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Change 6 sec cap to 8 sec cap in Ancient Hypergates


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Civil War, Voidstar, and Novare Coast each require an 8 sec capture/ bomb planting timer to obtain the objective. In Ancient Hypergates a stealther can mezz you for 8 secs. If he or she starts to instantly cap they will get the pylon unless you break mezz. Assassins specced into instant Whirlwind in madness tree or an operative's flashbang can CC you for another 8 secs which is pretty much a guaranteed capture if you're alone. The same goes for the shadow and scoundrel counter-parts. The best defense against it is to have someone with you that won't use his CC breaker on first mezz while you try to stop the capper, so you won't both be incapacitated at the same time. At least you have a fighting chance by spamming an instant attack on an 8 sec cap in the other warzones.

I understand why they did that because the node is out in the open. If that's the problem them add some obstacles. I think this should be taken into consideration.

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Stand further away from the node so that it takes them time to walk over and cap. Should give you plenty of time to interrupt, assuming there's only one attacker.


This doesn't change anything.


If found -> stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance

Not found -> cap -> found -> grapple -> cloak -> -stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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This doesn't change anything.


If found -> stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance


You missed his point completely. If you stand far enough away from the node, you won't need to use your CC breaker because it'll take longer than 8 seconds for them to run over to the node and cap.

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You missed his point completely. If you stand far enough away from the node, you won't need to use your CC breaker because it'll take longer than 8 seconds for them to run over to the node and cap.


You missed my point completely. I don't care where you stand, if I can't find you I'll just start capturing the pylon and you will be forced to reveal yourself eventually.

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You missed my point completely. I don't care where you stand, if I can't find you I'll just start capturing the pylon and you will be forced to reveal yourself eventually.


So how many times have you been ninja capped in this warzone?

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This doesn't change anything.


If found -> stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance

Not found -> cap -> found -> grapple -> cloak -> -stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance.

its ur fault for staying in the open and giving him the oportunity........1 on 1 the defender has the advantage over the stealther on every map only if ur smart enough and have ppl that will respond to ur call, because buying time is easy, if enemies have 2+ stealth and u keep 1 guard then u deserve to lose

Edited by iDraxter
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its ur fault for staying in the open and giving him the oportunity........1 on 1 the defender has the advantage over the stealther on every map only if ur smart enough, if enemies have 2+ stealth and u keep 1 guard then u deserve to lose


Hello, this is the point ... 2 stealthers have the advantage and if you keep 2 guards those 2 stealthers can go to mid and get kills and your own team is outnumbered. Stealth is enough of an advantage and a 6 second cap time is just trolling and needs to be fixed.

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its ur fault for staying in the open and giving him the oportunity........1 on 1 the defender has the advantage over the stealther on every map only if ur smart enough, if enemies have 2+ stealth and u keep 1 guard then u deserve to lose




I've found most success when having another assassin guildie go with me to ninja. He is also a tank and more often times than not, he will draw them away from the node and I'll back cap because the defenders tunnel vision him and don't look back. Other times, one of us just stays stealthed and re mezzes as the other caps. It's ridiculously easy and effective when there is only one defender. It's not the class' fault, its your team. Always leave 2 defenders.

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Hello, this is the point ... 2 stealthers have the advantage and if you keep 2 guards those 2 stealthers can go to mid and get kills and your own team is outnumbered. Stealth is enough of an advantage and a 6 second cap time is just trolling and needs to be fixed.

Stealth is an advantage on ALL wz map no doubt there, u are forced to keep 2 guards if enemy has 2 stealth yes it hurts ur control over mid but 2 stealth vs 1 guard is a 100% cap unless ur solo guard is a stealth himself

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Hello, this is the point ... 2 stealthers have the advantage and if you keep 2 guards those 2 stealthers can go to mid and get kills and your own team is outnumbered. Stealth is enough of an advantage and a 6 second cap time is just trolling and needs to be fixed.


So, I take you got angry over being ninja-capped?


Protip#1: if enemy has stealthers, don't solo-guard pylon.


Protip#2: Put someone on guard with cc immunity skill


Protip#3: if you are forced to solo-guard for whatever reason, stand 30ish meters from the pylon. That way a stealther have to come in 10m range to sleep you, then walk back tp pylon--> he won't be able to cap before stun is over.



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#1 there should be 2 guards or a stealth guard.


#2 you have to stand more than 10m from the node to make that kind of thing harder.


#3 pay attention to your surroundings.


I like the cap how it is. Otherwise everyone abandons the pylon.


Agreed. I solo guard this all the time as dps and its not terribly hard. Don't stand anywhere near the point, you want to be far enough away where you cant get sapped and capped. Always have your location and inc ready in your chat for when you do get sapped I always assume there will be another one trying. I see most of the attempts close to the 30 sec left and if your team will win and the only way to lose is to get double capped usually someone will hang back for the extra defense.

