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Queuing as what you are not. This has to stop.


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Well, from my point of view:


Inexperienced player with wrong spec and wrong gear: Please don't.

Experienced player with appropriate spec and wrong gear: I don't care.


Now let me stress that this is just my point of view, and it ends to be that way in 50 hardmodes (Black Talon not included, of course, could probably run that with 4<whatever>).

For healers, the point is completely moot, if their damage gear is up to date. So they wasted some points in accuracy rating (not even applicable for some classes, and even less so in low level). Maybe that means they're effectively running 1 or 2 level old gear... nope, don't care. Damage dealers have some wasted healing stats on their stuff? Don't care.

The only valid point is about tanks, so yes, if a tank is badly equipped, the healer's got to pick it up. It's possible. Is it a bit more interesting than running the flashpoints with a perfect setup while outleveling the FP by 3 levels and more (as that's when the GF puts you in there)? Thankfully, yes. You can actually use CC instead of using area damage on everything. Tank gets to use his cooldowns. People may have to look for mechanics. I enjoy that situation, been in it from all 6 perspectives (properly/"wrong" geared healer/tank/DD with correct spec).


Black Talon HM with 2 marauders and a vengeance jugg who doesn't even have tanking gear, while queueing for heals in damage gear? Most fun I had in a long time. Took us 10 minutes longer than usually, nobody died. Because the group played well.


NOTE: The above is my opinion, not to be mistaken as universal fact :p

Edited by tacito
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I'm confused then. You said you expect at least Columi tanking gear. And then state that you get "some" Columi drops from storymode.


So see, I took your first comment to mean you expect tanks to be fully geared in Columi? Did I read that wrong? Is it just you expect them to be in some Columi gear? Or you expect them to be in full Columi? If it's the former, then ok. If it's the latter than I think your expectations are a bit backwards or at least extreme.


At least when using the LFG tool to group with random flashpoints and PUGs.


Some columi but more important some knowledge of the flashpoint for Hard Modes


IE: Your first ever run of Lost Island SHOULDNT be on hard mode


(funny story that contradicts what I said but hey, exceptions to every rule:

today we pugged in a DPSer for our LI HM run and we got a guy in tionesse/recruit/blue 50 gear with barely 16k health.

He starts up "hey all, this is my first ever run of LI so please explain things".

We almost kicked him but decided since he was upfront and honest we would give him a chance.

Now obviously his damage was low end and I had to be very watchfull of his health vrs the Monkey (spit would take away 1/3 to 1/2 his health per hit).

But this guy took direction like a pro and didnt argue or anything.

If something wasnt clear he said so and we gave a better explaination.

NO WIPES, 1 shotted it all with no drama


Later that night we had anouther newbie who didnt bother admitting he was a newbie. Had 18.5 k health and we wiped 4 times on the monkey as he wouldnt run to his terminal when monkey jumped to pipe. Then wiped on Lorrik.


I swear to god, the earlier newbie smuggler with tionesse weapons out DPSd this Shadow with Columi weapon.

Then this shadow does two big no nos with me.

1) he loots monkey while 2 party members dead rather then rezing them first

2) he waits for everyone to roll greed then swoops in with the need rolls


After we done, despite asking him at least 5 times if he done this before (because it sure didnt look like it) and getting answers like "yup im good, I know whats happening" and such. He pipes up

"TY for my first ever successful LI run"


Long story short, 1st guy is now on my friends list and Ill gladly run LI HM or any other FP he needs. 2nd guy was added to ignore list and ill never group with the putz again.


Gear might not be most important thing in this game (but normally is a clear indication of a players knowledge base to a degree...I know the guardian I just leveled isnt running around in tionesse or even columi gear) but it does make a difference for many fights.


Knowledge however is key and when someone says "Im a better tank in DPS gear and Spec", I KNOW them to be lacking knowledge or understanding of some pretty basic game design specs.


As a healer, you ask me what Id rather heal

Lost Island HM with a Guardian in War Leader Columi


Taral V with a Vanguard with heavy power and Aim stats but no Sheild/Absorbtion/Defence to speak of.


EVEN THO we can skip all but 1 boss, Ill still choose the LI HM run because if we beat LI, its because all worked togather. When we beat Taral V, that vanguard will think its all about him (why wouldnt he, hes already to ignorant to support his group mates with a proper build and gear) and not about the healer that busted their butt keeping his fragile self alive vrs trash mobs because he couldnt take a hit worth a dang.


PS: I travel (5 50s and this applies to all of them) with my main gear (healer for 4 and tank for 1) and then DPS gear for all incase I have to RESPEC to that role.


I would never ask strangers to make up for my shortcomings because I was to lazy to do a free respec and switch gear thats basically free to any 50 after a month (coms and what not, 2nd set doesnt need to be uber, just pasable).


