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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf The Shadow/Assasin


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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay
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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay


This is SWTOR, not WoW = You can't kill people in 2 seconds with 1 button. Sorry, but you must've had WoW forums window opened in tab and by mistake misstyped this here. Have a nice day.

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On my server, we have a Jedi Shadow (tanksin) who's doing 600k+ damage in WZs on average and is nearly impossible to kill. While I do think the class is slightly overtuned for him to be able to get this kind of performance out of it, he's an exceptional player and I don't think the entire class needs to be nerfed based on the performance of 1% of players who play the class. For the average player, while the class is strong (and arguably capable of too much DPS for the amount of damage mitigation they get), it's not imbalanced.
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you people obviously are assasins or shdows yourselfs if you are so quick to ridicule. surely you know what it means to exagerate and be dramatic to prove a point but not if you cant see below NERF THE SHADOW/ASSASIN. My point being they have it all and need to be nerfed. all cc they can damage you while in a very long cc they have buble speed burst stealth and ranged ofensive and masive damage. i know there must be a noob class for ppl who cant p[lay but this is ridiculous....you cant be a stealth tank with huge damage speed and king of crowdcontrol Edited by oldscorp
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you people obviously are assasins or shdows yourselfs if you are so quick to ridicule. surely you know what it means to exagerate and be dramatic to prove a point but not if you cant see below NERF THE SHADOW/ASSASIN. My point being they have it all and need to be nerfed. all cc they can damage you while in a very long cc they have buble speed burst stealth and ranged ofensive and masive damage. i know there must be a noob class for ppl who cant p[lay but this is ridiculous....you cant be a stealth tank with huge damage speed and king of crowdcontrol


make one. learn to counter, learn to play.

if(op.isTroll()) score = 0;

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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay


^ this! :o

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I remember once I bursted someone down in 3 GCDs while running the infiltration hybrid. Shadowstrike crit for over 7200. I couldn't believe it. That plus a 4k FiB before hand put them in execute range which also critted and they were dead. I was shocked.


Course that player had super low HP and was clearly ridiculously squishy (did I mention it was a sorc?).


You can't do that to geared players (takes at least 5 or 6 GCDs) and you definitely can't do that in any of the tank hybrid specs.

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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay


2/10 - Shadows have 2 talented 30m abilities, Force in balance/Deathfield and Harnessed Shadows Tele. Throw everything else is 10m or less except Force Wave which is 15m but not really a damage dealer. If you die in 1 1/2 to 2 GCD's you should really try putting some gear on. Any gear really. with the amount of leaps, pulls and roots in this game no class should have a problem dealing with Force Speed especially the ranged classes.


you people obviously are assasins or shdows yourselfs if you are so quick to ridicule. surely you know what it means to exagerate and be dramatic to prove a point but not if you cant see below NERF THE SHADOW/ASSASIN. My point being they have it all and need to be nerfed. all cc they can damage you while in a very long cc they have buble speed burst stealth and ranged ofensive and masive damage. i know there must be a noob class for ppl who cant p[lay but this is ridiculous....you cant be a stealth tank with huge damage speed and king of crowdcontrol


First of all exaggeration is the worst way to prove a point as it makes you sound like you don't know what you are talking about, especially when there are people around that know you are making stuff up as is the case here.


Lots of CC, burst damage, long CC, bubble, speed and range. Not only are you talking about the 31/31/31 build you are also using both AC's as Shadows don't have the bubble Sages do. Let's look at the specs and see what each is capable of:


Kinetic Combat/Darkness - Out of stealth Spinning Kick/Spike, Auto-crit on Project/Shock, 5 second Resilience/force Shroud, 3 stacks Harnessed Shadows makes TktT immune to interrupts, 30m range and a small self heal, 2 slows, 1 stun, 1 combat mezz and out of combat sap, enemy pull, only real burst is possible with Force Potency/Recklessness (1.5 minute CD) Particle Accelerated/Energized Upheaval/Chain Shock Projects/Shocks, good survivablity.


