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HPS am I in the right area


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So this week I have started ops with my new guild. I am a commando healer, and really enjoying it. Generally I am healing with a scoundral and we seem to be doign fine. I am in Columi gear only atm and we have done SM EC and cleared it with some wipes due to me now being there before. My question is what HPS should I be looking at with Columi gear. My stats are roughly, with buffs:


Aim 2100

Crit 43%

surge 78%

AC speed 10%

Bonus Healing 615.


I am doing about 1500 - 1600 hps which seems fine considering we car clearing the content and I am in the gear required for it, but the other healer in the group doesn't have logs yet so it is difficult to compare. How do these numbers sound for my gear? Just want to make sure I am getting the best out of my character. And I have only done 2 ops ever in this game so I know that I have a lot to learn about the healing mechanics of the commando.

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That sounds pretty reasonable. Honestly, pure HPS numbers aren't really that useful. The best indicator if you're doing a good job is how people are dying. If noone's dying, you're doing fine. If people start dying due to avoidable damage, you're probably still doing fine. If people are dying due to unavoidable damage, that's when you have to look at yourself.
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HPS is a really situational thing. Without pointlessly overhealing (which I do sometimes due to boredom) you're not going to hit your HPS ceiling when the rest of your group is doing things correctly. Additionally, very few fights in the game stress healers to their maximum potential. NiM Kephess is really the only one I can think of right now, though I've seen some pretty insane numbers on HM Dread Guard when healing with a weak (or sometimes dead) co-healer (my record is 2.1k HPS on my commando in 16m HM DG).


In terms of the numbers you're seeing, 1.5-1.6k HPS is quite impressive in Columi gear. I would be very proud of those numbers, if I were you.


The first poster has it right though: if people are living through unavoidable damage, you're (by definition) a fine healer. If people are living through avoidable damage, you are a *fantastic* healer and you have earned the right to be grumpy at your ops group.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Cool thanks, feel a lot better about it now. Have no trouble keeping people up, sometimes it gets hard, but then thats the challenge. Have also healed Li HM too which was fun for the first time lol, but glad I seem to be doing everything right. Thanks for the input
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What keyboardninja said you can't govern your quality by hps simply because every fight varries. But 1.6k hps is pretty spot on given your gear. Id say your on the right track and not to fret too much. If you have any concerns or are looking to do better or learn anymore I have written a pretty extensive guide on commando healing. Your doing fine as it is but if you wanna check it out here itbis. youhttp://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=585638
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A few people will probably disagree with me, but i say the best measurement of a healer's overall ability is to check their DPS, not their HPS. Healing is extremely easy in this game, i could teach a two year old how to heal in this game. Learning when and how to DPS during a fight though takes a larger amount of skill, and concentration.


Some people will argue that there is no point in a healer dpsing, if and when enrage timers are being beat, and i would have to concur. I would have to argue there is no point in over healing someone either. So you're left with one of three options; twiddle your thumbs, over heal, or dps.


The ability to dps somewhat comes down to the overall effeciency of your raid though; if you're expected to heal stupid (which you can do quite a bit of in PvE), you will not have as many chances to dps as you would in a raid where 99% of the avoidable damage is being avoided.


So my advice is, when and only after you're comfortable with a fight start trying to weave in some attacks, even if it is even just auto attacking a mob, it is more efficient then over healing or doing nothing.

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A few people will probably disagree with me, but i say the best measurement of a healer's overall ability is to check their DPS, not their HPS. Healing is extremely easy in this game, i could teach a two year old how to heal in this game. Learning when and how to DPS during a fight though takes a larger amount of skill, and concentration.


Some people will argue that there is no point in a healer dpsing, if and when enrage timers are being beat, and i would have to concur. I would have to argue there is no point in over healing someone either. So you're left with one of three options; twiddle your thumbs, over heal, or dps.


The ability to dps somewhat comes down to the overall effeciency of your raid though; if you're expected to heal stupid (which you can do quite a bit of in PvE), you will not have as many chances to dps as you would in a raid where 99% of the avoidable damage is being avoided.


So my advice is, when and only after you're comfortable with a fight start trying to weave in some attacks, even if it is even just auto attacking a mob, it is more efficient then over healing or doing nothing.


Not sure about Mandos but as a Sage I can throw in a few attacks but because of the way skill tree works they are very resource taxing and give me no way to get the resource back. A bit easier for Scoundrels as they can just Blaster Whip and use it to get a UH to heal with.


