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Credit boost? - are you kidding me?


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They can't all be big winners...


If you don't like the returns, don't buy the packs.


Isn't that the point... ;)


This thread is like me saying "I bought a lottery ticket and DIDN'T win the jackpot....that's b/s"!!!


These packs are a gamble, that's the point of them....welcome to the game!

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And lets be honest if you ran your dailies for a week you could buy anything out of those packs on the gtn.


I can clear a million credits a day....and never step foot off the fleet.


Why anyone pays REAL money...on packs...at the "hope" of getting a ultra-rare (and valuable) item, is beyond me.


The market is quite simple - if you see something you want out of those packs.....wait a week or two - don't buy right away off the GTN, then buy. The market always get's flooded with these "NEW" items..........snap, some of those flying pets were going for 4 million yesterday, today - they are below 900k! Prices drop fast...........buying the packs for an item you want, is a waste...of money and credits.

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So I opened a Blockade runner cartel pack and the first 'rare' item .... was a credit boost, delivering precisely 60k credits.


I had no idea that the main items in packs could be so utterly crappy - 60k is useless to a lvl 50. The other three I'd bought at least had gear in them.


The second 'rare' item was a republic banner. Which sell for about 1,000c on my server.


Is this the crapest cartel pack ever? Or does anyone have a tale of one that delivered even more disappointment?


That's why it's called gambling :p. You want to know what crappy is? Try ball toss, 1 banner, 1 comp gift and mats.

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Yup.. I even logged a ticket thinking something was hosed.


1- Imperial Banner (Toy)

10- Subelectronic Data Modules (Blue Matls)

1- Aratech Reconstruction Toolkit (Blue Level 5 Gift)

1- Minor Warzone Experience Boost (Consumable)

1- Republic Banner (Toy)


Apparently the Banner is considered a "RARE" item. That sells for 250 credits. Needless to say that as the last pack of like three that I've opened or will waste my credits or coins.

Edited by dscount
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