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Server transfer now!!!


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But, but all those people who want SGR's!!

Never mind paid server transfers, Fixing the CTD or about a hundred other annoyances in a single sit through..Its the guy on guy or girl on girl action thats the priority...

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But, but all those people who want SGR's!!

Never mind paid server transfers, Fixing the CTD or about a hundred other annoyances in a single sit through..Its the guy on guy or girl on girl action thats the priority...


Screw SGR, me want transfer NOW!

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Still cracks me up how people think that the writers somehow block the server tech people from doing their work.


That might be how it's done at real MMO companies, but this is BW where the dev team consists of a single trained monkey that does everything from creating new content, to fixing bugs, and responding to customer service complaints.


Just kidding.

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their was a discussion on here a week ago about this, apparently bw have moved server transfer to the end of this year, i don't know if this is true because i haven't found anything on it yet though but their was a discussion on it
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[/size]Suggestion/Reply to Original Post


Hi there,


I strongly feel that the need to activate the Server transfer option already built into the game mechanics is bordering on a need.


The reason I feel that server transfers are needed and should be re-activated is due to the number of people who started to branch out through conversations to other servers and to friends/family and colleagues after the server meld that occurred. (Especially after Free to Play was brought forward)


Personally I've come into contact with several colleagues and a brother in-law who plays on a different server and they don't want to start over again. (I can't blame them, I wouldn't want to either).


Here is some constructive thoughts on how I feel it would work the best.


High Level overview:

Transferring of a Single Character - NO legacy is transferred

Transferring of all Characters - Legacy is transferred


Suggestion for flow of Order.


Yes path First (Legacy Transfer)

Select Server to Transfer From - To be referred to as the host server

Is this a Legacy Transfer? Y or N?


Legal Disclaimer - Please be aware that this will result in the charge and transfer of all characters on the host server to the Destination server. (this would include all CARTEL earned Legacy purchases)

-- A quick fyi that SWTOR can't guarantee the legacy surname will be available etc (just like a characters name)

Continue with Transfer? Y or N?



Ta-da, all characters including the Legacy and perks are transferred from the host server to the destination server.


Now for the Single Transfer (No legacy)


Select Host Server

Select Character

Select Destination Server

Continue with Transfer? Y or N


Legal Disclaimer (Cant guarantee name, etc etc) All Cartel Purchases will NOT transfer to new server as they would be linked to the Legacy.

Ta Da, Single Character is transferred.


Again, to continue building on the Community, I strongly feel that options need to be available to allow for existing players to unite on a single server without recreating everything that has already been purchased/earned.


I'm always willing to provide additional insight and/or thoughts to help better the experience for both the subscribers and the Developers.


Thank you in advance for considering this option.

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That might be how it's done at real MMO companies, but this is BW where the dev team consists of a single trained monkey that does everything from creating new content, to fixing bugs, and responding to customer service complaints.


Just kidding.


No, I think you might be on to something there.

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I find it amusing people have been 'betting' this would happen after every major patch.


It has not.


I somehow doubt EA / BW is really not implementing this due to not wanting the $$$. That leaves us with only a few logical reasons why it hasn't been done:


- Technical limits (i.e., there's something causing them issues with having on-demand transfers, they have to be done in bulk for some reason)


- load balancing issues (they don't want an some servers overloaded)


- knowledge limits (there's some blackboxing in there that allows transfers and the guy who understood it left the company)


- segregation issues (they plan to move all F2P players to some servers and all Paid to others and they want to make sure the code is ready for that before allowing it).



I'm not sure which (or if a combo) of the above, but I'm pretty sure it's not because BW hates the idea of server transfers.

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The dev already said it will come in the second half of 2013. The extended delay does seem to indicate there is quite some development effort involved to implement it.


Interesting to see how much they charge. We know that other game charges $25 per character. Op is willing to pay $50.


How much do you guys think will be a fair price?

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they don't care how much they can charge for this, they don't care. It does not matter how many customers ask for this. It is an option they refuse to give us. They MIGHT give it to us at some point down the road when it suits them to maybe get someone to work on the needed applications to make the process function but to them it just isn't important. It has been asked for by the players since before they did their big server merger and still they don't care. They come back with their "We will consider this for the future" but their future is WAY WAY WAY down the line. You are better off re-rolling and making a new character. You will level a new character to 50 LONG LONG before they -ever- give us what we want.
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they don't care how much they can charge for this, they don't care. It does not matter how many customers ask for this. It is an option they refuse to give us. They MIGHT give it to us at some point down the road when it suits them to maybe get someone to work on the needed applications to make the process function but to them it just isn't important. It has been asked for by the players since before they did their big server merger and still they don't care. They come back with their "We will consider this for the future" but their future is WAY WAY WAY down the line. You are better off re-rolling and making a new character. You will level a new character to 50 LONG LONG before they -ever- give us what we want.


Sadly, this appears to be the truth based on the previous 10 months. Within a month of the game going live, people have been asking for Server Transfers. still nothing. SWTOR is the perfect example of why BIOWARE should only make single player games, and why EA is the worst game producer. Because in an MMO you have to care about the player base and the community that grows from it. It is obvious that BIOWARE and EA do not care about the community due to their lack of action to provide functionality that has been asked for, for just shy of one year.


In addition to server transfers, we could simply add Dual Spec, the ability to change you spec on the fly. This had also been promised to the player base in Q2 of 2012. Stil... nothing.


Sadly, if you are on the wrong server, the only action you can take is to roll a new toon on that server, and start all over again. After taking more than 6 months off from playing this game, and hoping they had made many advancements. I am disappointed that they have not. I continue to play, NOT because this is a good game. Or because it doesn't have bugs (it has FAR TO F-ing many)... I play because of those I play the game with. I PRAY TO GOD that someone out there will make a game worthy of the community. For me personally I think that will be Star Citizen. But until then, I will continue to suffer games like SWTOR in which the developer and publisher don't give a **** about the player base.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The button for server transfers has appeared on your account control panels...this suggests the ability to transfer servers is coming very soon (rather than the second half of 2013) infact I would be surprised if you didn't see it in the next couple of weeks.


LMAO! Do you work for EA? There is no way a player would believe this considering EA's track record.

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I would gladly pay 50 bucks to transfer servers to play with a friend then to have to start over my legacy. GET PAID SERVER TRANSFERS GOING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


The character copy to PTS that is planned will be a good testing tool before "real" server transfers. It will be good to see how the process works before they charge money for something that could ruin a character for real.

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