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Will sorcerers die?


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Okay I get that sorcerers are suppose to be flimsy and all, but why are they like the worst class in the game. The only thing they can do is heal. Sorcerers have been nerfed at least 3 times already. And why do I say this? :confused:


1. You get the worst defense in the game. While other classes have medium armor or stealth, we get the wonderful 2k protection of static barrier! Wow amazing! You're dead 1 second later. Not to mention they only have 1-2 main stuns.

2. Worst skills. Now you are like wait, that is not true. But look: Many bosses have force immunities. Also in pvp, well you are screwed because it seems just about every other class has force damage/ability removal skills or temporary immunities to it. Also their best abilities have cast times which can always be interrupted.

3. Worst dps of all of the dps classes. Yes they can heal, but I want to do something BESIDES THAT. What good is a character that will die almost instantly if they can't even do the most damage. :p

4. Obviously... worst pvp class in the game. And no, you can't even heal then.

5. Worst mobility. You would think force speed would fix this issue. NOPE, in order to make yourself 'useful', you have to stand in the same spot forever, while the enemy runs around you, either interrupting you or forcing your attacks to cancel. Oh yeah almost forgot, then you die.

6. After you lose all of your force, your dead. There is no way to regain your force (yes other than waiting), besides taking away your health at the cost of slower force regeneration.

7. Why the .... is this class the only one that moves while it is regenerating its health and force. Who was the person who came up with Seethe? Did you know it will cancel and say fail if your character steps on a crack or something. And no, Jedi Consulars do not move then they recuperate while they are suppose to be mirrored classes, nor do any other classes. And yes YOU CAN DIE FROM THIS: falling off a ledge, your pvp enemy sees you moving while you are hiding and failing to regenerate, you try to regenerate near a wall but fail and then destroy your keyboard. :mad:

----- The worst part is that they will probably be nerfed again because people seem to think they are still OP. Yes, the shiny lightning looks intimidating, but its not that scary if you look at it more carefully. :eek:


Now what is the point of all of this? I want sorcerers to get some major buffs when the level cap goes up to lvl 55. I also do not want sorcerers to be nerfed anymore. I want some sort of advantage over some class in some form, examples: DPS may be good, faster character, can absorb health from others, make static barrier stronger. Could please, please, something be done?

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In every game I have pvp'ed a healing class in, no dps was able to kill a healer 1 on 1. Of course the healer could not kill the dps either. Usually it takes 2, sometimes even 3 dps to kill a healer in pvp. In SWTOR, any dps or tank can easily kill a sorc healer quickly. It's ridiculous. Half or more of the healing I do in pvp is trying to keep my sorc healer alive and it is so flimsy and the heals so meager compared to dps attacks that it is just silly. The only solution I have is to shelve the character until they fix it. So I have to agree with the OP, this is a sorry excuse for a character which should be fun to play. I absolutely hate playing my sorc healer in pvp. Won't do it. Smuggler or Operative can keep a sorc completely stunned and dead inside of 2-4 seconds. The sorc knows it, the smugglers and operatives know it, which is why they target sorcs. It begs the question, why doesn't BW know it? Or if they do, they do nothing? This is supposed to be pvp? No, there are too many other opportunities to have fun gaming to put up with that nonsense. Edited by MotorCityMan
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I want Darkness to have burst damage withour sacrificing it's tanking capabilities and my Sin to have the Sorcerer's Absorb so I don't need a pocket-healer to tank anything in the game.



...we all want stuff.


Attempting to hastily generalize the issue to "we all want stuff" is an obvious logical fallacy. The topic is sorc pvp survivability and nothing in this post addresses that issue. Apparently your point is, if you had one, is that since you want things and don't have them, then no one should have things they want. Isn't that special.

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Stop crying, sorcerer is far not the worst class. Pretty impopular in rwzs, but great in unranked wzs. Merc is way worse atm. While sorc has chances to 1v1 every other class even in open duel. When it comes to wzs (loads of LOS obstacles) madness sorcerer usually has better chances against everyone. Lightning is garbage though, just don't play it in wzs while sorcs have 2 pretty much playable dps specs Edited by glocklB
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Quit scolding like an old matron. Whether or not mercs are worse doesn't doesn't help sorcs and nothing to do with the issues raised by the OP. Madness hardly has the time and space to kite around an opponent like they do in a duel. Corruption sorcs have no chance 1 on 1. I have other games and classes I would much rather play. In any event, I think the OP made some good points.


