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Replace long cab rides...


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i too do not support this as i enjoy the scenery and experience no lag, though the Taxis Cloaking Device malfunction needs to be addressed, yet i am in support of a way to skip it as an option only for those of you that dont like the scenery or just wanna get on with it... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Or at least massively reduce it, to like 5 or 10 mins with no legacy perks, 1 or 4 minutes with legacy perks. Maybe even have a seperate legacy unlock to remove quick travel cooldown.


There's no real reason to have a cooldown on fast travel apart from artifically stretching our time.

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I don't mind the cab rides but I'd quite like for them all to be connected. Dromund Kaas can get annoying after a while due to the main city section being cut off from the rest of the planet and forcing a walk on you. Granted, it's not a massive walk but there's quite a bit of back and forth, especially after levelling and needing to head back to the main city area to buy your class upgrades.
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Replace the cabs with teleport chambers... and just load the new destination already. I'm tired of seeing all the lag glitter. thx


I like this at least as a toggle I always hate the Voss and Correlia taxis and waiting for them to get to point B. Made worse of course by the graphics glitches on Voss but it would be so much easier to switch off transitions - and while we are at it an option to switch off the approaching planet/ leaving planet animations which I always space bar through would be greatly appreciated.

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I enjoy some of the taxi rides, but I do feel that when going from the first taxi location to the "last" area on the planet in question could have some short cuts instead of going by all the other taxi locations, like the already mentioned Alderaan taxi route. Why not go over a few of the mountain? This could let us see new scenery, and could arguably cost more creds for faster transit ... easily double in my opinion. You could even make it an unlock from the cartel market.
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Though for a planet like Alderaan, I'd suggest linking the first and last taxinode (after discovering the last), and I'd like to see the Dromund Kaas taxis connect, I'm pretty okay with the taxirides overall, and don't see need to shorten them, nor the cooldowns on fast travel options. They're -fine- as they are. They give some sense of planetsize, while teleportation only takes away from that. Not to mention, that teleportation isn't exactly part of Star Wars. It exists, but not in any way that even remotely resembles something used for convenience.


So overall: no, thank you. Learn patience, young padawan. Most taxirides take less than 2 minutes anyway.

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Then what is fast travel? :rolleyes:


It's a "transport" too, but without the annoying wait each time.

Perfect as option I say...


It's not a teleport. They are trying to keep the immersion alive in the game. Aside from the Rakata portals, I've never seen teleporters in star wars. Even if there are teleporters in star wars, I doubt they'd be used commonly.


The one thing that breaks immersion for me is that your character drives the vehicle themselves.. shouldn't there be a taxi droid or something? Makes no sense.

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The one thing that breaks immersion for me is that your character drives the vehicle themselves.. shouldn't there be a taxi droid or something? Makes no sense.
That, and the little detail that my companions aren't sitting next to or behind me, on either the cabs or my own speeders.
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It's not a teleport. They are trying to keep the immersion alive in the game.

I know.

But someone apparently claimed "fade-in/fade-out" couldn't be done on taxi rides since there's no teleportation, and guess what... it is used ingame for fast-travel. So the point doesn't stand...

(that was my point ;))

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It's not a teleport. They are trying to keep the immersion alive in the game. Aside from the Rakata portals, I've never seen teleporters in star wars. Even if there are teleporters in star wars, I doubt they'd be used commonly.


The one thing that breaks immersion for me is that your character drives the vehicle themselves.. shouldn't there be a taxi droid or something? Makes no sense.


Who cares about immersion. It doesn't break immersion to have fast travel in say Skyrim or Oblivion. All it does is speed up pointless backtracking or let you exit areas quicker without having to fight your way out since all the enemies respawned.


I realise that this is the way MMOs have been doing this for decades, but that's a stupid reason to keep an outdated feature, inertia.

Edited by Revanchis
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Who cares about immersion. It doesn't break immersion to have fast travel in say Skyrim or Oblivion. All it does is speed up pointless backtracking or let you exit areas quicker without having to fight your way out since all the enemies respawned.


I realise that this is the way MMOs have been doing this for decades, but that's a stupid reason to keep an outdated feature, inertia.


Exactly what is outdated? It's a part of the game that I don't think will ever change and to all the people attacking quick travel (except rpers) I bet you use it to, stop complaining.

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