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Feeling that Pyro PT Will Get Left Behind...


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When Makeb hits, and the skill trees are expanded/tweaked, I have a feeling that PT Pyro is going to either get 1) nerfed again somehow or 2) left behind.


When I say "left behind", I mean that our expanded skills will be all kinds of "meh", keeping our DPS at the same level, while other classes (specifically Mercs, I bet) will get a boost. I mean like seriously, watch our new top tier skill be a threat drop or something, while everyone else gets a shiny new ability to tinker with.


I don't know, it's just a gut feeling I have. Nothing gold can stay, I suppose...

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It will be sad if powertechs are nerfed. They are in no way that overpowered. Most of the crying about powertechs is coming from noobs who don't understand that powetechs are a pretty easy kill if focused and very much kiteable now since their range was nerfed.
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I really hope this isn't true but, i kinda have the same feeling. We've been nerfed damn near every time the nerfs/buff had happened. Most being small changes that didn't effect much but still. Tbh i'd really like radius on my DFA put back to its normal state. Look at orbital strike and force lighting(force lighting only tickles tho). Even the sorc's healing puddle you can stan 4-5 meters outside of that and get healed. Tanking at a low lvl on the PT was so easy cause you'd just throw a DFA out and you'd hit every mob in the pack lol.
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I think considerable reworking of skill trees, abilities, new abilities, and a full balance pass (nerf and/or buff) is on the table for every AC with Makeb.


It'd be nice if they made Charge baseline or increased the utility / survivability for Pyro PT, even if they scale back their burst potential and raw damage output a bit.

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Just a few examples why those who believe in the topic of this forum post are misinformed.







Yes, the range nerf effectively made pyro PT harder to play while still dealing great damage. No, I don't think that or any other nerf will make the class one not worth playing. If you are an intelligent player who knows how to kite and effectively apply damage, you are still going to have "0" problems with ruling warzones. Range classes are truly a PT's kryptonite because they can't be stunned and only (certain ones) can be pulled every so often. Even then, Kolto Overload and Energy Shield can only do so much.


Regardless of these facts, I think if you aren't able to effectively put out 700+ dps while being focused on a balanced team, there is something wrong with the way you're playing.

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Just a few examples why those who believe in the topic of this forum post are misinformed.







Yes, the range nerf effectively made pyro PT harder to play while still dealing great damage. No, I don't think that or any other nerf will make the class one not worth playing. If you are an intelligent player who knows how to kite and effectively apply damage, you are still going to have "0" problems with ruling warzones. Range classes are truly a PT's kryptonite because they can't be stunned and only (certain ones) can be pulled every so often. Even then, Kolto Overload and Energy Shield can only do so much.


Regardless of these facts, I think if you aren't able to effectively put out 700+ dps while being focused on a balanced team, there is something wrong with the way you're playing.


Actually, I do not PVP. At all. I raid. And right now, PT Pyro DPS is one of the best end-game DPS'ers for OPs (again, all I do. I do not PVP).


What I'm saying is that when Makeb hits, I have a feeling that all the other classes/AC's will get a boost, but Pyro PT will remain the same (which would mean that PT Pyro would fall from near the top, to middle of the pack). I do not want to see this happen.

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1) I laugh at equalled geared Mercs who I easily out DPS despite the range loss

2) range loss was a ***** for PvE and PvP but at least we have Grapple in PvP (for at least all by Snipers)

3) what more could they honestly do to "nerf" Pyrotech in any way? Make our Railshots not refresh our CGC? Really they took out the RS-spam and cut our range and we may not be as strong as before but if your DPS is low the reason is the the one behind the keyboard.


Now I stopped doing PvP after I a time on my PT to make it more PvE oriented but simply watching others on my team and seeing the numbers....things could be a lot worse. But I do slightly believe that Pyrotech needs something in the tree with Makeb expansion. Idk what because I know no direct issues with playing in PvE except we are the only Melee DPS class that cannot close in on an Op boss quickly enough (assasins/shadow-forcespeed, warriors/knights-jumps and lunges; this is what our range made up for). None-the-less some other ability is needed though its not like how I feel Madness/Balance Sorcs need a burst (lets me for real whether PvE or PvP a full madness sorc would at least appreciate a burst move)

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I literally just logged into my shelved PT about 10 mins ago and played a huttball game, I've found the enjoyment again that I once had. My favourite class is still sorcerer and hope that it will get a buff from expansion and can then go back to it. Though, I can't see PT's getting a nerf because the only thing people are complaining about at the moment is smashers and occasionally Marauder, but then Marauders have been godmode for months. Pt's were only ever considered OP because of their range on TD and IM which made them deadly at long range and even more deadly at close range. Like someone else said, PT's are pretty damn easy to kite so they probably won't get nerfed. As for skill replacement, I can't really see them completely replacing a skill. If anything they'll alter it, like Smash may be lowered damage or only affect 1 target, smaller radius, longer cooldown etc.