L2P is a worn out forum troll patronizing gimmick.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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sounds like L2P issue.

run madness tree for pvp, lightning is more for pve (unless you are like some merc fanatics who want same setup for pve and pvp and win 1vs2 and refuse to adapt to reality).

force managment for most fights is pretty simple, unless you spam dots every gcd.

you are mobile while reappling dots (plus snare), force run and spam lightning again.

you are turret class, and cast autoslow from your main attack.

if you want turret class with protection from leaps and interrupts? go sniper

want to move while attack? go PT or Assasin (or lethality sniper).

Sorcs are good there are plenty of guides, use search option.

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sounds like L2P issue.

run madness tree for pvp, lightning is more for pve (unless you are like some merc fanatics who want same setup for pve and pvp and win 1vs2 and refuse to adapt to reality).

force managment for most fights is pretty simple, unless you spam dots every gcd.

you are mobile while reappling dots (plus snare), force run and spam lightning again.

you are turret class, and cast autoslow from your main attack.

if you want turret class with protection from leaps and interrupts? go sniper

want to move while attack? go PT or Assasin (or lethality sniper).

Sorcs are good there are plenty of guides, use search option.


For the love of God stop speaking useless bullshts!. We all know ( yes I speak about people who plays sorcerers actually) that sorcerers are worst class in game, Even mercs are better than him. **** and go away and enjoy ur smash while u stilll can!

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For the love of God stop speaking useless bullshts!. We all know ( yes I speak about people who plays sorcerers actually) that sorcerers are worst class in game, Even mercs are better than him. **** and go away and enjoy ur smash while u stilll can!


if they are worst, why u play it?

as I do respec to smash if my pvp team has to many tanks, my main spec on jugg is hybrid tank.

Maybe your problem is you play 'only sorcerer' and don't know other classes.

grass is always greener on the other side and all players want to buff their class. guess what. I play all of them (some got deleted tho)

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if they are worst, why u play it?

as I do respec to smash if my pvp team has to many tanks, my main spec on jugg is hybrid tank.

Maybe your problem is you play 'only sorcerer' and don't know other classes.

grass is always greener on the other side and all players want to buff their class. guess what. I play all of them (some got deleted tho)


As I said **** from this forum 0/10

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If you love the class but are struggling with it in PvP please check out my stream. I play a 2500 Rated DPS sorc on The Harbinger.




Feel free to stop by and ask me questions during the stream. My main goal of the stream is to promote PvP for my server but I always offer advice to sorcerers who ask or seem to be struggling with their class. There is also a thread of mine on the Sorcerer forums that I will bump so that people can discuss sorc gameplay as well.

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I want Darkness to have burst damage withour sacrificing it's tanking capabilities and my Sin to have the Sorcerer's Absorb so I don't need a pocket-healer to tank anything in the game.



...we all want stuff.


Difference is, Assassin tanks are pretty much fine where they are. There's no arguing that Sorcerer is the worst class at the moment.


I love the Sorcerer playstyle and will continue to play it, but I can safely say out of every class i've played and gotten to a decent level, it is by far the worst.


Why give a class a DPS tree if it's absolutely useless with it? Sure it can pull high numbers at the end of a game, but that means nothing if you can't actually kill anyone. As for the argument that I often see 'if sorcs are left alone they can do very high damage' I'm almost certain this applies to any DPS class, infact even tanks and healers.




Stop crying, sorcerer is far not the worst class. Pretty impopular in rwzs, but great in unranked wzs. Merc is way worse atm. While sorc has chances to 1v1 every other class even in open duel. When it comes to wzs (loads of LOS obstacles) madness sorcerer usually has better chances against everyone. Lightning is garbage though, just don't play it in wzs while sorcs have 2 pretty much playable dps specs


No, Sorcerers are popular because they used to be good. As for Mercs being worse I strongly disagree. As weak as you think pyro tree is, I'm pretty sure it can easily hammer a Sorcerer into the ground.


if they are worst, why u play it?

as I do respec to smash if my pvp team has to many tanks, my main spec on jugg is hybrid tank.

