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Ash 1.0 Operative Swtor PvP


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Youtube 1080p HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC-QtyTPOKE


Swtormovie.com - http://www.swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=4143





Operative PvP Video

Concealment Spec 3/31/7



Gear is WH (900~ Techpower and 1200~ Expertise)

Server: Only Jar'kai Sword


Some Random Battleground Clips, Part two on work



Sony Vegas 12

After Effects





Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive - 0:13 - 5:12


Mt Eden Dubstep - Sarah McLachlan: Silence - 5:15 - 8:53


Fedor - Haters Gonna Hate - 9:05 - 9:34


Heyayayay - 9:36 - 10:01




Star Wars the Old Republic is content is owned by Ea/Bioware. This account is paid for and the video footage in this video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


All Music in this video has been purchased through iTunes. No level of infringement is pursued in the making of this video. The video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


Edited by Discredit
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Video is not good in any way.And dont put in a disclaimer, looks so silly because nobody cares.

If you tube will take down your video they will do it no matter what because you are not allowed

by the rules to use that music anyways.



Kills against a gimped and crappy pvp classes like commandos in warzones is not

something you should show.Only makes you look bad



Using slow motion on taking the huttball is just lame, same when going into combat

stealth to CC someone. And never ever highlight a big crit in slow mo unless it's a crit

that is way higher then something you do 99% of the time.And never against badly geared players.



Your playing a stunlocking operative, biowares devs favorite class.Niot even the scoundrel mirror class

is as annoying as operative.This class is one of the mayor reasons this game lost so many players last winter. There were thounsends of people unsubbing alone because of this class.To try and show it of like it's a fair fight

is just silly. Your a stunlocking wow rouge 2 class because the developers wanted to copy wow, act like one.



Want to impress me ? roll a merc or commando merc sage etc a gimped AC and get kills against good

assassins or operatives etc in duals then you have a video people will actually care about.

Watcking videos of rouge classes is as fun as watching the grass gro.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Video is not good in any way.And dont put in a disclaimer, looks so silly because nobody cares.

If you tube will take down your video they will do it no matter what because you are not allowed

by the rules to use that music anyways.



Kills against a gimped and crappy pvp classes like commandos in warzones is not

something you should show.Only makes you look bad



Using slow motion on taking the huttball is just lame, same when going into combat

stealth to CC someone. And never ever highlight a big crit in slow mo unless it's a crit

that is way higher then something you do 99% of the time.And never against badly geared players.



Your playing a stunlocking operative, biowares devs favorite class.Niot even the scoundrel mirror class

is as annoying as operative.This class is one of the mayor reasons this game lost so many players last winter. There were thounsends of people unsubbing alone because of this class.To try and show it of like it's a fair fight

is just silly. Your a stunlocking wow rouge 2 class because the developers wanted to copy wow, act like one.



Want to impress me ? roll a merc or commando merc sage etc a gimped AC and get kills against good

assassins or operatives etc in duals then you have a video people will actually care about.

Watcking videos of rouge classes is as fun as watching the grass gro.


3. Made me laugh and believe you are just trolling. If not, uhh dude, they are mirror classes, they have the exact same abilities. but I hope it was just trolling, then again you never know.


4. Merc/sage/scoundrel all need buffs. I love playing scrapper scoundrel, but that burst is weak compared to my sentinel. If anything, K.O. need to go back to 3 seconds. Sages get to put stun bubbles on an entire team that are 3 second stuns and barely fill resolve but its overkill on a scoundrel? Ya ok.

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3. Made me laugh and believe you are just trolling. If not, uhh dude, they are mirror classes, they have the exact same abilities. but I hope it was just trolling, then again you never know.


4. Merc/sage/scoundrel all need buffs. I love playing scrapper scoundrel, but that burst is weak compared to my sentinel. If anything, K.O. need to go back to 3 seconds. Sages get to put stun bubbles on an entire team that are 3 second stuns and barely fill resolve but its overkill on a scoundrel? Ya ok.


