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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why are people freaking out about Ilum in 1.7?


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Why does the event HAVE to be only PvP or only PvE, can it not be made to accommodate both play styles? if BE was dropping events on us like they add stuff to the cartel market, then maybe they could be split up, but if they keep to the trend from last year, which was mostly supported by subscriptions and had only 2 events, I don't see an abundance of them on the horizon, which is why EVERYONE is up in arms.


We don't know enough about what is going to happen, everyone is jumping to conclusions about what its going to entail. We should be looking for ways to make sure everyone can enjoy the event. It's what they should be for.





It's supposedly the RvR relaunch which makes it PvP really.


Having said that the other events (Rak and scavenger hunt) were PvP........... on a PvP server. :)

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It's supposedly the RvR relaunch which makes it PvP really.


Having said that the other events (Rak and scavenger hunt) were PvP........... on a PvP server. :)


This^ Yeah if you people complaining about the event can't wrap your head around this... I'm astonished how you can complete a story mode Op

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If BioWare want to encourage more "organic" PvP in contested areas, as State of the Game #2 outright states, they really need to scrap the Expertise system and work on maximizing PvE and PvP gear compatibility.


WAR did it, but that's one of the few level based games I've seen do it, but then WARs endgame was RvR, not dragon raiding PvE, unlike SWTOR.


I can't see how SWTOR can exist without a PvP stat anymore than WoW could.

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The message is, you are all big chickens. Afraid you might die once or twice going to the VENDOR at a STATIC LOCATION inside the Outlaw's Den. It takes all of three minutes, and believe me, if you get killed, it won't ruin your character or your life. Life will go on.


People who worry about something as simple as making an outlaw den run...I wonder if these are the same people who are afriad to leave their houses at night?


This is why a lot of people don't pvp is because of attitudes like this. You do understand that people have different interests, I hope, and that pvp is just one aspect of the game. Some just want to pve. Some like to roleplay and some like to pvp and then you have some that like to do all it.


But calling someone a chicken is a little rude and uncalled for. Just because someone doesn't like to pvp doesn't give you the right to call them names.


I have no problems if this event is for pvprs. From my reading there are ways to avoid it if you wish. What I do have a problem with is people calling other people names just because they don't like something.


Everyone needs to learn to show each other a little courtesy and learn people have different styles of play and each set of players should have fun their way without the name calling and attitudes.

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The message is, you are all big chickens. Afraid you might die once or twice going to the VENDOR at a STATIC LOCATION inside the Outlaw's Den. It takes all of three minutes, and believe me, if you get killed, it won't ruin your character or your life. Life will go on.


People who worry about something as simple as making an outlaw den run...I wonder if these are the same people who are afriad to leave their houses at night?


Wait, do you actually believe you're all tough and ssstuff because you PvP ? Seriously ? omg, roflmao :D

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This is why a lot of people don't pvp is because of attitudes like this. You do understand that people have different interests, I hope, and that pvp is just one aspect of the game. Some just want to pve. Some like to roleplay and some like to pvp and then you have some that like to do all it.


But calling someone a chicken is a little rude and uncalled for. Just because someone doesn't like to pvp doesn't give you the right to call them names.


I have no problems if this event is for pvprs. From my reading there are ways to avoid it if you wish. What I do have a problem with is people calling other people names just because they don't like something.


Everyone needs to learn to show each other a little courtesy and learn people have different styles of play and each set of players should have fun their way without the name calling and attitudes.


This is Islander, look at his other posts... he tends to call people names or put them into categories just because he dont shares their points of views...


actually i want to see him ( ingame ) getting fragged by his own faction.. then i wanna ask him if he enjoys....


The problem's theirs then, if they are too lazy/busy/in before excuses to earn credits by one means or another.


Like I said, the classic entitlement malaise that has infected this nation over the past 20 years. It's embarrassing.


People aren't subscribing to play their specific way. They are paying for improved access and features. There once was an era where every little thing in MMOs wasn't spoon fed to you when one cried like a baby at every inconvenience. It was a good time. F2P and the proliferation of countless MMOs have not only dilluted the product overall but also diluted the behavior of its player base.


it's just sad. Go earn credits, in the time it took the OP to post, (s)he could've easily earned 15--20k credits.