Maybe your problem is you play 'only sorcerer' and don't know other classes.

grass is always greener on the other side and all players want to buff their class. guess what. I play all of them (some got deleted tho)


Also not the case. I have several 50s and can safely say that; Snipers are perfectly balanced, I'm pretty happy where my Assassin is, Vanguard is decent. Juggernaut/Gaurdian are also fine, though I don't play those because i'm forced to play smash and it's pretty lame. Sorcerer and Operative on the other hand, capable of healing, yes, DPS trees are absolutely awful though.

Edited by Jayshames
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In every game I have pvp'ed a healing class in, no dps was able to kill a healer 1 on 1. Of course the healer could not kill the dps either. Usually it takes 2, sometimes even 3 dps to kill a healer in pvp. In SWTOR, any dps or tank can easily kill a sorc healer quickly. It's ridiculous. Half or more of the healing I do in pvp is trying to keep my sorc healer alive and it is so flimsy and the heals so meager compared to dps attacks that it is just silly. The only solution I have is to shelve the character until they fix it. So I have to agree with the OP, this is a sorry excuse for a character which should be fun to play. I absolutely hate playing my sorc healer in pvp. Won't do it. Smuggler or Operative can keep a sorc completely stunned and dead inside of 2-4 seconds. The sorc knows it, the smugglers and operatives know it, which is why they target sorcs. It begs the question, why doesn't BW know it? Or if they do, they do nothing? This is supposed to be pvp? No, there are too many other opportunities to have fun gaming to put up with that nonsense.


I enjoy my sorc healer in PVP (solo q normal warzones). I don't find them horribad as some players are saying. Maybe you just have to learn how to play it better. Fyi, if you are being focus fired, and standing there trying to outheal the incoming damage from a PT and/or Sniper and/or Marauder, you are going to die. Run around, kite and be mobile.......

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Stop crying, sorcerer is far not the worst class. Pretty impopular in rwzs, but great in unranked wzs. Merc is way worse atm. While sorc has chances to 1v1 every other class even in open duel. When it comes to wzs (loads of LOS obstacles) madness sorcerer usually has better chances against everyone. Lightning is garbage though, just don't play it in wzs while sorcs have 2 pretty much playable dps specs


glad we're great in wz's that dont matter


sorcs need a slight dmg buff across the board

when a 31 pt talent, which is single target and has a 2s activation time cant hit as hard as an aoe, instant ability which can have its cooldown well under 10s with reactive abilites then something is wrong, especially when the class is also the squishiest


cloud mind needs to be turned into a defensive cooldown, plain and simple

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Easy solution for corruption: Up the hps on Dark Infusion fore more healing while left alone. Make dark heal instant so we get some mobility while healing... Its silly that the squishiest healer has the least mobility. Will also make us use DH. Its not worth it (heal/energy/time) as it is now.


Easy solution for lightning: More damage on Force lightning wich means mor dps while left alone, but its easy to interrupt due to its obviousness (its hard not to notice that lightning). Make lightning strike instant for more mobility.


Easy solution for madness: Up the dps and reduce the ticks on affliction (shorter duration but higher damage, since the time it takes to do full damage is ridiculos... who lives or dont get purged for 15 seconds?) and make crushing darkness instant for more mobility.

Edited by Frakkensteinse
Easyier to understand
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Easy solution for corruption: Up the hps on Dark Infusion fore more healing while left alone. Make dark heal instant so we get some mobility while healing... Its silly that the squishiest healer has the least mobility. Will also make us use DH. Its not worth it (heal/energy/time) as it is now.


Easy solution for lightning: More damage on Force lightning wich means mor dps while left alone, but its easy to interrupt due to its obviousness (its hard not to notice that lightning). Make lightning strike instant for more mobility.


Easy solution for madness: Up the dps and reduce the ticks on affliction (shorter duration but higher damage, since the time it takes to do full damage is ridiculos... who lives or dont get purged for 15 seconds?) and make crushing darkness instant for more mobility.


You do think pvp only right? upping sorc and sages HPS will neutralize to the bone operatives and merc healers in raids.

all of your propositions to increace dps and hps will make progression operations inquisitor/consular only, will help assassins/shadows in their high enouth burst (I'm thinking mind crush/crushing darnkess to be instant without proc), and will NOT change how fast you die on pvp as a sorcerer.


added: to back up my words, look at mercenary/commando. easy as ***** 18 yo girl rotation, and high dps doesn't make them pvp gods, if anything, they are first to shut down right after healers.

