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Just my 2 cents on Resolve


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I had a big break, swtor didn't work too well on my old computer, so now I'm back to give it a go again.


I'm not usually one to complain about a game feature, particularly if the issue has been brought up numerous times, but I just got to get this one out my system. The resolve system sucks, end of. Diminishing returns works, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, so why be stubborn and not use it? No one should be chain silenced for 8 secs + or receive interruptions 3 times in a row, I'm not sure how you can comprehend this as decent pvp gameplay. And I'm pretty sure people were saying this when the game was released -.-


I might have a small idea of why you haven't changed it, 1 it will look bad on you, 2 it will affect competitive Huttball, resulting in unstoppable Juggernauts, because a continues AoE slow is balanced right? Anyway better not fix anything then!

Edited by Antitso
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I play a Guardian, and I have to admit the slow not having any CD is overpowered. I'd rather it didn't count towards GCD (like the interrupt or something) and that it had a CD of like 9 seconds (same as the duration of the ability). That way, you miss, you're being kited for 9 seconds.


My problem with Resolve as it is, is that when it finally pops, you most likely have been chain stunned, meaning your being focused on, meaning you will most likely be dead or close to when it finally fills up.

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I just find it overall rather /facepalm to be honest with you lol. Anyway thanks for the replies. This is quite obviously still a prevalent issue amongst current swtor players. I guess you guys slug it out! Or simply stick to PvE
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Diminishing returns would only work for stuns and really stuns don't last very long tbh. 2 to 4 seconds only seems long, because you can die in 3 seconds. Roots don't last long enough and if they DRd they would be almost useless. Same can be said about interrupts. Interrupting is already really weak, only locking out the spell and not the school.


If all mezs shared DR, then you could throw peeling and killing dps via ccing heals out the window. Its barely worth the global to mez right now to begin with and rarely rewarding. There isn't enough CC in this game to use diminishing returns. That's probably why they have resolve. That and resolve is easier for players to keep track of --> more idiot friendly.

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Ok well in a nutshell madtycoon, I disagree with almost everything you said. Firstly I would like to elaborate swtor has more consistent cc than any other mmorpg I've played, predominantly because there is little to no class exclusivity in the game. Secondly diminishing returns would work fine for all types of cc except slow and interrupts, which I'll elaborate below and thirdly I don't know how you can say putting diminishing returns on cc like roots would make it useless when the first cast will be unaffected? Hence the reason of diminishing returns, stopping numerous players apply the same ability type..


From what I'm aware in WoW the cc is classified under several categories:





Suppress (cyclone etc.)


I've ignored categories that aren't apparent in swtor.


Although swtor may seem to have less types of categories, it is much rarer in WoW to see all types being cast repetitively in a bg as there is far more exclusivity (if you're being focused by anymore than 3 people then, ye, you should die pretty quickly without backup heals).


Considering most classes have at least 3 of these cc's, on relatively low cooldowns, to suggest that it is fair to allow 3 stuns in a row without any diminishing returns is unacceptable on any level, particularly because this occurs so much, it's not rare! Even 2 stuns without diminishing returns is just far too long.


The whole point of killing a healer is to work with multiple types of cc. I should also note, this does not mean applying all 4 types of cc, and then having them reapplied without an immunity period. Dps should be forced to either zerg a healer with damage and some cc, which really isn't asking for much in swtor bg's or thinking cleverly of when to start a stun rotation before its wasted and the healer hits immunity. Currently, bad players can waste their cc's, but care not, as other's can be applied in quick succession, without any consequences for bad play.


Killing a healer should also require teamwork, hence the exclusivity of cc, which is rather unapparent in this game. This gives even further reason for the need of diminishing returns, otherwise 1 or 2 players could down a healer fairly easy or make it very hard for someone without escapes to enjoy the game experience.


In fact increasing more types of cc and more exclusivity in these cc's would be ideal, as well as more fun. Hence one should copy a pvp framework that has been proven to work (WoW isn't perfect either, they've also blended out skills, destroying their own PvP system over subsequent patches). This would allow people being focused by 1-2 players fewer issues with cc, while tanks would not be immuned by 3+ players, even if diminishing returns existed. Problem solved. But no, bioware thought they would break a system that works, and therefore break PvP without really thinking of the consequences.


One final thing to add, healers lack HoTs and instant heals to that of other games, it's very much cast, cast, cast, and pop cd's. This is counter productive to the currently high cc mechanics system.