I'm currently enjoying PT, but I don't know how long it'll last since I don't tank and AP tree isn't all that great (still fun though) which leaves me with pyro, and I get bored very easily, so i'll probably go back to my Sorc/Op/Merc, those should (hopefully) be the 3 classes that are focused on with expansion as they are all in need of improvements.


Anyways, I'm just blabbing on now.. :>

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I literally just logged into my shelved PT about 10 mins ago and played a huttball game, I've found the enjoyment again that I once had. My favourite class is still sorcerer and hope that it will get a buff from expansion and can then go back to it. Though, I can't see PT's getting a nerf because the only thing people are complaining about at the moment is smashers and occasionally Marauder, but then Marauders have been godmode for months. Pt's were only ever considered OP because of their range on TD and IM which made them deadly at long range and even more deadly at close range. Like someone else said, PT's are pretty damn easy to kite so they probably won't get nerfed. As for skill replacement, I can't really see them completely replacing a skill. If anything they'll alter it, like Smash may be lowered damage or only affect 1 target, smaller radius, longer cooldown etc.


I'm currently enjoying PT, but I don't know how long it'll last since I don't tank and AP tree isn't all that great (still fun though) which leaves me with pyro, and I get bored very easily, so i'll probably go back to my Sorc/Op/Merc, those should (hopefully) be the 3 classes that are focused on with expansion as they are all in need of improvements.


Anyways, I'm just blabbing on now.. :>


This is all I got from what you said (not trying to troll);

-Maras/Sents want to complain about everyone else but themselves which is why everyone but them have gotten nerfed

-Smash being reduced may hurt Rage Juggs like the ability changes hurt Hybrid Sorcs

-PT are still great it just sucks a bit our range was cut

-AC is fun..........i never tried that so i wouldnt know lol

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I got a feeling that the Powertech in general will be left behind. Compared to all the other short range classes, we have the worst defensives. I think that 1.7 and the new expansion are probably going to significantly buff the already stronges classes (marauders, juggernauts, and assassins) significantly, which will result in powertechs seeming weaker.
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I got a feeling that the Powertech in general will be left behind. Compared to all the other short range classes, we have the worst defensives. I think that 1.7 and the new expansion are probably going to significantly buff the already stronges classes (marauders, juggernauts, and assassins) significantly, which will result in powertechs seeming weaker.


Lol thatd just prove all of the BW team are Maras then. Im not whinning but I do recognize them as being overly powered and should be evened out with the other melee.

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Well, it appears that I was correct. From some of the leaked stuff, it looks like Pyro PT got left behind in the upgrades.


The only bright side is that if they don't mess with the skill trees and leave them as-is, I could put points into Automated Defenses and Hot Iron with the 5 extra skill points.




Not worth getting banned over.

Edited by ScytheEleven
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who cares,

i don't enjoy any pvp as a PT anymore after 1.4,

it is sux, players didn't choose this AC for a melee class,

they don't like being lied to,

just stop pay BW ur money unless they rollback to pre 1.4,

problem solved.

Edited by oakamp
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PT still enjoys some of the most potent PVP DPS in the game. It's hard to complain about this when you see the state of DPS mercs right now. Or play a mara against a good bubble stunner. Now that is horrible gameplay.


If you're bored with Pyro, you might consider brushing up on AP. I still think it's one of the most fun specs in the game to play, even if it's not as effective at burst. For unrated WZ's, AP is a blast. It might conceivably get a bump in 1.7 and beyond, so it might pay off to get good with it.

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who cares,

i don't enjoy any pvp as a PT anymore after 1.4,

it is sux, players didn't choose this AC for a melee class,

they don't like being lied to,

just stop pay BW ur money unless they rollback to pre 1.4,

problem solved.


