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EA "pleased" with SWTOR Ftplay so far..... worth millions, they say.


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I don't know about you, but I get a bonus 700 cartel coins every month. Or if you want to play semantics, I get a loyalty reward of 700 cartel coins every month. Either way, it proves you wrong.


If there was any marginal untility in those CC coins then I would agree with you. But since it doesn't your statement as to the validity of my opionion is to quote you "wrong". For me those CC coins are collecting dust. Now if they let me sell my CC coins for real $$ I would be more than happy to do so. Right now they are so much rubbish because there is nothing in the Store worth buying. They need to move to a PLEX system. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Actually, it's not a "bonus". It would be a "loyalty reward" for being a subscriber. But, that is not how EA works its Freemium model. The EA Freemium model is a "penalty" model. It penalizes people for not subscribing ( which is ironic given their stance on subscriptions) and gives NOTHING to subscribers for loyalty. There are other models ( the $oE model for instance ) that gives the basic game away for free but "incentivizes" subscribers for the fee. The "incentive" model would serve EA better in the long run but, EA is not long term minded (at least where it comes to the "health" of their MMORPG properties). EA is about nickling and diming and grabbing as much up front and moving on to the next property. Hey their not gouging ... but, their charging. :cool:


I disagree. There is more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak (Please, nobody go out and skin any cats. Cats are great!). Just because you don't agree with their strategy, that does not mean that it is wrong. And, "loyalty reward" is the same thing as "bonus." Any item provided to me that I do not have to quest/play for or buy from the CM is, in fact, free. Why? Because the agreement that I accepted upon subscribing was not dependent on being provided with extra loot. EA and Bioware do not owe me anything other than access to the games features. Do I like the extra goodies? Sometimes. But they are not necessary and typically just take up inventory space.


Also, will you please correct the grammar in that little tag line you're so fond of?

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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I disagree. There is more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak (Please, nobody go out and skin any cats. Cats are great!). Just because you don't agree with their strategy, that does not mean that it is wrong. And, "loyalty reward" is the same thing as "bonus." Any item provided to me that I do not have to quest/play for or buy from the CM is, in fact, free. Why? Because the agreement that I accepted upon subscribing was not dependent on being provided with extra loot. EA and Bioware do not owe me anything other than access to the games features. Do I like the extra goodies? Sometimes. But they are not necessary and typically just take up inventory space.


Also, will you please correct the grammar in that little tag line you're so fond of?


Well calling them any sort of "bonus" is pretty Orwellian.


Before the CM, all additions to the game were included with the price of subscription, now they are not. They don't give you enough "free" points to come anywhere close to buying all the things that should have been free to subscribers in the first place. Calling it a "discount" might be accurate, but that would be a rather generous description.


It's like your favorite pizza joint giving you a bonus coupon for $2 off, and then charging you $5 for the pepperoni that used to be included for free. It's not a bonus, it's a price increase with a discount to make you feel like you are getting something other than screwed.

Edited by CosmicKat
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Well calling them any sort of "bonus" is pretty Orwellian.


Before the CM, all additions to the game were included with the price of subscription, now they are not. They don't give you enough "free" points to come anywhere close to buying all the things that should have been free to subscribers in the first place. Calling it a "discount" might be accurate, but that would be a rather generous description.


It's like your favorite pizza joint giving you a bonus coupon for $2 off, and then charging you $5 for the pepperoni that used to be included for free. It's not a bonus, it's a price increase with a discount to make you feel like you are getting something other than screwed.


What? Everything that would have been included in the sub is still included in the sub. Cartel items are extra stuff and you do not need them. They give me 700 coins per month for me to get free stuff that I don't need, but might like.

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What? Everything that would have been included in the sub is still included in the sub. Cartel items are extra stuff and you do not need them. They give me 700 coins per month for me to get free stuff that I don't need, but might like.


Not really. Most if not all of the CM items already existed before the CM did, they just weren't actually in the game, or had previously been in the game and were removed prior to launch. You are paying for stuff developed months before the CM was even on the radar.

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Not really. Most if not all of the CM items already existed before the CM did, they just weren't actually in the game, or had previously been in the game and were removed prior to launch. You are paying for stuff developed months before the CM was even on the radar.


Proof? So you think they had a ton of outfits and pets just lying around with no use planned for them? Either way, the point still stands that its cosmetic stuff only. Its not like we had to pay for the new Ops or WZs.

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Proof? So you think they had a ton of outfits and pets just lying around with no use planned for them? Either way, the point still stands that its cosmetic stuff only. Its not like we had to pay for the new Ops or WZs.


Yeah they have said several tiems that they had alot of gear already made and lined up, thats why we keep getting stupid looking gear from end game raids and pvp.

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That's...not really relevant to the topic at hand...


Yeah they have said several tiems that they had alot of gear already made and lined up, thats why we keep getting stupid looking gear from end game raids and pvp.


That is Operation/PvP gear, not Cartel gear...Once again, not relevant.

Edited by Icebergy
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If the majority of their income is from microtransactions, then they should re-do the 3 tiers of subscription and make it more attractive for their previous players who used to make up 1.7 million subscribers to come back.


Never going to happen. The modern MMO player doesn't settle on an MMO - they're almost constantly migrating once they've experienced all they care to. Even I'm committing a cardinal sin of the MMO gaming world by sticking around here - I'm paying not for what is (as I've experienced my fill), but for what I hope is to come. I'm playing for potential rather than content. I fear that once more people realize they're doing the same, once the shinies from the Cartel Shop dull, and they might finally leave.

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