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Everything posted by StavinskyElyas

  1. I just saw all those nifty options and news. But for the Duel, is there now an "auto-reject" duel option we can check ? As I get in a RP PVE server not to be harassed by some pvp hungry player and I hate when I have someone coming while I do my dailies and pop the duel request 10+ times in a row until I have to leave the area or have to tell him/her to stop harassing. So I really hope the auto-reject feature is going to be added.
  2. In fact, I have been on the forums since the beta, and Bioware was keeping saying -> There will be no space content. They finally bent a bit our way, but doing the wrong thing -> The 'tunnel' shooter. When they showed that, the player base kept telling them it was not what they wanted. So, yes now they go in the 'right way', if we want to "extend the right way" definition, by adding something like pvp in space. But it's definitively NOT what was asked. What was asked was some space to explore, some space to fight PVE content with friends. And in THOSE area, adding some PVP area. Like on Tatooine for the ground pvp area (in PVE servers), or any other pvp open area in the game. Instead of doing that, they make a "pvp area with 12vs12 players", and that's not some "interesting space content". As star wars is far from "all space battle only". In Star Wars some people LIVE in space, and barely see the ground from time to time. Where is THAT experience in SWTOR ? All what I can say could happen, just 2 to 3 years too late. Sadly enough, much too late for me to be 'patient' anymore. I gave them 2 years, and I was following them since the Beta. They really **** ** their launch, forced by EA to deliver us some unfinished game. And in that unfinished game you still have some bugs that last even 2 years+ after the game is out, and I'm not speaking about the bugs that are in the "new" content. But bugs that can prervent a player from advancing his class, because the CLASS missions have MAJOR bugs. That's one of the thing that really get me angry at MMO in general. But here in SWTOR, what I see, is the huge amount of problem that we have with their services, with the Communication with players, and all the rest. And sorry, hard to relax when you had to get over 60 hours of phone calling with their Service to correct a problem that THEY provoked, preventing people from playing on their PAID account. (Happened to me). Without any reimbursement from their part. So yes, I am pretty critical when it come to the "quality" of the things they get out. I guess I'm at least entitled to THAT much, having being one of those paying customer who gave them time, and trying to 'let pass' the early bugs, only to see our bug report being ignored, the Rules of Conduct never enforced, and all. Sorry if I'm not excited by something they should have done before releasing the game, and before destroying it with their F2P conversion.
  3. Nice, once again not listening to players. Like they did since the Beta. Players asked them to have something that was a bit like the space part in Starwars Galaxy, with PVE area where you can fly with friends, bash PVE spaceship with friends, fly in the same ship as FRIENDS (manning their turrets), and have some fun "asteroid mining or others MULTIPLAYERs actions". And there again they disregard their player base, and pick the same awful looking 'on the rail tube shooter' out of the rail, and put it in a 12vs12 pvp area. Nice Bioware and Electronics Arts, keep the bad work, keep NOT listening to your community, that is getting smaller and smaller. And perhaps you will finally have to learn from your mistakes. As the SWTOR adventure has been a long, continuing, series of mistakes. Lots of communications errors, lots of disregard for the community. The same is true about the supposed Free to Play option, as it is among the worst transition to a F2P model I have even seen since over 10+ years playing MMO. And now even the space fight is following the same "we do what we want, even if the community don't want it" kind of developpement. From over 300 servers at the start, the game is down to some ridiculous numbers, that even keep emptying. Thanks again EA to have ruined another of the licence I was enjoying. No more money from my pocket.
  4. The griefers are abusing mechanic by jumping in a fight, hoping for someone who is in the fight to target them by accident. And when you are in a fight with 8-10 targets around and having 3-4 or more pvp players flagged trying to 'bait' you into selecting them, you can't hope to manage all the clicks without any risks to pick one of them once in a while. That is pure gibberish on a PVE server. Players who picked a PVE server want to have a PVE server, not a place where griefers can make themselves a pain for the game. Actually I would really love to see a couple of options added. Among them an Auto-ignore Duel request and a "full auto ignore pvp interaction" in non-pvp area. That would make the game less painfull for players who don't care at all about pvp, and would make the griefers go away. If I want to do some pvp, I go in the War Zones. I don't want to see any way to force me into pvp by some other players. It's as simple as that.
