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Credit boost? - are you kidding me?


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So I opened a Blockade runner cartel pack and the first 'rare' item .... was a credit boost, delivering precisely 60k credits.


I had no idea that the main items in packs could be so utterly crappy - 60k is useless to a lvl 50. The other three I'd bought at least had gear in them.


The second 'rare' item was a republic banner. Which sell for about 1,000c on my server.


Is this the crapest cartel pack ever? Or does anyone have a tale of one that delivered even more disappointment?

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60k to a Lvl 50 is not useless.


I can think of two good repair fees being "Free" on raiding.


If you don't raid, 60K credits is still credits.



But I never had luck with those packs. Most of them in my experience, stunk!

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So I opened a Blockade runner cartel pack and the first 'rare' item .... was a credit boost, delivering precisely 60k credits.


I had no idea that the main items in packs could be so utterly crappy - 60k is useless to a lvl 50. The other three I'd bought at least had gear in them.


The second 'rare' item was a republic banner. Which sell for about 1,000c on my server.


Is this the crapest cartel pack ever? Or does anyone have a tale of one that delivered even more disappointment?


Maybe not the most useful at 50, but if someone at, say, level 15 or 20 opens that pack, it's like winning the lottery.

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Stop feeding them money by buying these packs, they should not exist in the first place.


S'ok - I bought it on the GTN. The very idea of paying cash money for such a paltry return does leave me feeling faint, however.


And to the chap who said that 60k is useful to a lower lvl .... um, yeah. But these packs are available to all, and should be worth purchasing at all levels, surely? Also, I don't really recall ever running out of money while leveling .....

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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S'ok - I bought it on the GTN. The very idea of paying cash money for such a paltry return does leave me feeling faint, however.


And to the chap who said that 60k is useful to a lower lvl .... um, yeah. But these packs are available to all, and should be worth purchasing at all levels, surely? Also, I don't really recall ever running out of money while leveling .....


So, if I'm just interested in credits, 60k saves me from running 3 or 4 daily missions. Saves me 15-30 minutes of time. Can still be spent like all the other credits. I could make use of that buying gifts for my companions or adding to my bankroll.


Sorry you didn't like your prize, but that does not make it worthless to everyone.

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ill take those credits if they're so useless to you, i can always use more spending money ingame, granted its pocket change but free credits are good credits... honestly its gambling, not every Pack is gonna be the Billion Dollar Jackpot... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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So I opened a Blockade runner cartel pack and the first 'rare' item .... was a credit boost, delivering precisely 60k credits.


I had no idea that the main items in packs could be so utterly crappy - 60k is useless to a lvl 50. The other three I'd bought at least had gear in them.


The second 'rare' item was a republic banner. Which sell for about 1,000c on my server.


Is this the crapest cartel pack ever? Or does anyone have a tale of one that delivered even more disappointment?

You got pretty lucky there. Usually it's an Imp/Pub Banner (which value barely 250cr on my server) and either a Toss Ball or a speeder which sells for less than what you have to pay for a 90% speeder at a vendor. So at least you had 3 packs with gear AND 60k.

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You got pretty lucky there. Usually it's an Imp/Pub Banner (which value barely 250cr on my server) and either a Toss Ball or a speeder which sells for less than what you have to pay for a 90% speeder at a vendor. So at least you had 3 packs with gear AND 60k.


At least... Come on, he'd be better off just trying to sell cartel packs themself on gtn.

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Probably will - but given that I have 8million in the bank, kind of a moot point.


I was really interested in seeing if this was indeed the crapest pack ever - anyone got any worse tales?


The best thing I have gotten to date has been a rifle, which sells for under 100K on my server.(and which I already bought for my Vanguard) I have never seen a credit boost or anything worth a penny other then stupid balls, and banners.


Granted I have only opened like 7 ish packs, only what I can get with the free coins given to me. As there is nothing else I would spend them on in the store, better to buy a lottery ticket than a stick of gum at the 7-11 with the $1 I found in the parking lot.


People complaining about these packs, reminds me of GW2 and the Halloween skins, rare is rare.

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I've opened 7 packs (sub coins and a couple from left over coins when I got my valiant armour set). I've had a couple of orange headpieces, a devastator's lightsaber, max-tac rifle and a black-purple end crystal. I don't know if I'm lucky or if that's standard but I'm happy with those.


In all honesty, a couple of the packs sucked, some have been awesome.

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I opened several packs yesterday (more than 25) all bought with credits ingame. My first one had Revan's Mask and the 3rd had a White Power Crystal. I thought, I am on a roll.... then all the rest had almost nothing worth mentioning except 2 times I got stabs at 5 a pop.


Its gambling.... sometimes you get lucky... but more often you do not. If you have the disposable credits its no biggie and if you dont, then dont buy the packs because there is no guarantee.


If you opened 1 pack and got a throne or white crystal or something else rare would you think that packs were a godsend?

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If you opened 1 pack and got a throne or white crystal or something else rare would you think that packs were a godsend?


This is a good point - and probably what tricked me into thinking the packs were worthwhile. As I said - the first three I got had interesting gear (a speeder, some armour,) and I scored the jackpot with Revan's mask in one, too.


Turns out I was on a roll and didn't realise that this was the exception, not the rule.


Still think that the 'credit boost' should scale with lvl, though. 60k? I leave bigger tips in the cantina. (Or I would if there was anything to do there :()

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So I opened a Blockade runner cartel pack and the first 'rare' item .... was a credit boost, delivering precisely 60k credits.


I had no idea that the main items in packs could be so utterly crappy - 60k is useless to a lvl 50. The other three I'd bought at least had gear in them.


The second 'rare' item was a republic banner. Which sell for about 1,000c on my server.


Is this the crapest cartel pack ever? Or does anyone have a tale of one that delivered even more disappointment?


Don't buy them? It's not like it's a secret that cartel packs contain a RANDOM assortment of items. If this aspect bothers you I'm not understanding why you would purchase them and subsequently complain about the contents?

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Don't buy them? It's not like it's a secret that cartel packs contain a RANDOM assortment of items. If this aspect bothers you I'm not understanding why you would purchase them and subsequently complain about the contents?


Sheesh - I'm not complaining about the randomness of it all. Just the sheer crapness of some of it. Read my last post above this one. It'll explain it all for ya.

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Sheesh - I'm not complaining about the randomness of it all. Just the sheer crapness of some of it. Read my last post above this one. It'll explain it all for ya.



That's sort of the point, just because you are playing for a 600 million dollar lottery. Doesn't make ever ticket worth 100K, you have to have LOTS of losers. Its sort of the reason the masks are selling for 2+ mill along with white crystals etc, other wise they would be as worthless as any other item out of the cartel packs. And lets be honest if you ran your dailies for a week you could buy anything out of those packs on the gtn.

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OMG I put $5 into the slot machine and pulled the lever... these wheel things spun around and landed on 3 different pictures. The machine didn't so much as fart at me!






Seriously. Anyone who doesn't know what he's getting into when buying the cartel packs should be sterilized.


Yep sometimes (read: most) when you gamble, you lose.


Flip side, there are a LOT of people who don't like losing, or even gambling at all. And Bioware might want to ask themselves how much they want their game to feel like a casino, without free liquor or prime rib, where people go to lose.

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