Anyways, if you do HMs you should understand the FP (or at a min tell the group ahead of time so they can make the choice or not to carry you through) and SHOULD ALWAYS have gear that matchs the role you are playing.


Anything less is completely unacceptable.

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Yup. Gear checking people you end up being randomly grouped with through an LFG tool is tacky. If it's that important an issue, don't PUG.


Hmmm... I think I get what you mean. The thing is I never gear check anyone when starting a flash point.



  • When the tank almost dies on the 1st trash pull;
  • When everyone's life gets dangerously low on the 1st trash pull;
  • When I'm hitting the same target that the tank has already been hitting for 10-15 seconds (because I was killing the weaks/normals) and I pull aggro on my 3rd abitility;

That's when I start to look at the tank and healer to try and figure out what is going on.


Is it still "tacky" to so when this happens? Should I just grin and carry on when the Vanguard "tank" has Plasma Cell on, is "laughing" away (proccing "Ionic Accelerator") and loosing aggro on mobs because he isn't using Ion Cell? Should I just shrug off the fact that the Mercenary "healer" has High Velocity Gas Cylinder active (instead of Combat Support Cylinder) while healing a boss fight?


Is it still "tacky" to gear check then?


The point is that if people want to queue as a "tank" or "healer" they should spec and gear for the role so that they can fulfill that role. I have no problem helping tanks/healers to fulfil their role. I have a problem with people that queue as tanks/healers when they are nothing of the sort.

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You get some columi drops and coms from storymode runs


Equip yourself as you learn the FPs


If the person isn't a tard and is willing to learn then there should be absolutely no issue with bringing a new 50 in full recruit/tionese gear who is unfamiliar with the fights through a flashpoint. If you explain the fights and they listen it can be done. I should know, I've brought a fresh 50 tank in only recruit gear through a HM he had never done with no wipes. And he wasn't even that skilled of a tank.


For my own recent tank I went through story OPs and HM FPs with just recruit gear. The tionese is terrible, so I spent the comms on my companion. There were no issues except for fully geared DPS pulling from me, but that's nothing a well placed taunt can't take care of. Plus they mainly pulled from me on trash pulls, which go down in seconds anyway.



Now for a semi-interesting story from my healer recently. I got into a HM False Emporer with a full pug. During the first pull I noticed that the tank was taking a good amount of damage and took a look at his health. It was at 17k, so I figured he must be in tionese or recruit gear, as that's about what my health was in that gear. Upon inspection I notice that every piece of armor he has is full level 63. I think how on earth is this possible, his other gear must be horrible. And it turns out his bracers, belt, relics, implants, and earpiece were all green or in the level 30s. I told him that he really needs to get rid of that crap and get recruit gear. He switched them out for DPS recruit pieces, but just on principle I preferred that to something he should have gotten rid of ages ago. And it did boost his health to 18k, though I still feel like it would have been higher given the 63s in his main armor pieces.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I have never... not once... experienced this bug on any character ever. I do multiple flashpoints via groupfinder every day.


I think this is a cop out.


I promise you it exists, because I came to this forum looking for a fix. Never happened to me before today, and today it happened three times.


Sometimes I don't feel like tanking, so today I selected "Damage" on my guardian. In the chat window it said "Your group role is now set to: Damage." I double checked that tanking was not toggled on. Group finder window pops, I'm the tank. I sighed and respeced because I accepted it before I noticed it.


It also happened on my sorcerer. I queued only as damage and it gave me heals, twice.


I don't know what the bug is but it definitely happens.

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Main things that put me off WoW was the whole gearscore BS and having to link achievements to instances BEFORE you could even get a group to do them.


People begged for a group finder for this game and now we have it.


This topic seems to be right down that alley of elitist rubbish which I will never agree with. If you want constant easy mode with assured victory then you just stick to grouping with your guild and friends. If you choose to use the group finder then you expect a challenge and to see some odd group make ups. That's all there is to it.


I have no problem helping people through FP's of OP's if they are struggling. I actually have more fun that way.


If players are deliberately queuing as something they are not then that is a problem with how the group finder itself is implemented, not a problem with the players. They are simply using the tools that are handed to them.

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Main things that put me off WoW was the whole gearscore BS and having to link achievements to instances BEFORE you could even get a group to do them.


People begged for a group finder for this game and now we have it.


This topic seems to be right down that alley of elitist rubbish which I will never agree with. If you want constant easy mode with assured victory then you just stick to grouping with your guild and friends. If you choose to use the group finder then you expect a challenge and to see some odd group make ups. That's all there is to it.


I have no problem helping people through FP's of OP's if they are struggling. I actually have more fun that way.


If players are deliberately queuing as something they are not then that is a problem with how the group finder itself is implemented, not a problem with the players. They are simply using the tools that are handed to them.