Gauging HPS is also pretty difficult, in fact the only way I know of is to have a tank aggro something and then just ST heal them. Looking through logs just wasn't useful as even on the same fight it ranges massively, particularly for a Sage as it depends on who stands in Salvation. So yep, have people lived through the encounter? Then your healing is up to par.

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Not sure about Mandos but as a Sage I can throw in a few attacks but because of the way skill tree works they are very resource taxing and give me no way to get the resource back. A bit easier for Scoundrels as they can just Blaster Whip and use it to get a UH to heal with.


I have healed a little bit on my GF's sorc, and have found that in a raid my resource management was sorta dependent on co-healer ability to toss me an heal or not. I know when i am healing on my OP, it is very easy to toss a heal or two to a sorc who is canablizing... i usually question what they are doing when i dont need to heal them to be honest.

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I have healed a little bit on my GF's sorc, and have found that in a raid my resource management was sorta dependent on co-healer ability to toss me an heal or not. I know when i am healing on my OP, it is very easy to toss a heal or two to a sorc who is canablizing... i usually question what they are doing when i dont need to heal them to be honest.


Well-played sorcs can deal with themselves (Unnatural Preservation ftw). With that said, I always appreciate a little support from my co-healer when I'm playing that class. It certainly makes life easier. What you're effectively doing at that point is donating resources to the other healer, which makes perfect sense given the way that the respective resource pools work.

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I'm with you, I don't spend my time pointlessly over-healing ever, unless totally bored. I'm just posting to answer and to see if anyone else is posting numbers like me (operative healer) and my co-healer (sorceror).


He posted 2500 on Dreadguards tonight, which I thought was awesome. Although he's in all 61's with three 63 mods. Sorc's and their aoe circle.


I posted 2600, and I'm an operative. But to be fair I'm in full 63's head-to-toe, properly min-maxed as well. I am missing the pvp 2-set boost to my aoe heal, so I'm interested in what I can throw out there with that. I might try to overheal just to hit my cap next week.


Again, not trying to be a jumped-up-mother-f'er nor am I looking for anyone to worship at my feet - but is anyone else out there honestly posting higher numbers?

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IAgain, not trying to be a jumped-up-mother-f'er nor am I looking for anyone to worship at my feet - but is anyone else out there honestly posting higher numbers?
Not me, most I have ever done was around 2300 on a trash pull in HM EC with the other healer afk.


Dreadguards? You are talking about Ciphas, Heirad and Kel’sara right? Why would you even need to pull 2500 or 2600 hps there unless you are completely overhealing or your group is terrible at staying out of green pools? Most successful runs I am only pulling 1400 hps to 1700 hps and that is still over healing between 27.99% and 32.89%, a few unsuccessful runs I pulled around 2000 hps, but I have never pulled anywhere near 2600 hps on that fight or any other. Don’t think I will either unless I go with a different group or if bioware comes out with harder content.


Congrats, very impressive

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What are the best parsers to use to see information like over healing if this is at all possible? I can't really see an option for this on ask mr robot.

The one Morngwath linked it really good. Best thing is making one for a group raid and having everyone in the group upload their combat log. It can be a real time saver in figuring out what is going on. It has helped me improve on healing the group, as now I know who in the group uses defensive cooldowns religiously and more important who doesn't and either whisper them or keep a better eye on them.


Over healing is just going to happen in this game. No way to prevent it and even if you could limited it, you would just be hurting your ability to heal.Operator/Sawbones has to keep HoTs up to get and keep up UH/TA, I can't control who all is hit by Kolto Cloud and if there is a lull and everyone is topped off I am still going to use diagnosis scan to top off my energy. So I wouldn't worry about what a parsers says about over healing as long as you are maintaining energy the entire fight.


I would rather over heal someone and have them at 100% health than someone pull aggro or miss a interrupt and get one shotted for 21000 damage when their hp was 22000 because I had them at 95% health instead 100%.

Edited by mikebevo
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Honestly... I would not look at HPS. At all. It's the wrong way to look at how well you're doing your job.


DPS meters are, to a point, necessary (you need to know if you can beat enrage timers). HPS measurements aren't. What you need to pay attention to is, "Are people dying because I'm not healing them enough?"


If the answer is no, you're fine. End of story.


::shakes his head:: I still remember my bewilderment when I tried pugging into a Nightmare Pilgrim as healer and the guy asked me what my HPS was.

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