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Cross server WZ queue's??!?!?


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I know it has been discussed at length. Hell we were asking for this before i quit for TERA over 9 months ago.


Does anyone know if BW has even addressed this and do they plan on ever implementing it.


We can't really know who is the top RWZ teams until we get Xserver WZ Queue's.



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Does anyone know if BW has even addressed this and do they plan on ever implementing it.


Yes, they have addressed it.


No, they have no plans to implement it in the near future (and given the delays to things that have been announced, I'd say you can regard it as delayed indefinitely). Coding difficulties stated as cause.


Yes, that's a bit of a shame. I've some sympathy fro the "server community" argument - it's fun getting to know teammates and opponents, and it promotes civilsed behaviour - but a way of finding out the best in the world/galaxy would be great. Even some kind of cross-server Galactic Championship event. Once a year for two weeks.


edit: Wow, you really love question marks. The exclamation marks will get jealous.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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No, they never plan on implementing it or even discussing it. It is a firm Bioware policy to immediately fire anyone who says the words "Cross server queue". Bioware is not implementing it either A) For the sole reason of pissing you off and making you stay in TERA or B) To keep the forums alive with threads about a lack for cross server queues. It definitely isn't that cross server queues are difficult to design with who heavily they modified their engine....
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Said this in another thread.


"Yes, this game does need them. But Bioware has already proven they don't care about the PvP aspect of the game compared to others. The game should have launched with Ranked Warzones and Cross-Server queues but Bioware failed to deliver on that. Now with the way things are going It's going to be a long time before anything is done about PvP. I wouldn't expect any competitive PvP or cross-server queues for years"

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It's not that they don't want to, it's just the code for it isn't setup and it would be alot of work to do. Meanwhile there are many easy fixes they can do to make PvP work.


So as they said, x-server won't happen anytime in the near future, but there will be other PvP improvements in the meantime.


If x-server play is the only thing that will make you happy (it really won't, it's just a convenient "fix all" hope) just leave now. Your QQing is taking up space of threads for actual issues that can be fixed.

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It's not that they don't want to, it's just the code for it isn't setup and it would be alot of work to do. Meanwhile there are many easy fixes they can do to make PvP work.


So as they said, x-server won't happen anytime in the near future, but there will be other PvP improvements in the meantime.


If x-server play is the only thing that will make you happy (it really won't, it's just a convenient "fix all" hope) just leave now. Your QQing is taking up space of threads for actual issues that can be fixed.


Cross-Server PvPing being one of the main issues.

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