  5. Your idea seems the 'easiest' to get through, having the ability to ignore a whole legacy. Still that would not make you sure not to cross the path of the player on another server. That's why I was speaking more about an Account wide black list. Still a Legacy one would already do a great job of preventing a good number of potential problems. And for the quarterly profit chasing, that's the problem with EA and not exactly Bioware sadly.
  6. Le lien au dessus est en fait un raccourcit pour une 'faq'. La charte entiere est facilement trouvable en tapant -> RÈGLES DE CONDUITE SWTOR dans google. Ou en anglais -> Rules of Conduct SWTOR Ceci t'amene sur la page officielle que tous les joueurs sont sensé avoir accepté, mais que beaucoup n'ont meme pas effleuré. http://www.swtor.com/fr/legalnotices/rulesofconduct C'est bien la qu'est tout le probleme. Mais le probleme est en plus magnifié par la traduction complètement 'a coté de la plaque' faite a l'entrée des serveurs JDR, car EA a voulu ajouter un petit plus, pour précisé qu'ils n'y avait pas de règles supplémentaires, et le traducteur qui a du faire le boulot pour le français ne devait pas être de langue maternelle française parce que malheureusement la ou l'anglais permet certaines facilités, le français ne pardonne pas certaines omissions même accidentelles. D'ou ma proposition de refaire le tool tips en étant d'une clarté limpide, sans aucune interprétation possible, avec en prime un lien vers la notice légale. De manière à couper l'herbe sous le pied des trolls, et aider les gens qui débute à savoir où ils mettent les pieds. Et ceci dans le but d'éviter justement certaines prises de têtes et de devoir BL encore et encore certains joueurs (sans compter que la Black list n'est pas lié a l'accompte ou ne black list pas l'accompte entier d'un autre joueur et que l'on se retrouve a faire le boulot autant de fois qu'on a de personnages. Pas vraiment le plus agréable non plus.)
  7. Bonjour a tous. J'ai remarqué un probleme sur le serveur JDR PVE francais a savoir l'information sur le Tool tips La derniere phrase a été traduite de l'anglais et donne Aucune règles spécifiques ne s'appliquent pour les noms donnés ou les discussions sur ce serveur. Cette traduction pose un sérieux probleme sur le serveur Battle Meditation (et surement les autres serveur JDR) c'est une invasion de noms totalement hors charte, voir insultant, ou meme pire. De plus, ce comportement est doublé la plupart du temps par des remarques insultantes car selon ces joueurs, il n'y a pas de regles sur les channels de discussion non plus. J'ai eu pour l'instant ce genre d'excuse : - Les regles ne s'applique pas aux joueurs Free To Play - Il n'y a pas de regles de nommage ce sont les 2 qui reviennent le plus souvent. Le second probleme est que le serveur Battlemeditation est en tete de liste et ceci amene beaucoup de joueur qui seraient probablement mieux sur un serveur PVE. Mes suggestions sont donc les suivantes : Un changer le message du tool tips et le rendre clair et impossible a détourner en inscrivant ceci : "Les règles de nommage des personnages, et les règles de gestions des canaux sont suffisement strictes dans les règles générales de bonnes conduites s'appliquant a tous les serveurs, pour ne pas nécessiter d'ajout sur les serveurs JDR" Et la seconde suggestion serait de faire en sorte que les serveurs JDR, que ce soit PVE ou PVP ne puisse jamais etre en tete de liste, quelque soit la facon de filtrer les affichage. Ceci devrait aider lourdement a éviter certaines invasions. Et quand aux trolls qui viendraient malgré tout polluer les serveurs JDR, leur nombre devrait etre suffisement réduits pour ne pas donner de surcharge de travail au service clientel pour leur traitement. Je pense sincerement que ceci pourrait contribuer a sérieusement améliorer l'ambiance sur les serveurs JDR, et diminuer les pertes de plaisir du jeu dues a la présence trop importantes de ce genre de personne qui ne respecte meme pas le message clair sur la maturité et le respect demandé sur les serveurs JDR. Edit : J'ai aussi pensé en revoyant le tool tips actuel, qu'il serait judicieux de remettre le lien vers les Regles de Bonne conduite et la charte dans le tool tips. Car de nombreux joueurs ne savent meme pas que les regles existent.
