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Regarding Marauders future.


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So, Marauder was one of my very first chars (now have 2 accounts with many chars on both) and I've had it shelved at like level 34 for a long time now. I really do enjoy the playstyle of Marauder, though I believe the reason I've not played it, is down to thinking that it's always going to get nerfed and don't want to put time into it for it to then become rubbish.


So my question to all of you is, do you reckon Marauder will be nerfed any time soon?


I know it's a bit of a hard to answer question, so basically what I'm asking is; Is marauder in any way overpowered at the moment?

I feel like they are pretty overpowered, but that's from a Sorcerer perspective (class I've been playing alot recently) so that's probably just biased view.

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marauders are not overpowered,a rage marauder can easily be "contained" until the smash buff ends,combat marauders are very squishy and against a gunslinger they are most likely going to be dead meat and you won't see many annihilation marauders in pvp because it's more a pve spec.

it all depends on the person behind the keyboard in the end.



ah and no,i don't think that marauders will be nerfed.

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Nah, Marauders aren't OP at the moment. I've been playing my level 38 Marauder a lot lately, as well. I'm trying to chug along with Annihilation. Its still a fun spec and still very efficient in both PVE and PVP but...


Rage has been flavor of the past several months, sadly. Honestly, it isn't even that fun. People just spec into it like mindless sheep because it "does the most damage".


To hell with that, i say. I'm not letting go of my tasty dots and Juyo heals.

Edited by GhostDrone
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Thanks for the quick responses. I'm currently leveling with Carnage as it seems to provide bursty damage and armor pen. I have a 50 Juggernaut and Gaurdian, but I haven't really played much of them at 50. Rage is enjoyable for a little while, but ye it does kind of get boring since there's so little rotation to it. I'll probably eventually spec into rage with Marauder but Carnage will do for now. Edited by Jayshames
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I think Rage will be toned down. It needs to be.


The current way Smash works for Rage is an epic failure in game design.


Smash should be nerfed and Rage's single target DPS should be increased to compensate.


Otherwise, Marauder sets a very appropriate high water mark. Both by whatever metrics BioWare is using, and by performance in actual content. If any adjustments are made, they *should* be upward adjustments of under-performing classes, rather than downward adjustment to Marauders.


The issue with nerfing in general is that it is frequently very difficult to nerf something without over-nerfing it (see: Operative DPS), and I don't think that at this point in the game's lifecycle that wholesale class nerfs are in order.

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IF they do nerf it, I hope they only make changes to the PVP side of the Marauder, and leave the PVE side alone!

Every mmo out there seems to ruin pve when the pvp'ers cry about a class being OP.

This is why games need to keep pvp and pve totally separate,but it will never happen.

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Smash is being nerfed into the ground in 1.7.


Rage Tree Changes:

-Shockwave now gives 11% bonus per point (up to 3 stack) to smash damage, down from 25%.

-Rage cost of smash per shockwave now reduced by 12%, down from 25%.

-Smash no longer builds Fury when used.

-This part is a little odd, but from what I understand, having 3 (full) stack of Shockwave grants 1 rage per second while it is active.

-Not sure on this, but I think Berserk use no longer grants any Rage, only 3 stack.

-Shockwave max number of charges now 3, down from 4.

-New crappy defensive ability in rage tree with passive damage reduction that doesn't help much.


This isn't 100% confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Edited by Aluvi
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Smash is being nerfed into the ground in 1.7.


Rage Tree Changes:

-Shockwave now gives 11% bonus per point (up to 3 stack) to smash damage, down from 25%.

-Rage cost of smash per shockwave now reduced by 12%, down from 25%.

-Smash no longer builds Fury when used.

-This part is a little odd, but from what I understand, having 3 (full) stack of Shockwave grants 1 rage per second while it is active.

-Not sure on this, but I think Berserk use no longer grants any Rage, only 3 stack.

-Shockwave max number of charges now 3, down from 4.

