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Please ELIMINATE mounts from being used in fleet....


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What would help solve the problem is if they make mounts on fleet automatically dismount when accessing the mailbox, mission terminals and GTN. This way there'd be less arguments and we could then see the Korrealis speeders back.


Yes this please..... :D Personally I don't like to use my over sized speeder in the fleet. as I mentioned before, that speeder could be made 140% and added to a class not allowed in the Fleet but only outdoor areas.

I find it super annoying and disrespectful when these inconsiderate people park their bardge on top of a mail box, or consume the area around half a GTN terminal area. Just make these speeders in a class that cannot be used on the fleet. But give them a boost in speed. Win Win. And bring them back for the rest of the people to enjoy


Edited by DakotaDoc
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Well, I will agree that it gets really annoying when people with the larger speeders park them in front of a vendor/console/terminal that you'd like to get to yourself. That said, I don't think eliminating them totally is the best option.


I like the options for limiting the size of the speeders you can call while on the Fleet, and also to auto-dismount when you click a vendor/GTN/bank/med-droid/etc. I know I always try to use a smaller speeder when I'm at the Fleet myself, and I do dismiss it (and usually any companions too) when I arrive at my destination.

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am gona go ahead and give this a little push....


A pox on thee!


Anyway, my original point still stands, it's the amount of people, not the speeders which cause the lag, and I would rather see speeders driving by than people sprinting around like a freaking roadrunner

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The Way i see it, let people do what they want on the fleet. Everything that is on the fleet, aside from access to all flashpoints, is on the capitol worlds. The Senate plaza on Coruscant has a cantina, a marketplace, storage units and the guild options. I go there for everything and it is alot less laggy than the fleet. I havent been a sith yet so i don't know if korriban has the same offerings. Even with the flashpoint thing, one vessel on a planet takes you to the hall where 6 of the flashpoints are located.


what I'm getting at is. if you do not like the fleet, then do not go there, it really isnt needed unless you have official business there.

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My vote is NO on this.


If you have a bad connection and bad computer, go to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. They both pretty much have everything the fleet has, but with less people on mounts since they're lowbie planets.


Besides, you already have an option to turn graphics down really low, turn off nameplates and etc. Lots of tools to lower lag. If it's still so horrible for you then you really should consider upgrading your computer or getting a better ISP. I don't see a reason for the devs to cater to people with computers older than the dinosaurs. :p

Edited by Radzkie
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