  8. Not sure if that's the right place to post it, so thanks to move it to the right place in case. So, here is the problem. We have currently a Black list that is linked to each of our characters. And that only 'black list' one character of the player who did something that make us not wanting to play with him or her anymore. (Ninja looting, insulting, bad behavior and so on.). Being on a RP PVE server I see even more insulting names crowding the areas every days and by experience I know most people who just ignore the namings rules are also players who ignore the others 'Rules of Good Conducts'. So, what I'm suggesting is to have the Black list system extended to work on an account wide scale instead of character scale. That would help greatly, and avoid us to have to add players in the ignore again and again. In hope that could be sent up the dev ladder and have some change happening.
  9. Bien, je viens de faire un petit controle des prix, la ou nos amis américains paient 78 dollars la souscription de 6 mois ou encore 40 dollars le pack de 5500 crédits du cartel les européens paient 66 euros les 6 mois et 35 euros le pack de 5500 crédit du cartel Maintenant comparons les monnaies au cours du jour 1 euro = 1.3 dollars 1 euro = 1.23 franc suisse 1 franc suisse = 1.08 dollar Si je m'en refere a ce cours, les européens se font deja arnaquer de 6 euros pour la souscription et de 5 euros pour les 5500 crédits du cartel. Mais la ou ca deviens une vraie arnaque c'est pour le client suisse 100 francs suisse les 6 mois et 53 francs le pack de 5500 crédit du cartel A comparaison c'est comme si EA utilisais un taux de change qui n'a pas lieu d'etre depuis plus de 5 ans. Parce que a ce prix, Tabel de EA : 1 dollar = 1.3 franc suisse alors que le marché est a 1 dollar = 0.93 francs suisse Alors quand est-ce que ce prix abusif va etre corrigé ?
  10. Actually they are cosmetic, but when you see how BW is mismatching the various armor colors, even in supposed set, then those cosmetics were really waited for. I just finished the class mission on my Vanguard, and in the last videos, I did see again that the 'unify' color is not getting through the video of the game. I did not feel 'happy' with the feeling with that supposed "happy video", as watching my team I had more of a "what the **** is that team, is it supposed to be Havoc Squad, the best team of the Republic. But darn... they look like they have armors stolen from all around the galaxy, and not even a 'penny' to have any uniform sets of armors..." Really love to have my characters having some good look, and I come from Dark Age of Camelot, where you could Die your various piece of armor, and even put your guild blazon on your shields and on your cloak. So yes, we are more than entitled to be unhappy with the whole system. Bioware should really stop to listen to the Marketing guys of Electronic Arts, and start to do something RIGHT for once, before they get the game destroyed. Some peoples don't care about their characters looks, but I would bet a lot that those are among the minority. And to back up that bet, I have a kind of proof, as Bioware did finally listen and have the bonus of armors sets linked to Armor plates instead of the Orange armor. Giving people the ability to look the way they wanted and get their sets bonus, instead of being clones of each other players around. The whole artifice pack of colors is a joke, and it is not even reaching the number of colors sets that were announced in the pre-release of the patch. And the whole system of gambling to get the other colors is just pure stupidity. All those packs and the very cost of them make the 500 (potentially 600 cartel coins) we receive when we are subscriber just feeling 'cheated' on. Add to that the number of old bugs that are not even solved, or who just keep coming back and you can understand why people are getting very angry, and have less and less patience with the game. Especially those fans like me who started at the Beta, and felt that the game should have been delayed for 6 months to 1 year to have a more 'finished' state before getting started at first.
  11. Add the access to various Datacron and other such things, that some of the biggest body can cause troubles already. But what they are even more afraid is the 'interacial' things that could be said about a wookie Romancing someone, or others such situations. I would really love to play a Wookie scoundrel or Jedi
  12. Don't worry, they are keeping on the same exact track they have followed since the start of the game. They were unable to make things works without borking 10 others, now they added Achievements that are tied to things that are out of the game since the Beta, I hope you did not though they would manage to get a Collection working without you having to rebuy the whole collection set and give them more real money.