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Agreed. I solo guard this all the time as dps and its not terribly hard. Don't stand anywhere near the point, you want to be far enough away where you cant get sapped and capped. Always have your location and inc ready in your chat for when you do get sapped I always assume there will be another one trying. I see most of the attempts close to the 30 sec left and if your team will win and the only way to lose is to get double capped usually someone will hang back for the extra defense.


Cycao told you foolz all that needs to be said


Mods, just close this thread now! /thread.

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Well; just because there is a strategy that can work, doesn't mean this should be a game about countering stealth, mezzes and stuns. If their intention is for us to actually FIGHT for the node rather than stand there playing hide and seek; it should be raised to 8 seconds. If their intention is to have so much focus on ninja and ninja countering of the node, then they should leave it be. Edited by Technohic
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Well; just because there is a strategy that can work, doesn't mean this should be a game about countering stealth, mezzes and stuns. If their intention is for us to actually FIGHT for the node rather than stand there playing hide and seek; it should be raised to 8 seconds. If their intention is to have so much focus on ninja and ninja countering of the node, then they should leave it be.


So there is a strategy that works... what's the problem then? This wz I think is actually about making your team to think and prioritize defense and offense appropriately. If they would raise it to 8 sec all it would be about is massacre at mid, no thanks. The 6 sec cap time makes sure you have to actually THINK who should be guarding the node, where, and how. They have stealthers? Put 2 damn guards on the node and problem solved. People refuse to guard? Then the problem is with your team, not the system.

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So there is a strategy that works... what's the problem then? This wz I think is actually about making your team to think and prioritize defense and offense appropriately. If they would raise it to 8 sec all it would be about is massacre at mid, no thanks. The 6 sec cap time makes sure you have to actually THINK who should be guarding the node, where, and how. They have stealthers? Put 2 damn guards on the node and problem solved. People refuse to guard? Then the problem is with your team, not the system.


What I am saying is; it depends on what the developers point of the match is. I have a feeling it was to fight at the middle and get orbs, but that doesn't seem to be exactly how it worked out. If I recall; I think they said a long time ago, it would be sort of a TDM style map.

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You missed my point completely. I don't care where you stand, if I can't find you I'll just start capturing the pylon and you will be forced to reveal yourself eventually.


No, your point that I quoted was pretty clear:


If found -> stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance


The problem with that logic is when the defender is far enough away that even if you “stealth cc” them you will not be able to cap the node before that CC wears off.


Now for your other scenario:


Not found -> cap -> found -> grapple -> cloak -> -stealth cc -> cap -> forces cc breaker -> instant whirlwind -> cap -> /dance.


If you can pull off this perfect storm of an event without them CCing you first, knocking you back, moving out of range, pulling you to them, then you deserve to get the cap. Overall, this is a very unlikely scenario.


In the end if you’re standing right on top of the node, you deserve to get sap capped. Standing 20-30 meters away from the node will prevent most sap caps from happening. If there are two steathers, then yeah, that would be hard to counter with a single defender, but that would be true with an 8 second cap too.

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If you can pull off this perfect storm of an event without them CCing you first, knocking you back, moving out of range, pulling you to them, then you deserve to get the cap. Overall, this is a very unlikely scenario.


In the end if you’re standing right on top of the node, you deserve to get sap capped. Standing 20-30 meters away from the node will prevent most sap caps from happening. If there are two steathers, then yeah, that would be hard to counter with a single defender, but that would be true with an 8 second cap too.


Not to mention that a pull + mez will fill your resolve.

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ok just to be clear if hiding behind cover is hard for some ppl then the most SIMPLE tactic in a 1 guard v 1 stealth scenario is stay at 31+meters from pylon if he mind mezzes u and force speeds to cap it u don t need to break that CC u will come out before he s half way capped at this point just make that 1 step into 30 meters range and leap or simple attack if ur a ranged class, he will instant whirlwind u now? so what u have ur CC breaker and the day is saved, unlike civil war where u can hide behind the node to cap it, the pylon has 0 cover to offer to the capper Edited by iDraxter
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one issue with the map that I see is the color choice for the pylon and capping beam. If one is color blind it is almost impossible to see someone capping if they stand in the middle of the pylon and cap.

This could be easy to fix if they made the pylon have "walls" so a toon would have to cap on the outside of it.

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You missed my point completely. I don't care where you stand, if I can't find you I'll just start capturing the pylon and you will be forced to reveal yourself eventually.


I will help a lot of people translate what this means:


"Hello guys, I want this game to cater to myself, a bad player. If I have to actually work for something in this game, then they should change it because I don't want to adapt. God forbid, I actually have to search for a player who is stealthed, that takes too much time and effort".


"Even though you're right about standing further away to prevent ninja caps, I wouldn't want to do that because then I would actually have to move foward and attack you to prevent the cap".


"Bioware, please increase the cap time by 2 seconds.... us players who don't have common sense need to be catered to. I don't want to adapt because I shouldn't have to". i don't understand what I am doing wrong.... I keep standing on this node to make sure that nobody is going to cap it, and a person CC's me and caps it. I won't dare move to a further location because then they won't cap it, however, it would require movement of some sort".

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