-New crappy defensive ability in rage tree with passive damage reduction that doesn't help much.


This isn't 100% confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me.


What is the source of this?

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Smash is being nerfed into the ground in 1.7.


Rage Tree Changes:

-Shockwave now gives 11% bonus per point (up to 3 stack) to smash damage, down from 25%.

-Rage cost of smash per shockwave now reduced by 12%, down from 25%.

-Smash no longer builds Fury when used.

-This part is a little odd, but from what I understand, having 3 (full) stack of Shockwave grants 1 rage per second while it is active.

-Not sure on this, but I think Berserk use no longer grants any Rage, only 3 stack.

-Shockwave max number of charges now 3, down from 4.

-New crappy defensive ability in rage tree with passive damage reduction that doesn't help much.


This isn't 100% confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me.


This is datamined so I'm not going to even bother reading it :)

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IF they do nerf it, I hope they only make changes to the PVP side of the Marauder, and leave the PVE side alone!

Every mmo out there seems to ruin pve when the pvp'ers cry about a class being OP.

This is why games need to keep pvp and pve totally separate,but it will never happen.


I completely agree.

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OP... i don't know you as a person, so this is not a personal attack, so much as an observation of your initial post.


You're being a huge baby.


Man up and play what you want. And if you can't manage good numbers with even a nerfed class, then you don't deserve to be playing it.


Devs knows better than all of us what is balanced. If you think differently, then make a game. Otherwise, live with it.

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I will try to put aside the nonsensical nature of your original post (not playing your marauder because you are afraid they may be nerfed).


Yes, the Rage spec is overpowered for PvP, and yes, it is likely getting nerfed. Based on the datamined info, the 6k auto-crits on up to five people are going away. This needed to happen. Single target and PvE damage for the spec is getting a buff. The other specs are getting a buff along with pretty much every other class in the game with the new level cap. The changes to annihilation look really good. Only time will tell how the balance to the classes will change with all of the new abilities and talents in 1.7.


But honestly, play whatever class you like. Balance will change. If you only want to play the OP spec of the moment, you are just going to have to wait and see how things settle after 1.7, and then you'll have to deal with the next set of buffs/nerfs as the classes are tuned.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I will try to put aside the nonsensical nature of your original post (not playing your marauder because you are afraid they may be nerfed).


Yes, the Rage spec is overpowered for PvP, and yes, it is likely getting nerfed. Based on the datamined info, the 6k auto-crits on up to five people are going away. This needed to happen. Single target and PvE damage for the spec is getting a buff. The other specs are getting a buff along with pretty much every other class in the game with the new level cap. The changes to annihilation look really good. Only time will tell how the balance to the classes will change with all of the new abilities and talents in 1.7.


But honestly, play whatever class you like. Balance will change. If you only want to play the OP spec of the moment, you are just going to have to wait and see how things settle after 1.7, and then you'll have to deal with the next set of buffs/nerfs as the classes are tuned.


I would say it isn't so much that lolsmash is OP, it's just the EASIEST spec to play and be wildly effective if you barely know what you're doing...that's why you see so many doing it. It's because they rolled a sniper and suck at mastering rotations...then they roll a juggernaut/marauder and spec rage and go..."HOLY COW!!! I AM AS GOOD AS I THOUGHT!! I PWNZORZ U!!!1!1!111!!!! 1mil dmg!!1!"


That's why the changes needed to happen...it should be slightly more complicated and convoluted to play than that...

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From my understanding, Marauders have the highest "potential" DPS in the game. Thing is, that peak performance is only ~50-100 DPS higher than the other high-damage-potential classes (i.e. Jugg/Guard, PTech/Vanguard, Gunslinger/Sniper). So, no, not so much OP as it is a well polished class with good abilities... unlike some other classes in this game.


Also keep in mind that the Marauder probably has the highest skill cap in the game. A lot of mediocre and bad players shelved their Marauders early on. Those that stuck to them generally mastered the class and get peak performance from their toons.

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