The OP's guild name is all too fitting for this thread, in my view.


oh yes.. and people already have declared him being an "obvious troll" oO

Edited by Prysha
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that side of ilum is meant to be the open world pvp zone.


yeah i woudl have no problem to make an OPS group to annihilate rebel scum.. BUT the problem is now imps killing imps...the whole game makes no sense now anymore...


if it was about allignment i would understand.. but THIS how it is.. makes no sense



i think Bioware / EA wants us to leave....

Edited by Prysha
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yeah i woudl have no problem to make an OPS group to annihilate rebel scum.. BUT the problem is now imps killing imps...the whole game makes no sense now anymore...


if it was about allignment i would understand.. but THIS how it is.. makes no sense



i think Bioware / EA wants us to leave....


i tend to agree with this.

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its all over every planet, everywhere already!! lol, you go through numberous PvP areas through the course of leveling, so no, its not an issue.




Ilum missions are not required to complete your main storyline, its basically just additional story for fun, and a place to get in a couple extra dailies.


Wrong... you can level all the way to max without pvping at all... you can gear out without pvping. I know I have done it 6 times now. Why are you so worried about people crying over the pvp on illum? if you are having fun then get in game and have fun.

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Why is EA/ bio ware forcing non pvpers to pvp for legacy bound weapons.??


You dont see non pvpers complaining about that you cant get pvp gear from pve areas. Furthermore pvpers have the elite war-hero gear which is the same as the black hole/dread guard is for non pvpers?

So why force non pvpers into an area that is specific to pvp for legacy bound gear ?

OK rant is over but seriously why ? ?


would it have been so hard for them to put the pvp missions in pvp area and put some pve missions in a pve area so both sides of the coin are happy pvpers and non pvpers ? Then by keeping the rewards the same for both sides one side doesn't out weight the other in rewards offered ?

Edited by DarthObelisk
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Why is EA/ bio ware forcing non pvpers to pvp for legacy bound weapons.??


You dont see non pvpers complaining about that you cant get pvp gear from pve areas. Furthermore pvpers have the elite war-hero gear which is the same as the black hole/dread guard is for non pvpers?

So why force non pvpers into an area that is specific to pvp for legacy bound gear ?

OK rant is over but seriously why ? ?


Nobody is forcing you to do anything, they're just giving you the option to do something if you want to. I have no interest in pvp, so I'm just not going to do the pvp elements of Ilum. However, I had a lot of fun last night doing a couple of the pve quests on my level 45 character. Thanks to the buff, I earned some fantastic experience, a lot of money and a bit of Gree rep. Loved it!


In fact, I love this patch. It has both pve and pvp elements, whereas other patches have been one or the other. I just don't get the attitude of players who think they are being forced into doing things they don't enjoy. Just do the bits you like.

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I play on a PvE server, so what I chose to do is to not do PvP.




Why? I don't enjoy PvP at all in games like SWTOR, why should I be forced to do it? I chose a server that was PvE because it meant PvP was an optional side that I could ignore completely (except that will no longer be the case).




No you don't, an area where you can PvP if you choose to be flagged and the other player also chooses to be flagged is not a PvP area. The number of times I have entered an area where I could be involved in PvP is 1. That was when getting the HK-51 part from Outlaw's den. It is an issue.


Lets make this clear. I don't like PvP in this game, I don't want to do PvP in this game and I chose a PvE server so that I would not need to go near PvP in this game.



^^ This. 100% totally this. I feel exactly the same way, and I too play on a PVE server by my choice, and I don't understand why the devs keep forcing PVP on us in these latest events. It's really upsetting, when you wait months for new content, only to find that you won't be able to participate in it to full benefit. PVP is NOT my thing, and no amount of ppl who tell me to get gear, or gear is easy to get will convince me. I don't like PVP, thats why I chose a PVE server. I don't know why thats so hard for the devs to grasp.

