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Top Gun guilds fail queue dodge


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As i explained using /e (which your video conveniently doesn't show), most of our team was afk when the queue popped. Would it be better if all who were present took it and it was a 3vs8? I don't think so. I took it to explain what happened (can't use /say when I'm dead though) and avoid accusations of queue dodging. We may have been crushed by you in that next Civil War but we're not queue dodgers. So, please, move along, nothing to see here except for, i gotta admit, a very fun explosion.
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Ignoring gape-being-gape for a second, we honestly did not receive your message about the AFKs. We saw the /farewell shortly before the pull, but that was all we had to work with.


Really, this was just posted in jest, as it was one of those (un?)intentionally comedic moments that just so happened to be caught on film. Too bad you didn't stick around for the explosive dart sequel. We had high hopes and big plans for you.

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I'm not sure if it was you guys


But we were in a game last week where only two people stayed in a novarre. (Only two i saw the whole match)


Sataru from DW was one of them i believe, but I'm sure it wasn't a deadweight team. I'm curious to know if that was you guys from top gun then as well.


I don't care if you que against yourselves but at least stay for the match....



Edited by Mookind
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I have ran with Top Gun several times in RWZ's. They are some of the nicer people in this game. They are always joking around and laughing even when they are getting owned or owning other people. I have never actually seen them que dodge and if they say people were afk for it I would tend to take their word. This should be a dead issue. Why some people choose to call out people every otherday is beyond me. Well off to have some more Irish Coffee, enjoy your weekend. Hope to see some of you in the WZ's today!
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I'm not sure if it was you guys


But we were in a game last week where only two people stayed in a novarre. (Only two i saw the whole match)


Sataru from DW was one of them i believe, but I'm sure it wasn't a deadweight team. I'm curious to know if that was you guys from top gun then as well.


I don't care if you que against yourselves but at least stay for the match....




I was in Ranked yesterday. But I was with DW and some old blackjack members,We were down a man due to a disconnect in one rwz.. Definitely wasn't in one where everyone left though :p You know I would stay and try anyways..I don't like giving up lol.

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pretty sure people who hate me don't matter


Actually I think what people are trying to say is, is that YOU don't matter. You are our court jester, our clown, our little monkey who dances for a banana. I don't see how anyone could hate you, I actually feel sorry for you. All this time and you don't even know that we aren't laughing with you but laughing at you. Continue to troll oh wise troll jester, I need a laugh.

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Actually I think what people are trying to say is, is that YOU don't matter. You are our court jester, our clown, our little monkey who dances for a banana.


Wait......he gets a bannana. Where the hell is MY BANANNA. Agape you always get all the good ****, I now hate you too.





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Wait......he gets a bannana. Where the hell is MY BANANNA. Agape you always get all the good ****, I now hate you too.






Ok OK...you can have HIS banana. I only give this to you so the next time I see you in a match you have to unstealth BEFORE you start your attacks...

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Agapex is my hero!


Did you knew agape was an altar boy in chicago? He and psirebral knew very well Rev Alejandro Flores.. TRUE HISTORY i got it from CNN... they even testify againts him.


Edit: For those who didn't got the joke... taken from wikipedia.


Alejandro Flores


In 2010 Alejandro Flores, who was ordained a Priest in 2010 was convicted of the continual sexual molestation of a pre-pubescent boy since 2005.[10]

Edited by cripito
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Did you knew agape was an altar boy in chicago? He and psirebral knew very well Rev Alejandro Flores.. TRUE HISTORY i got it from CNN... they even testify againts him.


Edit: For those who didn't got the joke... taken from wikipedia.


Alejandro Flores


In 2010 Alejandro Flores, who was ordained a Priest in 2010 was convicted of the continual sexual molestation of a pre-pubescent boy since 2005.[10]


Although I get you were posting this in jest, I don't think that it is appropriate or funny. These were trusted people who betrayed that trust to scar many kids for the rest of their lives. Being a father

, people like that are my worst nightmare.

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would def b nice if the world could handle reality without having to b entertained by it :) id rather it be out there as entertainment than not at all but ya this world is having a hard time getting over the hump, even with all the obtainable knowledge/wisdom out there we still can't get on the right track, eek :)


an ok song, not all the the lyrics r perfect (no such thing as perfect in this life) but the beat/melody and chorus arent too bad imo :) is for those who may use music from time to time as an inspiration tool :) i dont listen to it much but i was listening to it just after posting this so i figured id share it , why not right :)



shorter verion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQXVzg2PiZw

Edited by TrueEquality
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would def b nice if the world could handle reality without having to b entertained by it :) id rather it be out there as entertainment than not at all but ya this world is having a hard time getting over the hump, even with all the obtainable knowledge/wisdom out there we still can't get on the right track, eek :)


an ok song, not all the the lyrics r perfect (no such thing as perfect in this life) but the beat/melody and chorus arent too bad imo :) is for those who may use music from time to time as an inspiration tool :) i dont listen to it much but i was listening to it just after posting this so i figured id share it , why not right :)



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r u trying to say im a trainwreck or went way off course with this thread? if so it's just your opinion, lucky for me i lost faith in others logic a long time ago, i still have hope though, i also try to stay open minded (no explanation in your post) and i wish all the best :) Edited by TrueEquality
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r u trying to say im a trainwreck or went way off course with this thread? if so it's just your opinion, lucky for me i lost faith in others logic a long time ago, i still have hope though, i also try to stay open minded (no explanation in your post) and i wish all the best :)


No I meant derail. Your post made me laugh because it had nothing to do with the rest of the thread. :D then again considering what this thread is about (nothing) it is probably a good thing.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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