Well i did say annoying not more powerful.Remember there are far more operative players in WZ then scoundrels

And no KO should not go back to 3 seconds. Maybe you are new to the game but one of the mayor reasons as i said players left wz pre operative nerf was because they were beeing killed by these classes and could not fight back until they were dead.Something you see in the first kill in this video.The trooper can do nothing to fight back even if he hadused the cc breaker on a full resolve bar.


And anyone today complaining about scoundrel/operative as weak pvp classes are just bad players.Like most operative players were last winter when they could 1 shot a equal geared players in 1.5 second.And i say operative because most played empire with the faction imbalance.Most servers the Empire out numbered the republic 5-1.


Also you can see the skill lvl on the players he is fighting is low because when he is fighting classes in the video that is strong in pvp like assassins powertecks they should have done much better.As i said, if this video was against

players of equal skills and maybe against his own class that would have been much better.


It's nice that players make videos and promote swtor pvp even thou bioware pvp team have almost destroyed pvp

but new players to the game should watch them and not be driven away when they understad that unless your a stunlocking wow rouge in swtor your class is crap.

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Well i did say annoying not more powerful.Remember there are far more operative players in WZ then scoundrels

And no KO should not go back to 3 seconds. Maybe you are new to the game but one of the mayor reasons as i said players left wz pre operative nerf was because they were beeing killed by these classes and could not fight back until they were dead.Something you see in the first kill in this video.The trooper can do nothing to fight back even if he hadused the cc breaker on a full resolve bar.


And anyone today complaining about scoundrel/operative as weak pvp classes are just bad players.Like most operative players were last winter when they could 1 shot a equal geared players in 1.5 second.And i say operative because most played empire with the faction imbalance.Most servers the Empire out numbered the republic 5-1.


Also you can see the skill lvl on the players he is fighting is low because when he is fighting classes in the video that is strong in pvp like assassins powertecks they should have done much better.As i said, if this video was against

players of equal skills and maybe against his own class that would have been much better.


It's nice that players make videos and promote swtor pvp even thou bioware pvp team have almost destroyed pvp

but new players to the game should watch them and not be driven away when they understad that unless your a stunlocking wow rouge in swtor your class is crap.


Id rather be stunlocked and murdered by a Operative than smashed by 5 FoTM rerollers

Concealment is not even close to "OP"

Jarring Strike (The knockback) guess what it adds the SAME resolve as Backslash (stunbubble) and theres 1,5 sec difference in stuntime.


And why would anyone make a "Merc pvp vid" that class is hopeless, i see quite alot sage/sorc vids btw, l2forum

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Yes but point is, they dont need to buff operaives and scoundrels just because smash monkeys are now having fun.

They can undo what they did to rage focus, of course we know they wont do that because as we know they so called pvp team at bioware is 100% clueless. Something they have proven with every patch.George Zoeller left the pvp team after operative drow away alot of subs.In fact there is a quote on the forum were he said that because of operatives alot of players were leaving wz.Alot of you forget fast it seems.Point is, they will never nerf smash trees because then they would actually have to admit they were wrong and clueless.


Me i'm just wondering how they will mess up next.

Next they will buff assassin shadow stuns and increase damage to powertecs and vaguards with 30%.

Maybe they will make is so all new players on origin worlds are perma stunned and you have to buy

a cc breaker in the cartel shop.I mean they ae charging for UI elements lol.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Nice to see someone making videos. Noticed this, but find a way to put Explosive Probe into your rotation. 3rd hardest hitting ability behind backstab, shame to see you not using it. Nice choice in music though, and I liked the 1st person map intros a bit, was unique.


7 out of 10 would watch again.

Edited by Haystak
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Btw even tho youre a die hard star wars fan, doesnt mean you can mouth of on people who doesnt want to be a Darth Vader


Of course i can, i can say what ever i want as long as i am not breaking any forum rules or baiting.

All i'm doing is telling you guys who it sounds like is new to the game and how things used to be in

swtor. If you cant handle the truth then.....

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Well i did say annoying not more powerful.Remember there are far more operative players in WZ then scoundrels

And no KO should not go back to 3 seconds. Maybe you are new to the game but one of the mayor reasons as i said players left wz pre operative nerf was because they were beeing killed by these classes and could not fight back until they were dead.Something you see in the first kill in this video.The trooper can do nothing to fight back even if he hadused the cc breaker on a full resolve bar.