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Nobody is forcing you to do anything, they're just giving you the option to do something if you want to. I have no interest in pvp, so I'm just not going to do the pvp elements of Ilum. However, I had a lot of fun last night doing a couple of the pve quests on my level 45 character. Thanks to the buff, I earned some fantastic experience, a lot of money and a bit of Gree rep. Loved it!


In fact, I love this patch. It has both pve and pvp elements, whereas other patches have been one or the other. I just don't get the attitude of players who think they are being forced into doing things they don't enjoy. Just do the bits you like.


In a way bioware is forcing people to pvp.

Now hear me out. One of the rewards most people are trying to get is the legacy bound lightsabers and other legacy bound weapons. Now this would be fine if they were only used in wz's and open world pvp but they are also usable by non pvpers as well so how is that not making people pvp for gear ?

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^^ This. 100% totally this. I feel exactly the same way, and I too play on a PVE server by my choice, and I don't understand why the devs keep forcing PVP on us in these latest events. It's really upsetting, when you wait months for new content, only to find that you won't be able to participate in it to full benefit. PVP is NOT my thing, and no amount of ppl who tell me to get gear, or gear is easy to get will convince me. I don't like PVP, thats why I chose a PVE server. I don't know why thats so hard for the devs to grasp.


I find this incredible. Do you complain about the existence of warzones too? Why do you think that every patch should only contain things that YOU want to do?


I also play on a PVE server. I also have no interest in PVP. I'm enjoying the PVE elements of this patch and just not doing the PVP bits. Same as I don't do warzones either. It's easy, and I don't get annoyed by the fact that not everyone wants the same things I do.

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Serioiusly, do people not visit and quest on Ilum already... a planet where there already is PvP area's, and a place you can be steamrolled if your not careful? I would also like to point out, to those with concern, that Ilum had a specific and DEDICATED place for PvP area last time, it was not the whole planet, and it seems like a lot of people with concern are just freaking out for no reason.


*Get some recruit gear


*Prepare yourself for PvP (and if your playing on a PvP server, then please DO NOT complain about open world PvP, its what you chose to do)


*Practice, and play some PvP matches... it isnt brain science


People have gotten too comforable with this game, and are used to sitting on the fleet for most of their play time, a place where they are safe. If I had it my way, the fleet would be destroyed, and you would have the chance of being attacked anywhere, at anytime. If they do this right, it could really add a very important element to this game that its been lacking for almost a whole year.


Those of us who have been here since the beginning, and experienced Ilum and its open would PvP would probably agree that the issue of it being released is NOT you being attacked, its going to be if the engine can support the large scale battles, and not play at only .5 framerate, then crash your game.


Because, there will always be people who cry about the lack of rain on a sunny day.


Welcome to humanity.


Some of us PvEers know Ilum is a PvP planet, and how to avoid PvP there.


"Forcing" PvP on you. I lol'd. And I'm not even a PvPer.


I will say, though, the Gree event has had other problems, which is expected, as there is no way currently to beta test these events, except by internal beta testers, which makes these events stupid to even run in the first place.


Its like giving a loved one a suprise-gift. Your friend hopes for something he/she likes, but you got him/her a pair of plain underwear with holes in it.


That's what you've been doing with every event so far, Bioware, instead of asking us what we would like, then having a few of us beta-test your present to see if it might actually be what most people would like.


You need a new Event Director and Event Team. The one you have is doing a bad job.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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People complaining about same-faction fighting in the free-for-all area is just silly. It's not a faction vs. faction area, it's a free-for-all area. They obviously tried to set things up there to eliminate the huge disadvantage one faction would have if the other faction significantly outnumbers them...although there are still ways to get around this with some communications effort to coordinate groups. But that is an area that can be avoided and you don't have to flag yourself on a PVE server.


