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Thanium Disruption - Or how to get even worse in the style


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Yes, that post will look like a rant. But there is a good reason to that.


I am from those players who kept telling our dear developers that a game of Star Wars

without a nice 3D joystick massively multiplayer Spacial area would not be a Star Wars

game. Eve if in the old Kotors I was missing some of those good old days

X-Wing alliance style of fights, and since The Old Republic is out, I'm dearly missing

some good fight like we had in SWG. To be able to get a full team of friends in your

ship for some fights, or get a squad of mates in various ships to fight

in space.


Even if not liking the previous missions, I was doing the dailies, as it was the

"only" space content we had. Forced to do with what we had even if it was not what

I wanted and hoped for this game.


Now, I had not done spaceship missions since a While, and tried the various missions

suggesting "equipment grade 7 advised".

But being not too 'bad' myself, I was managing most of the time to do the missions

we had previously with equipment that were 1 to 2 grades lower than the advised.

There were some missions I was not really loving but I was managing all.

And then I tried those new missions. And to my bad surprise I saw that my whole

Grade 6 ship was useless, no way to survive because the DPS was not enough, and the missiles damages

where not enough, and that every single little "error" was getting me killed because the Shields

and whole equipment were not powerful enough to let me survive.


Fair enough I though "ok, going to get myself stuffed in Grade 7 equipment."

That I did, and I did beat most of the mission in 2 tries, one to get to the end once and

watch where were the tricks and other oddities, usually surviving but missing 1 target

or the like.


But when I arrived on Thanium Mission, darn, I wondered if the guys who developed this

mission where using drugs when designing it.

As a PC game player, using a mouse and the keyboard, that mission is pure hell,

the worst you can find in such kind of game. And I have been around since long,

having started playing on Amiga 24 years ago, and having started on games on PC

since over 15 years...


In this mission every single turn as a vicious potential for hitting an asteroid, and if that was not enough,

in some place if you are not precise to the millimeter you hit the next asteroid, and even

with that, you are forced to dodge Asteroids and that let your opponents constantly pounding

your shields.


Where is the FUN in such a punishing kind of mission ? Where is the fun when you have to

redo it again and again and again and again until you know every single little move, every

angle you have to do, the very precise "second" you have to activate your skill,

having NO ROOM for any errors.


One of the thing I hate in games is the kind of game you have

to redo things until you can do them the way the DEV want you to do it,

and where your own creativity is reduced to 0. And Thanium Disruption

is such a kind of mission.


I have done it, and after finally loosing so long a time to manage it

I really had a "*** moment" with the 1600 credits reward, and 20 fleets

commendation. And being such a pain, I'm really not thinking about doing

it on a daily basis. Feel like some SM machine and not a supposedly "fun mission".


So now, where is the promised 3D fight they where speaking about as it was the

highest demanded thing in their poll last year ?


And when are you devs going to correct all those visual bugs that are still here since

day 0 ? As those bugs are even plaguing those new missions.

(I have a fully working Nvidia GTX 480 and I have the very same bugs

with every version of the drivers I have had since the game is out.)



All in all until now I have been a faithful costumer, giving you time and even keeping the

money coming YOUR way in hope that the game would be corrected and finished,

as I know that today having a game finished when it get out is pure utopia.

But please, stop the destruction, stop all the non-sense and fun killing you are adding

to the game. Even some of the free to play "paying" options are looking like insults.

I have friends who said "let's try the game", and found you had to pay to disable

the very ugly head gears, they just left....


Ok Rants off, but please Devs open your eyes to what players

are wanting, and not what you 'think' they want.

You missed the first warnings when getting the game out,

you got in the bad way with your communication during the last year, insulting most of your supporting

costumers, and now you are even getting further in bad decisions with some of the choice

you did for the free to play options. Please open your eyes before you kill the last

desire of players like me to give you "a chance" to give us a game that could last

for years.

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One players important aspect, is another players ignored part of the game


Make it right, and you can add it as a Roleplaying part too, as a Game master on

Starwars paper game, my players have always enjoyed having the 2 aspects

in our game sessions. Perhaps not at every session, some were purely on ground

other were in space, others a mix. But to my opinion, and I'm sure I'm not

alone out there, the actual space system should not be in game

and we should have something more "starwars like" and not "tunnel shooter

like" as we got.



But in the actual state, some of the missions they have added, are just plain punishement

and nothing like fun.

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I totally agree with first post mainly with Thanium Disruption I just tried it so many times and someone said to me it is bugged and hopefully it will be fixed as this is not fun doing this mission but pain even with full Grade 7 items which I have. Can anyone from Bioware comment on this if this will be fixed any time soon? Maybe with 23. Maintenance? Thank you I would really appreciate it.
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I'm assuming from others' replies that this is a space rant, I'm not reading a mini-novel to find out. If it's about space then i have to agree with...


More important things than modifying space combat which will in itself likely require it's own expansion.


This ^^^


One players important aspect, is another players ignored part of the game


And this^^^


I would love 3D space, you know... space that was actually like space, rather than like a roller coaster. But, that is not what we got, and there is no way to change it without creating a whole new part of the game (meaning an expansion and a lot of wasted dev time). Now it's too late, we accept and ignore what we have and move on.


Space in this game is crap, and when you find crap lying around you just don't step in it.

Edited by bahdasz
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The mission mentioned is one of the easiest and quickest missions.


Emp at the start on the Frigates. Missle them down. Random fighters. When approaching mines use deflector (#3 skill) and gun down ship. Then use Missles the rest of the time with shields on. Guns only when at full shields.

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At this point, I think Star Wars has sadly missed the boat on their chance to score big with online space ship combat.


There's no way they could catch up to and beat Chris Roberts, the "Wing Commander" guy and his new "Star Citizen" because it has raised so much money, and it looks freakin' awesome. It also looks like they are running their project very well. They are being very specific about what they are going to do; none of that reaching for the impossible stuff.


You've got under 5 minutes per movie on this aspect.


Lol so wrong. Even if you only go by the specific shots themselves, you aren't anywhere even close.


There's also story importance: space battles are part of almost if not all the dramatic climaxes at each movie, practically each story chapter even. And there's the monetary importance: spaceships have always been a huge huge part of the draw and the profit with the toys etc.


Yeah it would probably take a full boxed expansion to get anything like "X-wing" style space combat in the game and would be ways down the road, but I wouldn't write it off what with the cartel market doing well and especially if Star Citizen succeeds. Big corporations aren't so great at innovating, but they are great at copying the successful innovators with a 'me too' product.

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