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Need help with Credits and Skill Tree, Please Help. :)


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Hey there, I don't post to the forums very often but I am sort of confused and need more help than I am receiving in the in-game chat.


*Just as a heads up | My Main is a Lvl 32 Sith Juggernaut.*


1.) I have seen (on my friends accounts and in /trade chat) people talking like 100 K + credits isn't anything at all. I may not be a "hardcore" gamer but neither are my friends. I used to play WoW and had several Lvl 80 and 85 characters, but I never managed to make much gold, in the same sense as I am now playing Swtor I am unable to make a lot of credits. I used to have a Lvl 50 on my account but it was my brother's and he used to send my characters credits from time to time, but he stopped playing and deleted his character. I am not very good at making credits via the GTN (trust me I've tried farming and selling, blah blah blah) but it took a long time, and generally didn't make too much.


1.) [QUESTION HERE] | How can I make more credits, faster?



2.) I have never really "specialized" in anything before, generally just doing solos and button mashing for DPS. However now that I am getting more involved in my guild and doing more group quests, I feel like I am just a burden on the rest of the party. I don't really know how to use the "skill tree", I know you're supposed to pick one "branch" and go with it, but I don't really know how to play as a Tank or a Healer, I am good at doing Damage, but I am sick and tired of dying all the time! I have been doing my class quests and always seem to die on the way to the actual objective, not to mention dying a lot during the objective. I want to be able to take more hits before I die, I guess I want to be more "Tank-like". My brother's old character had 24 K HP, how do I get ridiculous numbers like that? Note* : My main isn't a Lvl 50 so I am obviously not able to get that much, but still want more than 8 K. I understand that if I buy adaptable armor and put mods and enhancements into it, I get a better armor rating, but it doesn't seem to affect my HP at all (or if so just slightly).


2.) [QUESTION HERE] | How can I make my Endurance and Armor go up a lot?



Thank You very much for dealing with my ranting, I hope you are able to help me. :)

Please take your time, I am (I guess you could say "simple-minded") not to say I am not intelligent, I mean I did score a 140 on my IQ test, and a 1875 on my SAT, but I guess this just doesn't *click* like academics, lol.



a Hopeful Student of MMORPGs

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1. Research on the GTN for which crafting materials sell for much more per unit than it costs you to acquire them. Then get some. Sell some. Bang. Profit! (this assumes you have the necessary crew skill. Scavenging and bioanalysis are the easiest.)


2. For simplicity - Pick one skill tree, and put all your skill points into it to start. Then see what abilities you have, and try using them out. All of them. You will soon learn which ones are best used in certain situations, and which ones REQUIRE other situations to use. For example: Juggernaut, many of your damage skills require you to build rage first. So learn the best way to build rage. Check the tooltips when you're mousing over the skills. Go kill npc's, and figure out how to chain the skills together.


Endurance and armor? Press escape - preferences - user interface - tooltips - make sure all the boxes are checked. Any time you get an item for loot, you will see if it is better than what you have by mousing over it:; stat by stat breakdown. Focus all your stats into endurance and whatever your mainstat (it's the highest one other than endurance) is for your class by only equipping items which raise these two stats. Ignore all other stats completely until you learn how to to what I said above about skills.


3. Learn to use Google. It will help you much more than anyone on the forums ever will.


4. Practice, practice, practice. Do anything, even if it's wrong, until you learn how to do it right.

Edited by Uber_the_Goober
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lets see 1st question i can't answer easily however i can say that once you hit 50 and start doing dailies the credits will start rolling in. you can make a minimum of 250k/day just by doing dailies at 50...


now about skill trees. basically depending on your role (dps in your case i guess) you want to choose one main skill tree depending on your playstyle but you will generally expand slightly into the other skill trees


Thats a quick build i made(not great with juggers so someone check that for me)

which will hopefully maximise your dps.


now as for health. when soloing use you healing companion(if you have one at your level) and you should dish out enough dps to kill mobs before you die(remember to use saber ward)


so for mods/armorings you want things which give +strength and +endurance. and critical chance

for enhancements go +endurance and +critical chance.