I dont really mind undergeared people as a healer. Im quite op for those hm fp's at this point so if its a well geared group it can be quite boring so its a nice challenge once in awhile

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when i was in the healing tree of my commando i would always uncheck the healer if It's were the first time in that FP and/or if I were at the lowest lvl required to do it... I were the one to blame for myself if someone died out there so I didn't even tried unless I had some lvls (and thus could endure a little more, also having more experience on what I were doing in there...)
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so today, I'm queueing for some flashpoints on my lvl 39 operative and queue pops and suddenly I realize that it selected me as a dps. what just happened? I always have just healer selected, and it randomly picked both for me. this was the first time that I actually hoped that one of the people would miss hitting ready. but if they didn't, I would just asked to be kicked, because I wasn't specced for dps, I don't have field respec on that character, and I have only theoretical understanding of how to dps as an operative, because even when I solo, I tend to just dot, grenade and then heal myself and Kaliyo - which woudln't really work all that well in a group environment.

so yeah, chances are, when someone ends up queuing as a role they are not, they may not have even realized that the finder did it for them.

I wish someone at bioware would look into group finder randomly resetting role selection....


speaking of wrong gear. I was thinking of trying out dps on my sorceress. I have more then enough Tionese coms at this point (but still working on a healing set, so higher end stuff is reserved), so I looked at the set. and I'll be honest, statwise, it looked worse to me then my healing gear, and set bonuses didn't seem to be worth the loss of stats. but.. what do i do. try to dps in "healing" gear or gimp myself to have "proper" set?

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I promise you it exists, because I came to this forum looking for a fix. Never happened to me before today, and today it happened three times.


Sometimes I don't feel like tanking, so today I selected "Damage" on my guardian. In the chat window it said "Your group role is now set to: Damage." I double checked that tanking was not toggled on. Group finder window pops, I'm the tank. I sighed and respeced because I accepted it before I noticed it.


It also happened on my sorcerer. I queued only as damage and it gave me heals, twice.


I don't know what the bug is but it definitely happens.


It happens all the time, Sage. I've been going dps on my tank until I learn the fights well enough to lead a group. Quite often it will have me set as tank or dps when I've changed nothing. I think it has to do with respec. Its like it keeps reverting to your former spec. Have not put my finger on it, but here is a bug in there somewhere.

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Experienced DPS in great gear -- sure, go ahead and tank.

Clown in Tionese DPS set with DPS abilties who switches stance -- kick


I hear a lot of people saying "Oh, I can tank as dps HM FP no problem" and I doubt the OP is talking about you. If you've run 400+ FP in all three roles and know your class , and you're in campaign dps gear, of course you can handle it.


But when a guy who just hit 50 for the first time, who's dps spec with dps gear, trying to 'tank' HM LI, screaming he can do it when you wipe repeatedly, that's just retarded.

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That's something people in middle school do to each other in the cafeteria. If you're that concerned about tanks being properly geared, don't use the LFG tool and just stick to guildmates/'friends.


Inspecting peoples' gear like that in a random LFG scenario is really just tacky behavior on your part.


Why do you profess that it is unreasonable to expect someone queuing as a tank or healer in the GF tool to be specced and geared properly to fulfill the tank or healer role?

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There is a bug which queues people as a role they did not select, it is easy to overlook this once a queue pops as you wouldn't expect the system to be so idiotically flawed. That alone probably makes up for 80%+ of improper queues.


this, could have saved OP 3 hours of typing...

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Why do you profess that it is unreasonable to expect someone queuing as a tank or healer in the GF tool to be specced and geared properly to fulfill the tank or healer role?


Because the LFG tool is random. Which means you are making the choice yourself to submit yourself to the act of being randomly grouped with people.


If you then decide to act like a 7th grader about who you chose to get stuck with, and check their gear and be mean to them for not having great gear when ...


1- The game itself prompts people who hit level 50 to DO a hardmode flashpoint, by giving them a quest to do so


2- The game itself is what gives those people free level 50 Tionese and Recruit PVP gear


Then really you are not being responsible for your own actions.


YOU chose to use the group finder. YOU chose to get randomly grouped with people knowing full well you could get grouped with people not geared or experienced.


It's tacky to act like you don't share the responsibility for pressing "Join Queue" like you did. Don't take it out on the new 50s when you pushed that join button.


It's really a simple solution. If you don't want to get stuck with people you feel are under geared and beneath your level of equipment and experience, don't use the group finder tool. Stick with friends and guildmates. People you trust and people you know can do the job to your specifications. When you choose to use the LFG tool, you have no control over who you randomly get grouped with. So if you do push "join queue" don't go gear checking people and calling them out and basically acting immature about it. In short, don't PUG if you have gear requirements for your grouping experience.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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