  13. EA promise for subscriber 'free' content is to be taken like politician promise. Lot of talk, no actions. So you can forget it. They just upped the ant making the 500 credits you receive as a subscriber worse than useless when you see the cost of some of the new 'options'.
  14. Stop buying cartel packs and coin, and make EA understand you want a game and not a 'gambling honestly earned money in a system that is worst than Las Vegas roulette' . The only way to make EA understand is to hit them where it hurt, in the wallet (as sadly enough we can't hope for any chance to hit their direction board in the *****....)
  15. It's already the case, you are forced to be a subscriber to post on the Forum, or to enjoy the customer Service. But in the actual situation I should say the Customers Sevices, as it's closer to the truth.
  16. Electronic Arts, it's the Marketing team of EA that is behind, not Bioware. Sadly Bioware do what they are told to do, if they don't want to be closed.... Thanks EA to have ruined another licence I loved so much.
  17. Most game have not been built with a huge push in the Altoholic direction. SWTOR is all about Legacy, and having multiple characters. When you have the various speaking with your companions you even find out that there are links between some of the companions of various characters. And as a fan of Stories, I really want to push the limit and try everything. Actually I still plan to play for a long time, and having 9 characters in the way, I already know what the 3 next are going to be (they are not created as I want a Cathar and I need to unlock the 2 other races first). But just in my case I would like to have enough characters to explore every aspects of every stories. Be it light sided or dark sided. And just to give a bit more to the situation, we have 21 options for Romance actually and surely some news coming. So why can't we explore all the stories, enjoy all the various funny situation and the like ? Just to pick about the Star Trek info, I own myself over 14 characters there. With only 3 class. The only difference being mostly what kind of ship I use in space and their ground gears that vary from one to the other.
  18. Actually I have paid for the subscriber and even gave a lot to this game. But when I see what they do with the Prefered or even the Free to play situation, I think they have taken every bad ideas I have seen in Free to play games I have tried since some years, and combined their every worst choice possible together. The money limit. The Number of resurection on the battlefield. The limit of money The ability to hide the hideous helmets And those are only a few of the options. I don't ask them to make everything free for players, but darn they already made huge mistakes with the community and their player base since Day 1. And with their change to F2P system they kept doing wrong choice. As an example, in Star Trek, even if they did some huge mistakes in their management, they did not "punish" their player for getting from Subscribing to "free to play", giving them much better options than what we have as Prefered status here in SWTOR. Another example, I picked my characters to keep playing them, choosing my lvl 50 toon as the first to keep active. And when my account get in Prefered mode, I find 2 of my toons I had left to be inactive set as active, and my 2 most equiped and having the highest amount of money being set as inactive. Is that how a player who paid them a subscription since the very start should be "rewarded", by having their system bugging like hell and preventing the player to just play, and forcing him back into subscribing mode to get another chance to have his "characters" selection being fumbled by Bioware again ? All in all, I like star wars as I'm a fan of the serie since long, I'm a Star Wars Game master on the table top game, but right now, I'm a very pissed off customer who start to wonder if Bioware is going to make 1 good decision for their Player base in the coming weeks or months. Or if they will keep making very poor decision and very offensive choice against their Player Base. My 2 cents.
  19. Don't worry, the dev team keep true to themselves, they were saying NO ONE would ever been interested to have any kind of SWG jump to lightspeed spaceship fighting system in SWTOR. They have been told by their player base since the beta that the tunnel like system was ****, that for a MMORPG based on Star Wars their was to be some Multiplayer Space Fight area to be successfull. They kept true to themselves, saying the players were wrong, that only THEM were knowing what the players wanted. And now we see the result. They had to turn the game in a Free to play, they lost most of their player base in the first month, if not the 2-3 months since the start. And they even managed to piss off their player base who were giving them time to correct things by making communications mistakes after communications mistakes (remember how the 'lvl 50 were the most important customers to earn a 30 days bonus play time, even if the account was not active and the player had not even played a month since the release ? And how the players who like to reroll and who had plenty of lvl 40+ but no 50 were not "good enough" to earn that before it turned in a storm on the forums... ) So actually we just hope that something will come before the game is dead. And the way the marketing is working is actually getting the game even worse. I have friends who wanted to try, started playing a char, got to the point they had some of the ugly "head slot" armor, and found that you have to pay to disable the sight of the head slot... Made them leave, as they explored the others 'pay options' and found too many that were almost needed to make their character look "nice"... Never seen so many mistakes done by a team in the same game and I play online game since long. So sad, as SWTOR would have been a great Mono player RPG game. But it's a real mess as a Multiplayer game... too many bugs, too many wrong choices from the devs...
