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A case for a more robust preferred status


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also... just hit me, if I was preffered player and had no credit limit wouldn't I be able to buy weekly passes and every other unlock from the gtn no matter the cost?Why would I spend any money on this game anymore?


theoretically yes. However, the devs wouldn't loose revenue since someone has to buy the unlock in order to sell it. I don't think it really matters who spends the CC in the grand scheme of things. At another angle: by giving Preferred players a credit cap unlock it could benefit selling CM items on the GTN because the number of buyers of expensive stuff just increased significantly.


Take a look at the GTN as it is right now: at least on my server expensive unlocks like the Artifact Equipment unlock are pretty rare and when they do show up they go for a price only a sub can afford because of the unlimited credit wallet. The only people that can actually use these items can't buy them so the market is limited to the small portion of subs looking to buy unlocks for friends. This is compared with cheap stuff like Unlock Legacy Name items that are always sold in relative abundance because they can profitably sold at prices non-subs can afford.


Now imagine what the GTN would look like if Preferred players could buy a permanent credit cap unlock. Suddenly there would be great demand on the market for the most expensive unlocks and CM items because they could now be profitably sold directly to non-subs. Sure maybe a smart Preferred player only buys the expensive account wide credit cap unlock and buys everything else on the GTN but someone HAD to buy those items with CC first so it's unlikely that the devs would be loosing revenue. It's theoretically possible they'd GAIN revenue because under the current system maybe the Preferred guy goes without the expensive Artifact Equipment unlock but with a credit cap unlock they buy the Artifact Equipment unlock (bought by someone else with CC mind you) off the GTN. Now the devs just earned money on an unlock that previously would have remained unpurchased.


By allowing non-subs to create a demand on the GTN for even the most expensive unlocks and create increased demand for other expensive CM items the devs stand to gain, not loose, money with a credit cap unlock because people looking to earn credits on the GTN by selling CM items will suddenly have a reason to shell out the big bucks to purchase expensive CM items. Heck you might even get a few Preferred players to start taking part in that scheme of earning credits by spending real money on CM items to sell on the GTN.

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theoretically yes. However, the devs wouldn't loose revenue since someone has to buy the unlock in order to sell it. I don't think it really matters who spends the CC in the grand scheme of things. At another angle: by giving Preferred players a credit cap unlock it could benefit selling CM items on the GTN because the number of buyers of expensive stuff just increased significantly.


Take a look at the GTN as it is right now: at least on my server expensive unlocks like the Artifact Equipment unlock are pretty rare and when they do show up they go for a price only a sub can afford because of the unlimited credit wallet. The only people that can actually use these items can't buy them so the market is limited to the small portion of subs looking to buy unlocks for friends. This is compared with cheap stuff like Unlock Legacy Name items that are always sold in relative abundance because they can profitably sold at prices non-subs can afford.


Now imagine what the GTN would look like if Preferred players could buy a permanent credit cap unlock. Suddenly there would be great demand on the market for the most expensive unlocks and CM items because they could now be profitably sold directly to non-subs. Sure maybe a smart Preferred player only buys the expensive account wide credit cap unlock and buys everything else on the GTN but someone HAD to buy those items with CC first so it's unlikely that the devs would be loosing revenue. It's theoretically possible they'd GAIN revenue because under the current system maybe the Preferred guy goes without the expensive Artifact Equipment unlock but with a credit cap unlock they buy the Artifact Equipment unlock (bought by someone else with CC mind you) off the GTN. Now the devs just earned money on an unlock that previously would have remained unpurchased.


By allowing non-subs to create a demand on the GTN for even the most expensive unlocks and create increased demand for other expensive CM items the devs stand to gain, not loose, money with a credit cap unlock because people looking to earn credits on the GTN by selling CM items will suddenly have a reason to shell out the big bucks to purchase expensive CM items. Heck you might even get a few Preferred players to start taking part in that scheme of earning credits by spending real money on CM items to sell on the GTN.


I hate it when people bring logic to an opinion thread.


I'll just re-post AboB's comment here as it fits in more logically than where it was originally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So with the repair cost increase which I gather from the forum posts is excessive even for (some) subscribers it seems like a credit cap increase may be needed if Preferred status players are going to be able to afford gear repairs on top of existing credit sinks. At least it sounds to me like discussion about a credit cap unlock should be changed from considering a nice luxury that has no impact on game play to one that could have significant impact on game play if the current cap keeps players from being able to pay for repairs on top of all the other credit sinks.
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you know what would be lovely though? EVE like system where you could sell full month subscription on GTN for a chunk of credits. does it really matter if you buy it with credits or cash? someone had to buy it from developers first, does it matter who?

and as far as I know - buying those tradable subscriptions actually costs to the buyer more then just outright subscribing, but for many people this would be worth it, to get guaranteed legal in game income, rather then going to gold/credit sellers and risc their accounts. bioware still profits. EVE the game might not work for me personally, but that subscription deal they have? is a damn good idea.

