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What % of pre-orders do you think....


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In my guild, im the only regular who hasn't pre-ordered the expansion.


I'm of the opinion that this game could have been a ground-breaking, excellent MMO but in reality was woefully disappointing. There are a few aspects of the game I still enjoy (pvp and my guild) but the rest I don't enjoy. I've had a year of playing the game, supporting it with my subscription and offering my opinions and suggestions for improvement on the forums.


This expansion is Bioware's chance to finally demonstrate that they've been listening to mine and others suggestions and have actually acted upon them. A level cap rise is a chance to reset past failures (like gear gaps, itemisation, skill tress etc). If they don't use that chance wisely then it indicates an unwillingness to move the game towards something I personally would enjoy more. Whilst I appreciate that the game will likely continue for many years to come with moderate success and that thousands of people like the status quo, if they don't improve their game then I'm quitting.


thus, im waiting for more information

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i did and i kick myself for doing so. i just uninstalled the game and cancelled my sub as it's just no fun and full of frustration and annoyance. after almost punching my monitor for the billionth time i had an epiphany and asked 'why the hell do i do this every day' i couldn't answer that question for the life of me so i'm peace-out. no you cant has my stuff and i think i'm over mmo's in general. the game play is disappointing and the communities suck.
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I'm currently subscribed and I haven't per-ordered. I have a general policy of not buying a game or expansion without at least seeing a review first. I suspect this is true of a lot of other people as well. There is just too much out on the market to risk wasting your money on a dud. Hopefully this expansion will be good, but life is hard and full of disappointment.
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Ok ..I really don't understand why you want to be in early for one week when you KNOW that it will be broken and fixed the following week, maybe. Part of the reason I haven't pre-ordered....I'll see what the forums say about what works and what doesn't work first....You know, kind of like how the new space missions they have been pushing before they released,still aren't fixed, oh wait...they fixed the credit drop didn't they??:rolleyes:
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I don't know the amount of players in this game but what percentage of current players do you think pre-ordered the upcoming expansion?


I imagine their sales will go up after it comes out but as far as the pre-orders, do you think its a high number so far?



I believe it's about 50%.





We should have an idea shortly. The boards will reflect it.

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I didn't buy it because I didn't like the fact they are dangling a carrot on a stick for people to buy it with no info and you get rewarded for it with early access. If they bring the offer back later down the road when there's more info available I'll probably buy it and if not I may just let my sub run out and wait for ESO.
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