  20. If they can't fix such a small issue, don't put your hopes on them fixing any other kind of issues. I have seen so many bugs seen the launch of the game. And the lightsaber bug on companion was a rare issue (I had a very few that were impossible to pinpoint so I was unable to give a proper 'bug report' with the way to have the issue happening). But since it started to be a recurrent issue, there is no need to give a lengthy detailed bug report as it happen ALWAYS, you just have to summon your companion. So that don't take long to check IF they had some real quality testing and IF they had a real team checking if the patch is not breaking more things that they fixed. I remember the nightmare that the mission of the STORYLINE of the trooper was, the very finishing one of the very FIRST chapter. Having the npc spawning under the area, and managing to shoot at you, or get your companion "locked" somewhere. And other animation triggers bug in the very same mission. I wondered if they had really had any testers in their team playing their own game when I found this.
  21. Make it right, and you can add it as a Roleplaying part too, as a Game master on Starwars paper game, my players have always enjoyed having the 2 aspects in our game sessions. Perhaps not at every session, some were purely on ground other were in space, others a mix. But to my opinion, and I'm sure I'm not alone out there, the actual space system should not be in game and we should have something more "starwars like" and not "tunnel shooter like" as we got. But in the actual state, some of the missions they have added, are just plain punishement and nothing like fun.
  22. Yes, that post will look like a rant. But there is a good reason to that. I am from those players who kept telling our dear developers that a game of Star Wars without a nice 3D joystick massively multiplayer Spacial area would not be a Star Wars game. Eve if in the old Kotors I was missing some of those good old days X-Wing alliance style of fights, and since The Old Republic is out, I'm dearly missing some good fight like we had in SWG. To be able to get a full team of friends in your ship for some fights, or get a squad of mates in various ships to fight in space. Even if not liking the previous missions, I was doing the dailies, as it was the "only" space content we had. Forced to do with what we had even if it was not what I wanted and hoped for this game. Now, I had not done spaceship missions since a While, and tried the various missions suggesting "equipment grade 7 advised". But being not too 'bad' myself, I was managing most of the time to do the missions we had previously with equipment that were 1 to 2 grades lower than the advised. There were some missions I was not really loving but I was managing all. And then I tried those new missions. And to my bad surprise I saw that my whole Grade 6 ship was useless, no way to survive because the DPS was not enough, and the missiles damages where not enough, and that every single little "error" was getting me killed because the Shields and whole equipment were not powerful enough to let me survive. Fair enough I though "ok, going to get myself stuffed in Grade 7 equipment." That I did, and I did beat most of the mission in 2 tries, one to get to the end once and watch where were the tricks and other oddities, usually surviving but missing 1 target or the like. But when I arrived on Thanium Mission, darn, I wondered if the guys who developed this mission where using drugs when designing it. As a PC game player, using a mouse and the keyboard, that mission is pure hell, the worst you can find in such kind of game. And I have been around since long, having started playing on Amiga 24 years ago, and having started on games on PC since over 15 years... In this mission every single turn as a vicious potential for hitting an asteroid, and if that was not enough, in some place if you are not precise to the millimeter you hit the next asteroid, and even with that, you are forced to dodge Asteroids and that let your opponents constantly pounding your shields. Where is the FUN in such a punishing kind of mission ? Where is the fun when you have to redo it again and again and again and again until you know every single little move, every angle you have to do, the very precise "second" you have to activate your skill, having NO ROOM for any errors. One of the thing I hate in games is the kind of game you have to redo things until you can do them the way the DEV want you to do it, and where your own creativity is reduced to 