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theoretically yes. However, the devs wouldn't loose revenue since someone has to buy the unlock in order to sell it. I don't think it really matters who spends the CC in the grand scheme of things. At another angle: by giving Preferred players a credit cap unlock it could benefit selling CM items on the GTN because the number of buyers of expensive stuff just increased significantly.


Take a look at the GTN as it is right now: at least on my server expensive unlocks like the Artifact Equipment unlock are pretty rare and when they do show up they go for a price only a sub can afford because of the unlimited credit wallet. The only people that can actually use these items can't buy them so the market is limited to the small portion of subs looking to buy unlocks for friends. This is compared with cheap stuff like Unlock Legacy Name items that are always sold in relative abundance because they can profitably sold at prices non-subs can afford.


Now imagine what the GTN would look like if Preferred players could buy a permanent credit cap unlock. Suddenly there would be great demand on the market for the most expensive unlocks and CM items because they could now be profitably sold directly to non-subs. Sure maybe a smart Preferred player only buys the expensive account wide credit cap unlock and buys everything else on the GTN but someone HAD to buy those items with CC first so it's unlikely that the devs would be loosing revenue. It's theoretically possible they'd GAIN revenue because under the current system maybe the Preferred guy goes without the expensive Artifact Equipment unlock but with a credit cap unlock they buy the Artifact Equipment unlock (bought by someone else with CC mind you) off the GTN. Now the devs just earned money on an unlock that previously would have remained unpurchased.


By allowing non-subs to create a demand on the GTN for even the most expensive unlocks and create increased demand for other expensive CM items the devs stand to gain, not loose, money with a credit cap unlock because people looking to earn credits on the GTN by selling CM items will suddenly have a reason to shell out the big bucks to purchase expensive CM items. Heck you might even get a few Preferred players to start taking part in that scheme of earning credits by spending real money on CM items to sell on the GTN.


As a subscriber, it matters to me who buys the cartel unlock. I see absolutely no reason for someone who doesn't want to pay the $15 month to subscribe to have access to all the benefits that I, and others, pay that $15 month to receive.


In regards to your point about the GTN, I'm happy to see the prices kept in check at least a little, due to the credit cap. If everyone and their uncle could unlock the credit cap, I shudder to think about the inflation that would ensue. I think it would become a situation where a player could choose to buy credits via the cartel market to GTN route, or simply not be able to afford to buy anything on the GTN.

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  • 2 months later...

IMHO, Turbine did it right and it seems bioware is on the right path when they mirror some of their f2p model. Has having the gold cap unlockable from the turbine store hurt subs? Not the last I looked. Once LOTRO went f2p they started doing better and still are. I think it’s silly when people say "I'll unsub if you do x or y" They remind me of my kids arguing w/ each other when the other feels there's been an injustice.


I would argue that this credit cap alone keeps more players away than there would be if the cred cap was unlockable.


In the long term, not allowing the cred cap to be removed is going to hurt swtor. I know of alot of people who do not sub to lotro who just buy points, and lifers who also buy points. To me it feels stingy and like penny pinching to me. Everything we as subs have access should be unlockable, everything. Not given for free but unlockable. Its better business in the long run. Think about, if people can pick exactly how they play, picking and purchasing any and all unlocks they choose, they will be having more fun, play longer and be tempted to buy from the market. They can't care about those whom I mentioned above and do what makes better sense, and is proven to work. Not everyone will be happy, but the majority will and they will be rewarded by people buying more points for these unlocks.


Lastly I think the mistake bioware made was instead of giving subs more for their loyalty, they took more from preferred. Here’s where they missed the boat imho. When someone comes in game as a f2p, without having given 1 cent to the game, it makes sense that there are a ton of restrictions. They really treated the previous subscribers badly here. If they want more subs, they need to treat current subs and previous subbers way better. I don’t see them doing this, but to me it seems like they are obviously desperate for subs, so desperate that they made the non subbers game time much more time consuming and slow. High levels are forced to spend their money after doing the dailies and not are now going to be completely blocked from some legacies. I think lotro is doing it right for the most part and I would like to see swtor successful as them.


So Please bioware consider the bigger picture and not only allow the cred cap to be removed but the other little things that keep players playing.

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subs should be getting real benefits to keep subbing, preferred status should feel like a viable way to play without being treated like dirt. Currently neither is really true.

Treated like dirt? That feeling you have is called entitlement.

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