However, the bigger complaint I've seen in general chat is with people doing the heroic for the event in areas where you have to be flagged for PVP and people from the other faction are camping those locations in operations groups (which are not allowed in the free-for-all area) and trying to jump into AOE's and force-flag PVE'ers. Supposedly, that was fixed so it's hard to say whether it's a bug issue or whether people just aren't paying attention and get themselves flagged. But jumping into an AOE to try to get someone to unintentionally flag themselves so you can grief them is NOT PVP. Do anything you want in the free-for-all area but if you're trying to force-flag non-PVP'ers on a PVE server, then that has nothing to do with PVP, promoting open-world PVP or anything other legitimate aspect of the game.

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You don't need to pvp to get reputation, you just need to do you pve quests every day and then to do the world bosses....


So... are you angry cause you cant get ALL of your reputation boosts since you arent able to/dont want to pvp?


Did you know that some pvp gear is better for PVE and vice versa?

PVP SET BONUSES FROM BATTLEMASTER ARE SOMETIMES BETTER THEN PVE ONES. Elite War Hero Relics are BIS for some classes in PVE. Did I just break your world view?


You aren't forced to pvp, you can just avoid those pvp quests and get your reputation from the world boss drops. If you are really interested in the story and need those quests done, find a group of like-minded players and check instances to see if people are grieving in those. It took me 1 hour for the pvp quests on one character while only 20 mins on the the other, depending on instances. THere were 14 instances of Ilum for me to choose from...


In SWTOR there is a little mix of pvp and pve. To be the very best, you need to do some of both. I think you are just too used to events being for PVE that you forget PVPers want adaptive gear too.

Edited by CJAShadow
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Not everyone has 6-8 max level alts who can farm a smaller selection of content for the commendations/rep/tokens needed to make the best of the event. Similarly, not everyone can schedule an hour every day for the next two weeks simply to finish the pvp side of the event quest chains if all they have is one or two end-game ready characters.


When you have groups of players who choose to deny other players the opportunity to enjoy new content, it's a problem. Just earlier today I watched as 5 4-man teams from the same guild locked down the central area and denied anyone a chance to complete their quest objectives. They didn't even make an effort to complete it themselves, instead they simply camped the spot for almost 2 hours until the majority of players had transferred to another instance to finish their quests. I'm all for encouraging PVP in this game, but doing so at the expense of casuals is the wrong way to go about it.


Instead, have them fight over take-and-hold objectives that increase the rewards for the dominant faction in PVE content. If holding that central pvp area meant world bosses and heroics rewarded twice the usual number of Gree tokens for the same faction I would be in heaven. If factions needed to control a majority number of instances to maintain the "buff", that would be perfect. Casuals won't be forced into the meat grinder for limited-time rewards, and more than a few of them would be tempted to give open-world pvp a shot when they can decide how much time they want to spend on it rather than have that choice decided by someone else.

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forcing people to do pvp in order to do pve content on a pve server is what the problem is. DUH!!!


I cant call it doing pvp against players playing in a PVE servers.Everyone should be pve geared already.They got pvp gear? then its not a pve server.

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Not everyone has 6-8 max level alts who can farm a smaller selection of content for the commendations/rep/tokens needed to make the best of the event. Similarly, not everyone can schedule an hour every day for the next two weeks simply to finish the pvp side of the event quest chains if all they have is one or two end-game ready characters.


When you have groups of players who choose to deny other players the opportunity to enjoy new content, it's a problem. Just earlier today I watched as 5 4-man teams from the same guild locked down the central area and denied anyone a chance to complete their quest objectives. They didn't even make an effort to complete it themselves, instead they simply camped the spot for almost 2 hours until the majority of players had transferred to another instance to finish their quests. I'm all for encouraging PVP in this game, but doing so at the expense of casuals is the wrong way to go about it.


Instead, have them fight over take-and-hold objectives that increase the rewards for the dominant faction in PVE content. If holding that central pvp area meant world bosses and heroics rewarded twice the usual number of Gree tokens for the same faction I would be in heaven. If factions needed to control a majority number of instances to maintain the "buff", that would be perfect. Casuals won't be forced into the meat grinder for limited-time rewards, and more than a few of them would be tempted to give open-world pvp a shot when they can decide how much time they want to spend on it rather than have that choice decided by someone else.


See now this is a good idea.

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