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Same gender romance discussion


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Reminds me a bit of the guy was pretending to be a woman during the Arab Spring, telling tales of how men were attacking her house and threatening her, and her family. He did it to "raise awareness" I believe, while simultaneously also managing to crowd out legitimate voices at the time :rolleyes:


Bioware: Austin - once burned, twice shy?


Yeah, "Amina Arraff". . .

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Oh guys. Bioware put in a title for us:


A Special Snowflake


Ha... at least I can use that one, since the 'Winter Warrior' means diddly to me when it'll be Summer here during the event.


Apparently, Musco mentioned in the Twitch thing that there will be a "level and role-neutral flashpoint introduced in February that will link the Galactic Starfighter content story-wise to the rest of the game" so maybe the Crewmembers (not gonna call them companions) make a cameo in there. I'm still baffled by having those spots, though, since it uses TIE/snubfighter-style tiny ships instead of Class ones which are actually big enough for 5 people.


Great... my poor JC has to squeeze a Scout-fighter into his cramped Jedi ship as well.

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...*cursing because I didn't participate in Bounty Hunting event.*

My scoundrel's only change to get to flirt to male and I've missed it!


Nah, the event is a recurring once-a-month thing. If you don't get to it before the 19th, there's always December (or January, or February, et all), heh.


I tried to record a video of it with my character, but someone was fighting the Kingpin on Nar Shaddaa at the same time. -_-;;;

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Nah, the event is a recurring once-a-month thing. If you don't get to it before the 19th, there's always December (or January, or February, et all), heh.


I tried to record a video of it with my character, but someone was fighting the Kingpin on Nar Shaddaa at the same time. -_-;;;


Mmm, trying to get money for a varactyl atm, I'll probably try to find that guy next month. ^^

Thanks for the info, I thought there were no male/male flirts at rep side. ^^

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Tie-in storywise? But... there's no story in the up-coming expando-patch? What's the point of the flashpoint then?


Probably means Saresh or Darth Marr (I think he's the closest thing she has to an Imperial counterpart) will pop by to say "here's the keys to your ship... and these four randoms are coming with you because reasons. Just remember, we're not paying them to talk so please don't distract them with conversations or character development."

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Probably means Saresh or Darth Marr (I think he's the closest thing she has to an Imperial counterpart) will pop by to say "here's the keys to your ship... and these four randoms are coming with you because reasons. Just remember, we're not paying them to talk so please don't distract them with conversations or character development."


Well, in all honesty, my fighter crew are going to probably grow old and die waiting for me to actually take off and fight in one of those.

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Only because they'd be adding content for their *ahem* "core demographic", which are apparently straight men. And, as we all well know, women don't play video games, so anyone "claiming" to be a lesbian, pan- or bisexual woman, is actually just a straight dude trying to see some HLA. And that is why future romance options will be bisexual women NPCs, and there will be no options for the women PCs. Because that could be misconstrued as gay. If gay men want to have romances, well, they can find another game, because it's only 99.99% of the gaming market that caters to straight men.


Good god, sometimes thinking about how mad this makes me, makes me want to punch myself in the face.


Why can't real Bioware work on this game? Why do we have fake Bioware?



If that's the case, where are my threesomes? LOL My Darth Imperius and her main squeeze Andy Revel will be up for a few threesomes. :cool:


And so would my smuggler, for that matter.

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Well, in all honesty, my fighter crew are going to probably grow old and die waiting for me to actually take off and fight in one of those.


Same - so my headcanon says my Smuggler and BH shove them out the airlock out of paranoia they're spies, Trooper's Tanno will 'accidentally' explode them during a mission, and the JC's crew will get cooked and eaten by the Rift Alliance when food runs low... ain't no party like a Donner party. I don't PvP or do the Space missions now, and have to rationale the fact the Crewmembers won't actually appear or do anything else.

Edited by Palar
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Same - so my headcanon says my Smuggler and BH shove them out the airlock out of paranoia they're spies, Trooper's Tanno will 'accidentally' explode them during a mission, and the JC's crew will get cooked and eaten by the Rift Alliance when food runs low... ain't no party like a Donner party. I don't PvP or do the Space missions now, and have to rationale the fact the Crewmembers won't actually appear or do anything else.