Edited by Antitso
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Ok well in a nutshell madtycoon, I disagree with almost everything you said. Firstly I would like to elaborate swtor has more consistent cc than any other mmorpg I've played, predominantly because there is little to no class exclusivity in the game. Secondly diminishing returns would work fine for all types of cc except slow and interrupts, which I'll elaborate below and thirdly I don't know how you can say putting diminishing returns on cc like roots would make it useless when the first cast will be unaffected? Hence the reason of diminishing returns, stopping numerous players apply the same ability type...


Swtor doesn't have as much consistent CC as WoW. Not even close. Face a warbringer specced warrior and you will be CCed for 7 seconds out of every 20 just from warbringer charge --> shockwave. It just seems like the stuns last a lot longer here, because the damage is a lot more insane and in WoW classes have the tools to prevent/counter CC and not just their PvP trinket. They also have more escapes and defensive cooldowns. This game does not have as many abilities and the damage is meant to be filtered by tanking abilities like taunt and guard.


Putting diminishing returns on roots would make them a lot more useless than they are now. I'm not talking about knight roots, because for the most part they don't last long anyways and only really help keyboard turners or people with high ping stay on their target (aside from rooting people to keep them in LOS for other dps and root melee as a peel). I'm talking about the 5 second roots that ranged (sorcerers and snipers) need to counter melee. Take legshot for example. It breaks on damage, can be cleansed, can be deflected, takes a global and can be countered by things like camo, sprint break and it doesn't stop melee from using one of their ranged abilities. Now add diminishing returns to legshot and the root from a sniper's knockback which is also cleansable and sure the first one would be full duration, but you wouldn't be able to chain them anymore. So why even legshot now? 2.5 second root for one global.


From what I'm aware in WoW the cc is classified under several categories:





Suppress (cyclone etc.)


I've ignored categories that aren't apparent in swtor.




There are a lot more categories of CC than Swtor would have. Silence is not interrupts. There are no blanket silences in Swtor, so really you'd only be looking at Root, Stun and Suppress (Mez) for your DR categories. If you were to add DRs in Swtor, you would probably have to have knight roots and ranged roots in seperate categories. You would probably need a category for knockdowns (things like operative opener and leg sweep?) and then one for hard stuns. You would probably have to seperate different mezs into different categories, because if you didn't you could never CC chain effectively with anyone else. There just isn't enough mez CC in the game to make chain CCing possible if all mezs shared DR. And how do you DR knockbacks and grips? or just not have them DR?



Although swtor may seem to have less types of categories, it is much rarer in WoW to see all types being cast repetitively in a bg as there is far more exclusivity (if you're being focused by anymore than 3 people then, ye, you should die pretty quickly without backup heals).


Well yeah, the normal players in random BGs are bad, undergeared, bots and/or afk. Same can be said about Swtor, but the difference is that in swtor if you use your stun on cooldown and hit a couple damage abilities you can still do damage and kill someone. WoW is more polished, has more abilities and requires a higher skill cap to get anywhere.


Considering most classes have at least 3 of these cc's, on relatively low cooldowns, to suggest that it is fair to allow 3 stuns in a row without any diminishing returns is unacceptable on any level, particularly because this occurs so much, it's not rare! Even 2 stuns without diminishing returns is just far too long.


I agree. The resolve change in the last big patch was stupid and should be reverted. Diminishing returns aren't needed to fix this.


2 stuns only seem like a long time, because the damage is so high outside of taunt and guard.


The whole point of killing a healer is to work with multiple types of cc. I should also note, this does not mean applying all 4 types of cc, and then having them reapplied without an immunity period. Dps should be forced to either zerg a healer with damage and some cc, which really isn't asking for much in swtor bg's or thinking cleverly of when to start a stun rotation before its wasted and the healer hits immunity. Currently, bad players can waste their cc's, but care not, as other's can be applied in quick succession, without any consequences for bad play.


Killing a healer should also require teamwork, hence the exclusivity of cc, which is rather unapparent in this game. This gives even further reason for the need of diminishing returns, otherwise 1 or 2 players could down a healer fairly easy or make it very hard for someone without escapes to enjoy the game experience.



Any retard can stun first global and kill you with help 100 to 0. I see this more of a damage problem rather than a stun problem. Stuns cause and prevent kills.


CC adds an element of skill to the game. Right now in Swtor, using your CC properly is not very rewarding. Try playing defensive with peeling and CC. It just doesn't get you anywhere a lot of the time. CC is really really weak in this game, especially when you compare it to WoW (though thats not really a fair comparison).


