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Blueheart's PvE Sharpshooter Guide 1.0


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I neither claimed it was right nor that it was my opinion. I did multiple searches through multiple forums regarding what other people are claiming to be seeing/testing regarding their numbers and agreeing upon. The question was asked so I gave the best possible answer I could at the time.


Like the above poster said, coming here and "calling BS" with no input is doing no help to anyone, and you won't see "proof" until a combat log is released unless you go by the word of others. What I posted may be completely off, but I'm far more likely to believe that over anything else as people ARE actually trying to test it and working with the tools we have. Bioware is unlikely to release anything stating behind-the-scenes mechanics anytime soon, as most theorycrafting with any game has been done through trial and error with combat logs and mods made by the playerbase.


However, what I posted above is far from being unorthodox to RPG's of any kind, and the fact alone that accuracy is based off of a 100 percentile system as opposed to a rating system with competing factors, such as a d20 system, leads one to believe there is some truth behind what people are claiming, or else a "100%" accuracy stat would have no real meaning and be completely misleading. That could very well be the case, but I would imagine if it were something new would have been stated regarding it.



Edit: As far as where I'm seeing these things being posted: a few offsite guild forums/sites/portals, some scattered topics on Euro forums, but mainly there are several topics with similar posts on the damage roll forums here. As I said, it's not much but at the moment it's all we have to go on until someone comes up with a better test or new tools are released.

Edited by Synavix
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Here's a quick summary of the current knowledge regarding accuracy:

  • "Ranged Accuracy" - This starts at 90% base (57% off-hand) and applies only to our base attack (Flurry of Bolts for smugglers).
  • "Tech Accuracy" - This starts at 100% base (67% for off-hand) and applies to all special abilities (everything except Flurry of Bolts).
  • Defense affects only ranged attacks, i.e. any attack whose damage numbers show up as white. Tech attacks, whose damage numbers show up as yellow, ignore the target's defense chance. Instead, tech attacks can be resisted by the target's resistance. Resistance is basically tech/force defense, but is much less prevalent on players and NPC targets than defense is.
  • All smuggler attacks which are not ranged are tech. This includes Blaster Whip, Shrap Bomb, Back Blast, etc...
  • Current testing data suggests bosses have 8-10% defense chance and 0% resistance.

For more in-depth discussion about this and other specific game mechanics, check out SithWarrior.com, the main theorycrafting site for SWTOR, covering all classes for both factions.

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Thanks for your responses, Synavix and Tibbel.


For those that may be following along, it is easy to identify which of your abilities (attacks) are ranged and which are tech based. Hit "P" on your keyboard and each ability specifies what type it is.


As I posted before, ranged attacks will show up in a bolder white color, while tech based attacks will show up as yellow.


I didn't know that tech based damage wasn't negated by any defense of the enemy, so thanks for that.


Now, if the bosses do have around 8-10% defense, wouldn't accuracy over 100% bring those numbers down??


I guess that is the crux of my question in the first place.


Thanks for the tip regarding Sithwarrior.com

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Now, if the bosses do have around 8-10% defense, wouldn't accuracy over 100% bring those numbers down?


Correct, that would put the theoretical softcap for ranged special accuracy to 108%-110% (98%-100% basic), and according to their math, second most important in stat weighting after reaching 100 surge.


I'm curious about their claim that armor debuffs do stack. I imagine it would be simple to test, and would do it myself if I could. I see a lot of people claiming the opposite. Would be nice to see some proof one way or the other if anyone has a link.

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Have we got a consensus on what our priority stats? From what I am reading it seems that it is something like this:


Cunning (no brainer)


1 - Crit

2 - Surge

3 - Accuracy


Am I right? And I also guess that once you get accuracy to 110% on Tech you don't need it any more? Or are people finding that a higher accuracy reduces armour even more?

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The above linked topic in Tibbel's signature has a pretty straightforward rundown of rough exacts. It's all best-guess in terms of actual DPS output but is pretty mathematically sound in relation to character sheet stats and diminishing returns.


1. Surge, up until ~100

2. Accuracy, up until soft cap (~8%)

3. Surge, up until ~250

4. Cunning

5. Crit, up until ~300

6. Power

7. Surge, up until ~350

8. Crit

9. Surge

10. Alacrity

11. Accuracy, beyond the soft cap


In regards to accuracy -- assuming you mean PvE -- once you hit the 8-10% to get ranged special accuracy to 108-110% it has very little effect. There are a few people claiming "tests" are showing they *are* receiving armor penetration from it still, but in general they're a small percent and most people have "proven" that is incorrect.