Roll a merc Pyro if you want your range back XD. Yeah BW snuffed us a bit with the range cut which is stupid. You know what wouldve been the better idea:


As PT are the only Melee DPS class that cant close the gap between targets (Sins/Shadows-force pull and speed; Warrior/Knights- leaps [i dont include Scoundrels and Ops sorry]) after cuttin of range to 10M they shouldve made ShoulderSlam our "leaping" move to easily close the gap on targets in pvp. Now to be honest idk who would ever use that abilitiy cause i think (at least for Pyros) its only good with Electrodart, so they couldve made it our lunge and we would have no problems

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who cares,

i don't enjoy any pvp as a PT anymore after 1.4,

it is sux, players didn't choose this AC for a melee class,

they don't like being lied to,

just stop pay BW ur money unless they rollback to pre 1.4,

problem solved.


PT's were always a melee class fyi. This must be one of the guys that would pillar hump.

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PT's were always a melee class fyi. This must be one of the guys that would pillar hump.


no, u r so wrong,

i don't think u know the true potential of 1.3 PT,

u must not be a good raider at endgame ops, cause u think u r only melee,

u don't know how to fight at various ops boss fight situation.

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no, u r so wrong,

i don't think u know the true potential of 1.3 PT,

u must not be a good raider at endgame ops, cause u think u r only melee,

u don't know how to fight at various ops boss fight situation.


LOL how does your reply at all contradict PTs being a melee class. PTs were always advertised as a meleeish character, they were never ever advertised as ranged DPS. The fact that you really assume everyone played a PT because it was a ranged class shows how close minded you're so it's a waste of time to further reply to your posts.


Anyways on topic, I don't understand the point of this thread. There is no information to prove that PT will get left behind and why think about it now? All you're really doing is making yourself depressed or pissed off, which accomplishes absolutely nothing.


The one thing I hope they change with the expansion is making PTs more than a 4 button DPS spam class in pvp. A more dynamic class that requires more strategy would be my wish.

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LOL how does your reply at all contradict PTs being a melee class. PTs were always advertised as a meleeish character, they were never ever advertised as ranged DPS. The fact that you really assume everyone played a PT because it was a ranged class shows how close minded you're so it's a waste of time to further reply to your posts.


Anyways on topic, I don't understand the point of this thread. There is no information to prove that PT will get left behind and why think about it now? All you're really doing is making yourself depressed or pissed off, which accomplishes absolutely nothing.


The one thing I hope they change with the expansion is making PTs more than a 4 button DPS spam class in pvp. A more dynamic class that requires more strategy would be my wish.


the point of this thread is "feelings"

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no, u r so wrong,

i don't think u know the true potential of 1.3 PT,

u must not be a good raider at endgame ops, cause u think u r only melee,

u don't know how to fight at various ops boss fight situation.


Sorry dude....you are the one who is wrong. PT were always a melee-class; they just had abilities that hit from 30m unlike the other melee-classes (Incindery Missle, Thermal Det, Unload). However, Flame burst and Rocket Punch, two moves essential to Pyrotechs, were 10m and 4m so that shouldve told you its melee. Second you cant make a full, impressive DPS rotation with IM>TD>Unload>Explosive missile>missile blast...... Like comeon its that what YOU have been doing that you are telling others the class is being played wrong. Thirdly, look at the other two trees, ShieldTech and Advanced Proto. Both heavily melee tree with AP even having a Melee abilities in the tree (Retractable Blade).


The reason I assume certain moves had such a range at launch was because PTs have no way to close the gap on targets in PvP or PvE as i said before. So the added range compensated for the extra time it took for a Pyro or AP to catch up to their targets (and dont say Grapple helps you cause you cant use it as quickly as a Guardian can jump at you).


So please oakamp....learn your class

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Sorry dude....you are the one who is wrong. PT were always a melee-class; they just had abilities that hit from 30m unlike the other melee-classes (Incindery Missle, Thermal Det, Unload). However, Flame burst and Rocket Punch, two moves essential to Pyrotechs, were 10m and 4m so that shouldve told you its melee.


Ah, the Internetz post staple - everything is black and white and there is no in between.


In fact, the early PT Pyro had the ability to exist at both short and long range. Indeed the entire point of the PT Pyro was that it could alternate the range of the engagement depending on the opponent. Fighting Mercs, Sorcs or Snipers? Get close while firing your long range openers. Fighting melee? Use those same long range weapons and when the range invariably closes, you have good close range tools too. If in those early days, you were exclusively fighting from close range with your PT, then you simply weren't taking advantage of your entire skill set.


Nowadays of course, things are different. You need to get close fairly rapidly in order to be effective. And yes, I think PT Pyro will get left behind in Makeb 2.0. There just aren't enough bad PT/Vanguard dps to make the subclass look like it needs help. All the crappy PvP players are on Inquisitor or melee toons these days. And so those subclasses will get the buffs.

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