Adding diminishing returns to this game would even lessen the skill gap between players who use their CC properly and players who don't. Do we really need more of that? I mean the game is already incredibly retard friendly. I would say 9 out of 10 of the players I see in warzones use their mezs on the kill target who they are attacking, have dotted and is white barred anyways, because they probably think it stuns.


If you have a sniper or gunslinger, run into a big zerg pack and pop entrench and count the amount of stun animations/knockbacks that will go off before you die. The majority of players have no clue what they are doing, but still can get kills incredibly easy.


Diminishing returns would make CC less important and in turn make things like cleansing and being smart with your CC break a lot more useless. It would just dumb down the game even more than it already is.


In fact increasing more types of cc and more exclusivity in these cc's would be ideal, as well as more fun. Hence one should copy a pvp framework that has been proven to work (WoW isn't perfect either, they've also blended out skills, destroying their own PvP system over subsequent patches). This would allow people being focused by 1-2 players fewer issues with cc, while tanks would not be immuned by 3+ players, even if diminishing returns existed. Problem solved. But no, bioware thought they would break a system that works, and therefore break PvP without really thinking of the consequences.


One final thing to add, healers lack HoTs and instant heals to that of other games, it's very much cast, cast, cast, and pop cd's. This is counter productive to the currently high cc mechanics system.


If a lot more CC was added to the game than yeah resolve probably wouldn't work and they would have to implement diminishing returns like WoW. I like the WoW PvP system and appreciate it a lot more after playing Swtor. There are a lot more abilities in that game, but its had a lot more time to grow. Take a rogue for example. They have more crowd control tools than any 2 swtor classes combined and all those tools have shorter cooldowns/spammable except for like blind.


Swtor's big PvP flaw (imo) is the tank. Because the tank and their abilities are in the game, damage has to be insanely high and healing has to be relatively low. Classes also cannot have as many defensives, because if they did, they would be unkillable with taunt and guard. This is also probably why there is a lack of HoTs, instant heals and things like pain suppression that you can cast on others. Healers have to cast. Its good that they have to. Unfortunately, there's no real mechanic outside of roots to stop melee. This game really needs disarm.

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I take back what I said madtycoon. You made some very clear points and I now see where you're coming from. I agree with most of your points, though I have to disagree in places;


Firstly I don't think WoW has improved. I feel WoW has got to the stage of giving out too many abilities. This has resulted in healers becoming very strong, yes there is a lot of cc, but at the same time healers have a large amount of abilities to counter act this cc (as you stated) and they are much harder to kill. Personally I don't think this is a good thing, too many cd's can have a negative effect on a game, and many WoW friends would agree with this. It's become over complicated and very much cd driven and most importantly very hard to balance. Simplicity can sometimes be the key to a fun gaming experience. Not popping 5 different minute cd's just to counter act the amount of stuns.


Although there may be more cc's in WoW, you notice it far more in Swtor, which is why I mentioned the word consistent when describing the cc in swtor, though this probably wasn't the best way of describing what I meant.


I understand how you think the damage might be the problem, which yes, can be an issue. Though I also don't see much reason for a game to be heavily based on cc, and lots of cc counters, why not reduce both and increase simplicity? Either we give healers and players more ways of counter acting the cc, reduce damage or add diminishing returns. I guess the balance of the later two would be the sensible choice. And as you agreed with me, bad players are not being punished for spamming their cc abilities, which they should!!


Yes rogues have loads of cc, but this is also sometimes at the expense of damage. They also have to be careful of when to use this cc, incase of immunity cd's and diminishing returns.


I've never seen roots as the real problem, so I take your point. And personally I don't see anything wrong with having 2 diminishing returns categories for roots. This isn't wow, swtor would have to make their own categories to suit the style of the game. And as you said roots can be dispelled. Its the stuns, knockbacks and pull ins that seem to be heavily used in Swtor pvp. Pushbacks and pull ins are quite important and unique to swtor. Almost every class has a pushback, unlike a game like WoW. Therefore there needs to be some consideration for this too.


Just to use Trooper as an example, roots used upon them isn't entirely a huge issue. They basically have to tank a lot of stuff anyway. They don't have any slows, and any speed up abilities, so escaping isn't much of an option in many scenarios. On the other hand they heavily rely on castable abilities, but in the current framework they aren't been giving to chance to get these off. Relying on one shield cd, which doesn't stop stuns.. is simply not good enough. But at the same time adding more defensive cd's is an unnecessary addition.

Edited by Antitso
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