However, because we *do* use an offhand and our Sniper mirror class (for which that priority list was made) do not, my guess is that some accuracy above that 8-10% would still be more beneficial for us than it is for them, but likely not enough to put it above 6 or 7 on said list. With the way mod customization works, you'd simply miss out on too many other high priority stats by trying to get enough accuracy to make up for it.

Edited by Synavix
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rotation i'm using atm is:


smugglers luck (for 100%crit on charged burst)




charged burst

illegal mods


rapid fire



aimed shot


charged burst


charged burst





aimed shot



etc etc


With this rotation i have no energy issues, aimed shot is pretty much guaranteed to be 1.5 secs due to being able to proc off each of speedshots hits and you get trickshot into the rotation twice which is our highest dmg per energy point. When boss is under 30% you put quickdraw in whenever possible but never cut off a speedshot to aimshot by putting something between these, as it stands aimed shot comes off cooldown right when speedshot finishes unless you get a 2.5sec cast on it which you'd have to be unlucky to do.


I can see the idea of putting aimed shot in asap as its high dmg on a short cast if you get the proc but by putting it after speedshot you sync it up with speedshot and as i said pretty much guarantee that crit and proc.

Edited by Reinar
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I find the crit/surge > power argument quite interesting. Are we swapping out mods from the enforcer gear and putting it into our field tech gear to achieve higher levels of crit and surge as i've noticed that alot of the columi/rakatta gear is power/accuracy heavy for us. I think they should make mods available for commendations to allow us some customisation options on what we stack.
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  • 2 weeks later...
What are you calling BS on???


Anything else to "contribute" to this discussion or just going to disagree with what anyone says they believe??


While I don't believe the previous poster answered my questions, they have a right to post their opinion.


And yes, facts would go a long way towards advancing an opinion, not what the "consensus" thinks.


By the way, who is the "consensus"???


I call BS on any guides or rotations being published and then discussed.


for all any of us knows, there is some game mechanic that the spreadsheets dont know about and so cant model and the best rotations or builds are unknown.


the balls on the people writing guides must be *********** gigantic.


not that this guide even quotes spreadsheet generated figures comparing using or not using particular skills and the order of abilities.

Edited by Nireves
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question Blueheart.


First, great guide. Love the build. Given the huge boost to cunning in the sabo tree, did you put points into it right away or did you build up your SS tree first?

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I can't speak for Blueheart, but since that question seems to come up fairly often, I can give my opinion on it which is no, it's not worth it at low levels. Since the talent is percentage based, you'll get far more effect out of it at higher levels, but when you're only level 10-20 or 30 you'll see almost no difference. If you're simply leveling through questing or pve, I'd personally wait until after I get trickshot, then take the cunning, then fill in SS the rest of the way. For PvP you may want it a bit earlier, but I'd still wait until you can get quick aim to really boost your damage.


It comes down to personal preference really. I've seen some pretty valid arguments for both sides.

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I've seen a lot of people post mention of the 16/3/22 Hybrid build but no one, and I mean no one, has posted a link for the tree that show's what goes where.


The energy regen is supposed to be quite good, I'am currently using 23/16/2 which I thought was good for dps and energy but 16/3/22 is supposed to be better.


Is the Dirty Fighting tree stronger to spec in, I liked Sabotuer because of Insurrection.



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Something like this is what I see most people trying/using. Normal optional/low level talents can be moved around like always to fit your style.




As far as how good it is, a lot of people seem to swear by it, but with very little proof available, it seems to be debated down quite often. I'm personally sticking to the normal SS spec for the foreseeable future.

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Thank you that helped, its strange though for most classes you usually max one tree out then go to another for additional abilities to fill in points, first time I'am going to spec a toon without doing that.


Would you take a point out of Sharpshooter and put it into Reopen Wounds?

I think Reopen Wounds needs a point from somewhere.

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It's definitely a strange way to spec, and my guess is that it will become less popular as changes are made to the trees. As for your question, the two points I normally see changed around for reopen wounds is either getting rid of spacer or a point out of cunning in the sab tree. Both seem pretty valid choices depending on your group setup or which bosses give you the most trouble; XS being the most useful on Gharj, Karagga, Crusher, but mostly useless otherwise. It's helpful on Jarg or Soa as SS, but with the DoTs available to you as that other spec, it's far less so.
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Have to admit though I'am totally confused which way to spec now, standard SS, Hybrid build or Cull build.


Each has some really good things in it but I guess without damage meters its hit and miss so to speak.


The Hybrid build looks more fun to play with a higher spec in the Sab. tree, I'am still leveling this guy but almost there so wanted to build a strong build now so I could get use to it by raid time.


So like I said before....I'am stuck.

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