot of the early stuff laughable. In fact, being all Ranged, having self-heals, having a ranged CC, and a healer comp who was fully modded out as well, I was able to solo every Heroic 2+ while leveling.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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