0. And Thanium Disruption is such a kind of mission. I have done it, and after finally loosing so long a time to manage it I really had a "*** moment" with the 1600 credits reward, and 20 fleets commendation. And being such a pain, I'm really not thinking about doing it on a daily basis. Feel like some SM machine and not a supposedly "fun mission". So now, where is the promised 3D fight they where speaking about as it was the highest demanded thing in their poll last year ? And when are you devs going to correct all those visual bugs that are still here since day 0 ? As those bugs are even plaguing those new missions. (I have a fully working Nvidia GTX 480 and I have the very same bugs with every version of the drivers I have had since the game is out.) All in all until now I have been a faithful costumer, giving you time and even keeping the money coming YOUR way in hope that the game would be corrected and finished, as I know that today having a game finished when it get out is pure utopia. But please, stop the destruction, stop all the non-sense and fun killing you are adding to the game. Even some of the free to play "paying" options are looking like insults. I have friends who said "let's try the game", and found you had to pay to disable the very ugly head gears, they just left.... Ok Rants off, but please Devs open your eyes to what players are wanting, and not what you 'think' they want. You missed the first warnings when getting the game out, you got in the bad way with your communication during the last year, insulting most of your supporting costumers, and now you are even getting further in bad decisions with some of the choice you did for the free to play options. Please open your eyes before you kill the last desire of players like me to give you "a chance" to give us a game that could last for years.
  23. Sauf que si tu lis dans le blog developpeur voici ce qu'ils annoncent À partir d'aujourd'hui, vous gagnerez des récompenses dans le cadre de notre programme de fidélité. Votre abonnement est plus précieux que jamais ! Les abonnés actuels et les anciens abonnés gagneront 200 pièces du cartel pour chaque mois payé jusqu'à aujourd'hui (31 juillet 2012) et chaque mois payé entre le 1 août 2012 et le lancement du mode de jeu gratuit. Ayant justement pris le temps de lire, et ayant trouvé une erreur entre les 2 liens je viens donc poser la question vu qu'a premiere vue nos amis de Bioware et d'Electronic arts n'ont pas retenu la leçon sur leur premiere bourde avec le fameux mois gratuit offert a leur "plus fidele client les lvl 50". Ce n'est surement pas une simple erreur, et ca serait bien que d'une page a l'autre de leur site officiel ils aient les MEMES informations, et qu'ils arretent de prendre la communauté pour une bande de quiche et de vache a lait. Parce qu'a premiere vue ils ont toujours pas compris, vu qu'ils vont devoir passer en Free To Play moins d'une année apres la sortie du jeu et qu'ils continuent a nous promettre du contenu pour le "spatial tunnel" alors que la communauté leur demande un VRAI systeme spatial avec liberté d'action complete un peu comme il y avait dans SWG. Enfin bon, encore une preuve que EA et Bioware sont tombé bien bas, et qu'ils auraient du prendre 1 a 2 ans avant de sortir le jeu pour qu'il soit moins buggé, mieux finit et que des éléments basiques ne soient pas oublié au lancement.
  24. Entre ces 2 articles, lequel devont nous croire ? http://www.swtor.com/fr/info/news/blog/20120731 http://www.swtor.com/fr/free Dans l'une nous est promis 200 pieces du cartel pour chaque mois payé avant le 31 juillet 2012. Dans l'autre le tableau récapitulatif parle de 150 pieces. Le foirage magistral sur le mois gratuit n'a pas suffit pour que la leçon sur ce genre de bourde soie apprise ?
  25. Mostly wrong on all the line, as a lot of people where already asking for the 3D, joystick piloted, space fight since the Beta and before. SWG had it as a nice part, and with all the supposed fights and battle around a full 3D space could add more to the game. And it could even be more fun if you could have full crews complement to fight with you, for exemple taking the Scoundrel freighter, and having friends manning the turrets. I can tell you it had some success on SWG with people who were "not that good" with 3D piloting, but were enjoying a good evening of space fight with 1 or 2 freighters fully manned with a couple of escorts fighters. I really hope BW will do it a nice way, and give us a great 3D space environement.
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