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Bad feeling about lack of "Expansion" news


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Thank you for digging that up.


I'd be disappointed if we slip past the 9 week mark...not because I don't understand that a delay can happen, but because I dislike false promises. THEY committed to 6 week releases. They claimed that F2P would allow them quicker turns and that THEY were changing their internal working to be more efficient...if they slip past the 9 week mark (which they allowed for because of the week of Christmas), they are failing to keep one of their biggest commitments to their customers.


I agree on this. Typically I allow for slippage, but really how long of break did they give them? Did they all get 2 or 3 weeks off for the holidays? I certainly understand a week (7-9 weeks), two weeks is not unreasonable (8-10), anything more is too much IMO. Since it's not even on PTS yet unless they are limiting PTS to two weeks they will not meet a 10 week delay between patches.

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I agree on this. Typically I allow for slippage, but really how long of break did they give them? Did they all get 2 or 3 weeks off for the holidays? I certainly understand a week (7-9 weeks), two weeks is not unreasonable (8-10), anything more is too much IMO. Since it's not even on PTS yet unless they are limiting PTS to two weeks they will not meet a 10 week delay between patches.


6 weeks was a silly promise to make (nothing suggested they'd be able to keep it), 12 weeks is what they should have said. :(

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For people saying its the "Holiday period", I dont know any company that send "ALL" of their workforce on holidays, specially a company this big.


Imagine if your bank, or the airlines or god forbid a hospital did the same :)


I am sure some people took time off during december, some are doing it now, and some will do it in a months time. The "holiday period" excuse only works on school kids :p

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For people saying its the "Holiday period", I dont know any company that send "ALL" of their workforce on holidays, specially a company this big.


Imagine if your bank, or the airlines or god forbid a hospital did the same :)


I am sure some people took time off during december, some are doing it now, and some will do it in a months time. The "holiday period" excuse only works on school kids :p


A video game company is not mission critical like those things you describe. I can think of many places that do, mainly schools and colleges :p

When I was in college all staff got like 2 weeks off for holidays and the building was locked. I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that they shutdown the whole Austin office as the CSRs are in Ireland.

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So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between. Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this? (and weren't we actually promised a steady steam of info "soon", not long ago?)


From my experience it's rare for games to withhold that much information when we're this close to launch. Which makes me wonder if there's actually a lot more info to give? Or maybe there's a delay announcement incomming, pushing it to summer of autumn? You'd think they'd want to start building the hype if they want to continue brining new players to the game, and existing players back and not just be satisfied with the revenue created from the Cartel Store.

It's still winter..... Spring is not until March. Calm yourself young grasshopper

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For people saying its the "Holiday period", I dont know any company that send "ALL" of their workforce on holidays, specially a company this big.


Imagine if your bank, or the airlines or god forbid a hospital did the same :)


I am sure some people took time off during december, some are doing it now, and some will do it in a months time. The "holiday period" excuse only works on school kids :p


Video games aren't banks or hospitals and its ridiculous you tried to make that comparison.

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Here is how I see it...


Not a lot of info=Whine and Cry on the forums.

Info is released, but what YOU want isn't addressed=Whine and Cry on the forums.

Info is released, What you want is in the update. But it's delayed by a few days=Whine and Cry on the forums.


See, Bioware is stuck in a cycle of "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't." Anytime they release info, SOMEONE finds an excuse to complain.

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For people saying its the "Holiday period", I dont know any company that send "ALL" of their workforce on holidays, specially a company this big.


Imagine if your bank, or the airlines or god forbid a hospital did the same :)


I am sure some people took time off during december, some are doing it now, and some will do it in a months time. The "holiday period" excuse only works on school kids :p


It is likely that they just kept a few essential staff in the building for a couple of weeks over the holidays. This is more common than you might think. Most of the companies that I have worked for slow to a crawl in December.


And besides, the six week thing is just a target or an approximation. Leeway needs to be granted. Things can slip for a number of reasons. It is not your place to question why or demand answers.

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And besides, the six week thing is just a target or an approximation. Leeway needs to be granted. Things can slip for a number of reasons. It is not your place to question why or demand answers.


They actually accounted for the holidays by saying 9 weeks. We're currently at 8. That wasn't an "approximation" either, that was their new goal and their commitment to us going forward - they also used it to justify smaller and smaller patches...remember?!


Leeway can be granted, but as the customer, we deserve to know when there is going to be slippage. If this was a service that none of us paid for, you'd be right, but it's not, It's a service we pay for and it's in a VERY competitive market. While you may not care or expect to know about delays, many of us do it seems. We're not being unreasonable, we're customers who are concerned with the lack of communication.

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...they also used it to justify smaller and smaller patches...remember?!


Well, 1.7 appears to be a little bigger than the ones they did late last year. Plus, there HAS been communication. They have stated that it is coming and given us a good idea of what it entails. It will get here when it is ready. If you are not pleased with the rate of updates, feel free to contact BW directly.

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If you are not pleased with the rate of updates, feel free to contact BW directly.


Don't mistake my understanding of players concerns as having the same concerns myself. My expectations of anything from Bioware, are most certainly in-check.


I would argue that by posting on these forums, I believe we're as close to "contacting Bioware" as we can get.

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They have stated that it is coming and given us a good idea of what it entails.


I'm glad you think so....


-We know it's a "recurring" event, but don't know what "recurring" means in their context.

-We know it's supposed to be on "Ilum revamped", but we also know that "true open world PvP is not in the cards for this year"

-"It is coming soon" doesn't mean anything


So please share with us the "good idea" they've given as to what it entails.

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Nothing silly about it. They've proven they can do it and I have faith that they can, I blame the holiday for this.


They've proven then can do it twice, they've proven they cannot manage it 8 times so far. :(


12 weeks was, is and probably always will be just much more realistic.

Edited by Goretzu
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It is likely that they just kept a few essential staff in the building for a couple of weeks over the holidays. This is more common than you might think. Most of the companies that I have worked for slow to a crawl in December.


And besides, the six week thing is just a target or an approximation. Leeway needs to be granted. Things can slip for a number of reasons. It is not your place to question why or demand answers.


This is the opposite of how game development works.


You think any major studio is giving any type of holidays before a major release? Most those poor schmucks start working 60-80 hour 6-7 day weeks the moment anything big is coming. Its' why you always hear about a mass exodus of staff over poor working conditions, or see most developers with crazy nice offices.


Its' because the moment those deadlines approach that dev team is basically worked like a dog and living out of their office.

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I'm glad you think so....


-We know it's a "recurring" event, but don't know what "recurring" means in their context.

-We know it's supposed to be on "Ilum revamped", but we also know that "true open world PvP is not in the cards for this year"

-"It is coming soon" doesn't mean anything


So please share with us the "good idea" they've given as to what it entails.


Let's see... recurring event, new enemy, new weapons, new armor, new reputation system. What more do you want? 1.7 is a content patch, not an expansion. Expectations are now set.


As for the expansion itself, there is still a lot of time and they will release more information closer to release. That only makes sense, as people will be excited and want to play it ASAP. If they drop all the info now, they'll just be bombarded with QQing for a few months and some people may have lost interest by then.

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