Edited by Atramar
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Sorry, but yes mostly I was thinking pvp...

But anyway I thought this thread was about how to make Sorcs more viable not mercs and op healers.


I havent reaally played healer for thoose classes so I have to ask this: Do they (ops/mercs) have less hps than sorcs in pve as it is today? In PVP they seem to do quite well both on individual healing and area healing. The one thing that really makes sorcs stand out in PVE (AFAIK) is the area-heal (only full corruption specced sorcs). All other heals seem to me to be less effective (heal/energy/time) than Ops/Mercs. But maybe I have missed something? Do anyone have some parsed combat log stas so that we can compare? Could be interesting.


I can also say that my suggestions werent made to make sorcs survive longer in any form of 2-1 (focused target) PVPsituation, its more a way to make them more mobile while working and thus be on par with other classes dps and hps-wise

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I want Darkness to have burst damage withour sacrificing it's tanking capabilities and my Sin to have the Sorcerer's Absorb so I don't need a pocket-healer to tank anything in the game.



...we all want stuff.


An assassin asking for anything is comical.


Though the OP is pretty off on some of his assessments, Sorc's still remain in a pretty terrible place and that's something a lot of people agree with. (The class feedback thread for sorcs is a broken record at this point about the state of the class in pvp) Merc's are also in the same boat but the main difference between them is the sorcs are targeted first due to "big number" syndrome.


The only thing I would hope for with the Makeb patch coming is that Bioware realizes that they need to step their game up in the "balance" department. They can look at Marauders/Sentinels and realize that's how it should be: Each tree viable for PVP, Each bringing it's own unique strengths/weaknesses and the class itself has the defensive CD's it needs to be able to help survive during a game. (Not to mention team support buffs). If every class in the game was on the same level across the board, balance might be a little tighter.

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Yes they have been gimped since 1.2 and while other classes have been buffed and have something called burst damage and defensive cooldowns Sorc/Sages have none we are the only class in the game who have light armor the weakest of all physical damage reduction. The only tree with decent force management is Lightning but it has no burst damage or and a poor 31 point talent . Force Lightning it's largest base damage spell is reduced by armor due to it being energy based with only a 6% bonus to damage and a long cooldown and heavy force use.

Even with the 50% bonus crit damage the spell is still lack luster only hitting for low 4k range while smash hits in upwards of 7k.


The frontal cone overload instead of AOE and reductioning electrocute from 30 meters to 10 were two nerfs that the class really didn't need. The class needs an increase in damage across the board. Give madness a stackinbg buff like assassins have onforce lighning where shock increases the bonus damage by 25% and at three stacks we are healed for 2% of the damage immune to interupt this is not a huge change but would give us some much need burst that would still require a ramp up time. Give our shocks the same bonus as assasins 15% to base or 50% bonus to crit with a stacking buff x2 of 15% per stack (some form of this not all of them) currently it has 6%.


Assassins get a passive buff that increases shock damage and endurance we have no passive buffs to anything damage related or endurance


Will the class die ? Yes if Bioware does nothing to change it's current state..

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I don't think you know how to play this class. When im playing my sorc im unbeatable unless im under focus fire! Its all about using your surroundings. Moving while applying dots or hitting shock. Then spam chain lightning if possible and you will wreck havic. L2P or go reroll!
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I don't think you know how to play this class. When im playing my sorc im unbeatable unless im under focus fire! Its all about using your surroundings. Moving while applying dots or hitting shock. Then spam chain lightning if possible and you will wreck havic. L2P or go reroll!


Yeah, I'm generally agreeing with this, I'm usually one of the more competitive members of any pug team I join. And that's no matter whether or not I'm heals / bubbles, full madness, bubbles / hybrid dps, or whatever.


This crap about survivability seems to stem from a lack of understanding or ability to use crowd control properly. I mean, if I'm 0/23/18 I have so much crazy CC at my disposal... I'm easily one of the most annoying elements on the field. If they're not focus firing me, they're doing it wrong because I'm going to endlessly slow them down and interrupt them.


Learn to play the class, it is really quite amusing once you do.

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