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Opinions about built in chat


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Wondering what people would think about BW adding a built in voip to warzone groups. It would help balance pugs against premades and improve overall group work. Other games do it like Halo etc i cant see why not here. They could even have a range of audio for pve where anyone within your characters audible range could here you so you could talk to people near by etc. Could have options for guild chat etc all built into the game.


Could also have it where the opposing team can hear you within the audible range for some trash talking :). I understand there will be people that abuse the system but that happens in every console game, and its never a problem so i don't see why that would be here.

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In a way I'd like it, because of the increased communication in pugs. But there would need to be a solid method in place to kick idiots out of it, like a vote kick. Otherwise people will turn the ops group into a captive audience to their stupidity.
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Totally YES both for PvP and PvE. It would be great! However this ingame voice communicator must have several features to made it usable: we must have an option to turn it off, we have to have an option to see who's talking(like a speaker icon on group list?), we have to have mute button, people on ignore list are muted automatically.

I hate setting up teamspeak or mumble and I hate the fact I have to alt-tab to see who is the annoying one to mute(the plugin to see communications in game seems not to work for me).

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