I'm the same way. I mean, I do some space missions, but they don't seem to actually give anything worthwhile, and I hate PvP. Meanwhile, it's been two years now and no SGR's with the companions. To me, that's just frustrating and wrong.


But my Sorcerer would probably either feed those guys to Khem or sell them off as slave labor.

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If that's the case, where are my threesomes? LOL My Darth Imperius and her main squeeze Andy Revel will be up for a few threesomes. :cool:


And so would my smuggler, for that matter.


Hey if you're a straight dude, Bioware will listen to you. Go give them a poke via twitter or something.


Be sure to tell them that pretending to have gay relationships with fellow straight men is the "cool new thing" and maybe we'll get some.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with adding more straight companions at the same time when/if they get around to adding gay or bi companions. Some of the classes only have one choice of romance option.


It would grate with me because then stuff wouldn't be "even" - it wouldn't be "fair". I know that probably makes me sound like a six year old, because the idea of fairness is something we apparently abandon in childhood and attempting to harken back it to is met with the phrase "life isn't fair."


Well ****, I thought this was a video game.


Anyway, a companion being bi doesn't preclude them from dating your character (in this game, literally nothing does. Genocide? Yeah, I'll marry you. Betray your ideals, your people and your state for some shinies? Yeah, sure, let's go on a date. Murder my family, psychologically my lifetime mentor, and dismantle key points of my personality just for fun and giggle? Yeah I'll totally have your babies.) So I don't see why there would be any need - or any reason - for having more straight companions. We have enough


11 female companions, fully scripted romances, including unique "pick her or me"

8 male companions, full scripted romances

2 one-night stands (male companions)


And then we need more player-straight companions?


It won't add up numerically. At least finish the romance options for straight female characters, so it's up to eleven, and then add in the same options for same-gender romances, for each (so 11 male, 11 female) and THEN we can talk about adding in more straight romances. With companions.


Don't get me started on [Flirt] options.

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I've been kvetching about this over in the Two-Year Anniversary thread ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=697903 ). So far, most of what I've gotten is "but romances are so badly done in this game" and "this is off topic", but I think my favorite was the person who whined about how I should be able to judge how poorly done the romance arcs were done by doing the straight ones. Her reasoning- well, lots of straight people loved Brokeback Mountain.


Of course, the fact that I never liked Brokeback Mountain (sorry, I don't like romances- even LGBT ones and finding decent non-romance-type books or stories with lesbian characters is very difficult) doesn't seem to factor into this. Plus, I find heterosexuality to be 'icky' and undesirable. I tried doing a straight romance, but deleted the character after two interactions with the companion.

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With the number of companions who are cockblocked by the Leia Rule, having 2+ for each orientation wouldn't really work unless they churn out quite a few more.


Leia Rule?


(they could always just make everyone bisexual - they're already herosexual, after all, and bisexuality (shockingly) is a thing that exists)

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With the number of companions who are cockblocked by the Leia Rule, having 2+ for each orientation wouldn't really work unless they churn out quite a few more.


I would love to go back and completely scrap the game and rewrite it from the ground up with the option to chose specific companions along the way- maybe with different abilities at each step. Like with the Bounty Hunter opening, you get to choose between, say, Mako and Jori as your companion. Or as an Agent, you end up being offered the chance to strike at Fathra, and you can choose between either Kaliyo or some other guy as your backup. Have this happen at most opportunities, or maybe even with all of them. Some would be romanceable, but not all.

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Leia Rule?


(they could always just make everyone bisexual - they're already herosexual, after all, and bisexuality (shockingly) is a thing that exists)


I read somewhere that, absent social pressures, most people fall between the extremes on the sexuality scales. Most people are at least a little bisexual with only the margins being the most firmly one or the other. Their theory was that the real minorities are heterosexuals and homosexuals, but bisexuals made up the bulk of the population.


Not sure if I buy into that, but that would be another solution.

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