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1. Credits get more plentiful when you're 50. If you want more as a low level, don't craft, take three gathering skills (including slicing) and sell the mats.


2. Your HP and armor will improve when you have better mods and better gear. Use orange gear with blue (or ideally purple) mods in them in all slots, not quest-reward greens. Make sure you buy guardian armorings when available.

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I started on a new server with amercenary who is now lvl 35 and has around 125k or so on Taris. He makes his own armour, up to blue quality and for his companion and it is pretty up to date except for my boots (29) that will get replaced at 37. I do nearly all the quests and H2+ but rarely the bonus series but no WZ/FP's


I vendor everything I pick up unless it is a BOE orange/purple/a schematic I don't hold and usually pick commendation rewards unless the reward is a weapon. This way when I reach the planet level (example 35 for Taris) I use my commendations on my orange gear. People say put greens/blues on the GTN but I cannot be bothered.


I've all my skills and never bought/sold anything from the GTN except for an adaptive speeder at level 15 for 8K.


I don't unlock any legacies apart from reducing the 'away time' for my companions welling greys and have yet to buy any inventory space. I do however have the account wide unlock on my cargo bay so have 2 partitions of space there.


You don't need that amount of endurance/armour for dailies. I used to run the Section-X dailies on my gunslinger with 17k and using a healer never died doing any of the soloing dailies. You need to use your damage reduction/interupts/stuns when necessary but with a healer (your juggernaut has Quinn) you should have little problem. Just watch out for wandering elites and you should be ok.

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1. Pick a set of crew skills. Synthweaving, Archaeology and Underworld Trading would be good for you, as Vette gets a bonus with Underworld Trading. Each time you send your companions out on Underworld Trading missions you get a chance at a schematic drop. Some of these schematics sell for as much as 175k (mostly rare belts and bracers) on the GTN, but even with just average drops you can easily start your fortune well before level 50. Not to mention that you can learn those schematics and craft the gear and sell those as well.


I have characters in their 20s that have more credits than my 50. I'm talking in the millions and it's all from Crew Skills and Crafting. It's really not that hard to do.


2. First off take the time to read the skills on the skill tree. Find out which pool fits your play style best and then add points to the skills that buff the abilities that you use most. If you don't use a particular ability, don't bother putting points in the skill for it. If you do use it, max it out. Don't spread your points out. It won't help you as much as you might think. If you like doing damage, stick to that. And always remember to upgrade your gear. By the time you're in your 30s you should not be wearing anything green. Everything you wear should be blue or above, modable being the best choices as you can cheaply mod them out with planet commendations when ever you finish a planet series.


Hope this helps. Good luck!



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Here is the build I use for my dps juggernaught. kills things really quickly.




also, as mentioned above, use Quinn and keep him geared. he will literally save your life. Before jumping into any fights, make sure you have full health by using channel rage to regen. don't be afraid to blow your cooldowns if you get into trouble. For starters, get in the habit of using some of your cooldowns when you hit 50% health. look up some info on your class in the class forums and find a good rotation of your abilities. practice it. once you get good at it, you will probably start being able to lay off your cooldowns and be a bit more brash with your fighting.


good luck.

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The only money you need for reaching level 50 you will get automatically from quest rewards and mob kill. You only need to buy your skills, nothing more. You don't need any money apart from that. So don't worry about it. And be careful about your mission crew skills - it made me pretty poor, so just don't level it until you're level 50, it's not really necessary. When you reach lvl 50 you will have enough means to make enough credits to satisfy your needs - buying medpacs/stims, crafting mats, vanity moddable gear, removing mods from gear to put into said vanity gear, augmenting your gear.

So don't worry about money for now, you really should have enough to buy the stuff you need, which are just your skills. :)

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