And anyone today complaining about scoundrel/operative as weak pvp classes are just bad players.Like most operative players were last winter when they could 1 shot a equal geared players in 1.5 second.And i say operative because most played empire with the faction imbalance.Most servers the Empire out numbered the republic 5-1.


Also you can see the skill lvl on the players he is fighting is low because when he is fighting classes in the video that is strong in pvp like assassins powertecks they should have done much better.As i said, if this video was against

players of equal skills and maybe against his own class that would have been much better.


It's nice that players make videos and promote swtor pvp even thou bioware pvp team have almost destroyed pvp

but new players to the game should watch them and not be driven away when they understad that unless your a stunlocking wow rouge in swtor your class is crap.


I've been around since launch. I had no problems with them then, and I have even less issues with them now, and leveling one I can see all the glaring issues with them. They have no real sustained dps to speak of and their burst is pretty lack luster in the scrapper tree considering that's supposed to be a burst tree.


They need a buff, they need to have something given back considering all the constant nerfs they got were completely unnecessary. Adding a CD to shoot first I can understand, but that on top of nerfing the stun length, on top of nerfing their dps, it was just too much.

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Besides looking nice, I don't really understand the point of the video :o


Showing a select few kills in a pug warzone doesn't really mean much skill wise


So 8/10 for the aesthetics, but 0/10 for whatever point you are trying to get across :(

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Well i did say annoying not more powerful.Remember there are far more operative players in WZ then scoundrels

And no KO should not go back to 3 seconds. Maybe you are new to the game but one of the mayor reasons as i said players left wz pre operative nerf was because they were beeing killed by these classes and could not fight back until they were dead.Something you see in the first kill in this video.The trooper can do nothing to fight back even if he hadused the cc breaker on a full resolve bar.


And anyone today complaining about scoundrel/operative as weak pvp classes are just bad players.Like most operative players were last winter when they could 1 shot a equal geared players in 1.5 second.And i say operative because most played empire with the faction imbalance.Most servers the Empire out numbered the republic 5-1.


Also you can see the skill lvl on the players he is fighting is low because when he is fighting classes in the video that is strong in pvp like assassins powertecks they should have done much better.As i said, if this video was against

players of equal skills and maybe against his own class that would have been much better.


It's nice that players make videos and promote swtor pvp even thou bioware pvp team have almost destroyed pvp

but new players to the game should watch them and not be driven away when they understad that unless your a stunlocking wow rouge in swtor your class is crap.


Since you like to number things.


1. You are comparing pre-nerf concealment to today :rolleyes: No adrenal/relic stacking anymore...


2. It seems like everything you are complaining about is conceal in pugs, not rateds....


3. There was no stun locking in this video. The only way for concealment to "stun lock" is to HS -> Shiv -> Vanish -> HS -> Backstab -> Stun -> lac until dead. This rarely happens.


4. If you are going to complain about something you don't understand at least try to make it coherent.


5. Grammar.

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Youtube 1080p HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC-QtyTPOKE


Swtormovie.com - Uploaded. Awaiting moderator.





Operative PvP Video

Concealment Spec 3/31/7



Gear is WH (900~ Techpower and 1200~ Expertise)

Server: Only Jar'kai Sword


Some Random Battleground Clips, Part two on work



Sony Vegas 12

After Effects





Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive - 0:13 - 5:12


Mt Eden Dubstep - Sarah McLachlan: Silence - 5:15 - 8:53


Fedor - Haters Gonna Hate - 9:05 - 9:34


Heyayayay - 9:36 - 10:01




Star Wars the Old Republic is content is owned by Ea/Bioware. This account is paid for and the video footage in this video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


All Music in this video has been purchased through iTunes. No level of infringement is pursued in the making of this video. The video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


Nice PvP Video. I gave it like because it worth it.


Don't mind the haters they are plenty when you post your vids. Keep the vids going. Good job.


If you kill a Commando/Merc they will say try to kill another class that is not underpower


If you kill to easily more then 2-3 opponent they will say that they are not geared.



Edited by Rendolphe
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