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arsenal merc is op!!


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remove their self heal abilities and make them wear medium armor will correct this problem.


Then give them the same defensive cooldowns and utility as a scoundrel/operative or a sentinel/mara. That would be fair.

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Then give them the same defensive cooldowns and utility as a scoundrel/operative or a sentinel/mara. That would be fair.


nope because Merc are a healer class not pure DPS as Sentinel/Marauder.

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Tracer missile spam is annoying because the merc is doing it wrong. Tracer is just the setup for HSM, unload, and RS


I think he meant like mercs in pvp in the 10-49 bracket, when they hit level 20 and got tracer missile/grav round, that was all they used. Most of them didnt even bother with unload, just tracer tracer tracer tracer tracer. I remember being on a team with 4 arsenals and hearing nothing but that damn whistle that came with tracer missile launches

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I think he meant like mercs in pvp in the 10-49 bracket, when they hit level 20 and got tracer missile/grav round, that was all they used. Most of them didnt even bother with unload, just tracer tracer tracer tracer tracer. I remember being on a team with 4 arsenals and hearing nothing but that damn whistle that came with tracer missile launches


Its mostly resource management. Spamming grav/tracer lets you do good damage for a long time. But doing anything fancy will suck your resource pool dry in no time. Level 20 does not have the passive regen yet, and it hurts.

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They at balanced. They at squishy as hell and can't dps at all when they are focused.


As opposed to what class? They have spectacular damage with burst, speed buff/cc immunity every 30 seconds, knockback, of course the electronet on a fairly short timer, I don't know if the root is still there. The class is spectacular mobile dps and much much harder to kill than sorcs or frankly snipers and can last long enough to get 10 waves of reinforcements not to mention kill your ***. The class balance guy wouldn't know balance if it were his mother.

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I would remove the self-healing from all healers until they are specced 36+ points into healing.


If you remove self heals then you must increase the number of defensive CDs that the DPS scoundrel/op and merc/mando have as they would become a pure dps class like sent/mara and slinger/sniper. They would also need to gain gap closers [scoundrel] and interrupt immunity.


If you are proposing to give merc/mando no heals and medium armour, you have 0 understanding of where the class is placed right now. It is still on the lowest rung.

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If you remove self heals then you must increase the number of defensive CDs that the DPS scoundrel/op and merc/mando have as they would become a pure dps class like sent/mara and slinger/sniper. They would also need to gain gap closers [scoundrel] and interrupt immunity.


If you are proposing to give merc/mando no heals and medium armour, you have 0 understanding of where the class is placed right now. It is still on the lowest rung.


they wont need a gap closer because they are ranged. I understand perfectly where the class belongs. It's a range support class: period. Caught out in the open in a 1v1 situation it should get destroyed.

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As opposed to what class? They have spectacular damage with burst, speed buff/cc immunity every 30 seconds, knockback, of course the electronet on a fairly short timer, I don't know if the root is still there. The class is spectacular mobile dps and much much harder to kill than sorcs or frankly snipers and can last long enough to get 10 waves of reinforcements not to mention kill your ***. The class balance guy wouldn't know balance if it were his mother.


Hold the line does not give CC immunity, only "immunity from all movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics". Stuns and mezzes still get through.


Just sayin'.

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they wont need a gap closer because they are ranged. I understand perfectly where the class belongs. It's a range support class: period. Caught out in the open in a 1v1 situation it should get destroyed.


What support does it offer? Inferior DPS, no utility, and according to you, no healing. I don't understand what you are even suggesting it should do? Your version of the class would have them replaced by any other DPS class as they would become useless! In a wz where all one team had 2 smashers vs 1 smasher and a mando, two melee would engage, one would rip the mando to shreds then jump back to assist his buddy with the other smasher.

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What support does it offer? Inferior DPS, no utility, and according to you, no healing. I don't understand what you are even suggesting it should do? Your version of the class would have them replaced by any other DPS class as they would become useless! In a wz where all one team had 2 smashers vs 1 smasher and a mando, two melee would engage, one would rip the mando to shreds then jump back to assist his buddy with the other smasher.


Are you delirious? Inferior DPS? You are clueless, not only do they have great dps they can stack damage for burst. And they are for all intents and purposes immune to cc. A merc who know what the **** they are doing is untouchable by anything that is not ranged. They are now better than pyros were pre 2.0.

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Are you delirious? Inferior DPS? You are clueless, not only do they have great dps they can stack damage for burst. And they are for all intents and purposes immune to cc. A merc who know what the **** they are doing is untouchable by anything that is not ranged. They are now better than pyros were pre 2.0.


Er... heh. This is so far from the truth it is amusing. And I'm from your server and know exactly who all the good mercs/mandos are (and I've seen you plenty of times in WZs, so I'll assume you know who I am).


There are plenty of great meleers who turn me and the others into stains on the floor. Plenty of bad ones who don't. Immune to CC my ***.


As for deeps, I'm by far the highest dps PvP mando on on the server, and probably up there with my somewhat undergeared merc (Chasso from Woops). I don't hold a candle to a good mara, sorc or sniper, and there are a couple of sins who can match or beat my output too.


If I run with a Woops team of Boris, Xani and Ardenti , I'll put out a million+ in a VS and be 3rd or 4th best DPS. Grahf (the Jugg) is one of my worst nightmares when he's not on my team. You want to tell me that none of them have burst too? ;)

Edited by Jherad
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Are you delirious? Inferior DPS? You are clueless, not only do they have great dps they can stack damage for burst. And they are for all intents and purposes immune to cc. A merc who know what the **** they are doing is untouchable by anything that is not ranged. They are now better than pyros were pre 2.0.


I agree completely...probably because im one who knows what the **** im doing

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Lol is this thread serious? I only ever play against them and have never had an issue with a single merc but one on my server. they ain't OP at all.


Well the original post was a joke, but it seems to have turned semi-serious. Some people have had a harder time adjusting to the changes than others. :p

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Are you delirious? Inferior DPS? You are clueless, not only do they have great dps they can stack damage for burst. And they are for all intents and purposes immune to cc. A merc who know what the **** they are doing is untouchable by anything that is not ranged. They are now better than pyros were pre 2.0.


I am very serious. Inferior doesn't mean we lack burst, I mean it is INFERIOR to that of the other two ranged classes. I am seeing Sage/Sorcs put out insane DPS in the right build, and Snipers/slingers clearly do more. Coming in third place still means we are inferior to the other two.


Immune to CC? What on earth are you talking about?

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