Infiltration/Deception - Great burst when opening from stealth, shorter CD on Speed, additional defensive CD with Blackout (talented), very squishy, additional short mezz from Low Slash, shorter CD on Interrupt, passive speed boost, AoE damage reduction to help counter Smash/Sweep, no 30m abilities, shorter CD on Force Cloak.


27/1/13 KC/Balance Hybrid / Darkness/Madness Hybrid - Mostly the same as KC/Darkness + instant Force Lift/Whirlwind, decent instant ranged AoE damage from Force in Balance/Deathfield, good balance of damage/survivability, 1 point in Infiltration Tactics/Duplicity for procced Shadow Strike/Maul.


I haven't played Balance/Madness at level 50 so I'm not going to comment on it. When you see Shadow/Sin tanks putting up tons of damage it's most likely because they are using CD's effectively and staying alive and therefore have more uptime. Or are Infiltration.deception and have protection because believe it or not they can still use taunts. It's not an OP class and it has already received a few nerfs to the Hybrid spec and some buffs to the Infiltration/Deception spec to make it more viable. I suggest rolling one and trying it out. It's a blast to play adn gives you lots of options.

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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay



You should fight my Sin... lol

and we dont press one button, you're fighting players who keybind not click.

So with the faster reaction time and the ability to coordinate attacks to max efficient damage on a target is just easily figured out.

Instead of requesting a nerf cause you can't figure this out on your own is childish.

Follow my step 5 plan

1.Make an assassin/shadow

2. get to 50

3. reasearch best pvp build or make one that suits you.

4.Test your build (or build you pulled from the internet)



Welcome to the league of OP Elite War Hero Assassins!

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Most of their saber attacks are white damage, so heavy armor is their counter. If you are not one of these then don't face tank them...run away if necessary...their ranged attacks suck. They are hoping you stand there so they can mess you up with their cc. If their deflection buff is not available they die fast.
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My first toon and fav is a shadow but on my 45 Tank spec Knight I beat them or fight to the wire probabaly because I know the class. Make one and see what you are up against. You will be suprised at how not op they are and how a good player playing a ranged class will destroy you. We all have our point of view on who is op but after playing a little of each class I see that its not always this way and I am just playing against better players when I get trained.
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And also pick a class that you are comfortable with and build them to your style of play I never read any of the class build info that is out there. Maybe the class you are playing is not the right one for you and maybe you would do better as a tank ,try it!
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you people obviously are assasins or shdows yourselfs if you are so quick to ridicule. surely you know what it means to exagerate and be dramatic to prove a point but not if you cant see below NERF THE SHADOW/ASSASIN. My point being they have it all and need to be nerfed. all cc they can damage you while in a very long cc they have buble speed burst stealth and ranged ofensive and masive damage. i know there must be a noob class for ppl who cant p[lay but this is ridiculous....you cant be a stealth tank with huge damage speed and king of crowdcontrol


Of course we know the class and know it is not as op as YOU think it is why would we want to have the weakest class in the game . We all pvp here and we know what classes by far pull down the dps some times with 300k gap from the second most damage and it is not the tank shadow unless they have a pocket healer cmon now make one and show us you were right the whole time, you will find that you are not.

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I'm so happy to see a thread like this. Not because I think they need to be nerfed, frankly with the exception of Bubble Stun/Smash I think balance is in a better place than people want to admit. I just powerfully resent them for having no weaknesses.


High DPS? Check.

High Survivability? Check.

Melee DPS? Check.

Ranged? Check.

Speed? Check.

Knockback? Check.

Pull? Check.

Stuns? Check.

Stealth? Check.

Awesome Def CDs? Check.


I don't think they are OP. They are the true jack of all trades - master of none. But I do like the idea of them having to defend themselves on the forums for months on end... :)

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High DPS? Check.

High Survivability? Check.

Melee DPS? Check.

Ranged? Check.

Speed? Check.

Knockback? Check.

Pull? Check.

Stuns? Check.

Stealth? Check.

Awesome Def CDs? Check.

Ah, the mythical 31/31/31 build has reared its head again I see. Carry on.
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