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Is there any tactic in Jedi combat??


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This is not Guild Wars 2 son.


The combat is repetitive, boring, conservative and non-dynamic like WoW.



But, hey, lightsabers!


So, pops ... you think that rehashing 5 skills and 5 buffs over entire game is dynamic?

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this is a arpg,

traditional rpg is like bg, ff8, mm6, kotor combat style.

No. Almost all RPG's on computers have been ARPG because the fun is focussed on the fighting and not the roleplaying.


I don't think we will ever see an actual proper RPG on a computer.

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I started playing SWTOR a few days ago and really love this game. Story, gameplay - really nice.

What I don't get a bit is combat. Started as a Jedi and I was immediately disappointed a bit that the combat is kind of shallow. You just come to an opponent and slash and slash and slash... use a different named slash... then a slower slash... quicker slash... and either you have higher dps than the enemy and you win or you don't and you lose. At level 11 I got maybe 10 different slash abilities, each of them named differently and each of them doing pretty much the same thing.


After that just out of curiosity I tried to play as a smuggler and immediately recognized the difference. You can jump into cover, throw grenades, evade the incoming lasers while shooting back and so on. Really fun!


Am I doing something wrong? Why is the Jedi's combat so boring?


That's it. I know there are people arguing level, but both the jedi and the sith warrior are just that, simplistic. People tend to play them for the name, and the fact that they are overpowered at this time, but to me they are very boring, one trick ponies.....and very easy to play.


I would suggest the assassin, or consular melee if you want a more interesting, in-depth character. Their stealth alone make them more fun to play. IN combat one has to do more then run their finger up and down the keyboard waiting for skills to light up.

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The truth is, the Jedi Knight's role **as a melee fighter** is to run up and whack your foe with your lightsaber.


Sure, you might have umpteen different ways to whack your opponent (along with a few other assorted skills) but that's pretty much it. Sorry.


However, as you play through the various classes you'll discover that they're all pretty rigidly defined, despite some seeming to offer greater variety of play style (Gunslingers, Sorcs/Sages) than others.


Like others here have pointed out, it's hard to tell which classes will really hold your interest so early in the game; I actually started with a Sage that I gave up at lvl 11 because I found him and the story boring. I later made another one (along with its mirror, the Sorc) and had a rollicking time playing both.


And while others have said your class starts coming into its own around the late 20s, for me it's been much later, around 37, 38 or so, where I begin to realize "hey! this guy kicks some serious b---", even if some, like the BH, showed definite promise earlier on.


My favorite is the Gunslinger Saboteur - I have 2 of them, in fact.


So just keep playing and sample all the classes until you find one that feels right for you.

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You got it all backwards.


I said this game, like WoW, has such characteristics.


I'm not sure i did. The combat system in SWTOR is alot better than WoW. An evolution of it.

You have to use more than 2-4 buttons, you have different animations for every skill except casted ones, you can make vertical movements with combat skills and you have mechanics like cover. Playing this game and playing WoW is a completely different experience. SWTOR makes you think and looks distinct, WoW is a spamming of buttons.


For example when fighting a melee class in WoW, you have no idea wich skills your enemy is using cause the animation is constantly the same for every one of his strikes. When i fight a melee in SWTOR, i can tell exactly wich skills he is using. This gives a new layer of reading and strategy to the game that WoW does not have.

SWTOR is an evolution of the WoW combat in the good way. I am convinced that the only people who cant see that are extrmely parcial to WoW.

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I'm not sure i did. The combat system in SWTOR is alot better than WoW. An evolution of it.

You have to use more than 2-4 buttons, you have different animations for every skill except casted ones, you can make vertical movements with combat skills and you have mechanics like cover. Playing this game and playing WoW is a completely different experience. SWTOR makes you think and looks distinct, WoW is a spamming of buttons.


For example when fighting a melee class in WoW, you have no idea wich skills your enemy is using cause the animation is constantly the same for every one of his strikes. When i fight a melee in SWTOR, i can tell exactly wich skills he is using. This gives a new layer of reading and strategy to the game that WoW does not have.

SWTOR is an evolution of the WoW combat in the good way. I am convinced that the only people who cant see that are extrmely parcial to WoW.


I have to disagree.


For me, combat first and foremost needs to be fluid and highly responsive. And while SWTOR has significantly improved in this area from launch, it still falls far short of WoW combat in this area. Combat at times is sluggish and unresponsive in SWTOR, even running on a new PC with very low latency.


I do agree most of the combat animations in SWTOR are better than those in WoW. WoW has improved on this with the new race and class in their latest expansion, but the older classes and races have very simplistic and repetitive animations.


Both games suffer from skill bloat. In WoW it is mostly due to the multiple expansions adding more and more abilities, while in SWTOR it seems more by design in having lots of low power abilities that must be chained and spammed over and over to kill anything of significant health.


If you are comparing the combat systems of WoW versus SWTOR on aesthetics alone, then sure, SWTOR wins.


However the core combat engine of SWTOR is far behind that of WoW when it comes to delivering fluid and responsive combat.


I enjoy SWTOR and find higher level content and PVP require tactics, but I do wish the combat engine itself was more like WoW while maintaining the SWTOR aesthetics.

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I'm not sure i did. The combat system in SWTOR is alot better than WoW. An evolution of it.

You have to use more than 2-4 buttons, you have different animations for every skill except casted ones, you can make vertical movements with combat skills and you have mechanics like cover. Playing this game and playing WoW is a completely different experience. SWTOR makes you think and looks distinct, WoW is a spamming of buttons.


For example when fighting a melee class in WoW, you have no idea wich skills your enemy is using cause the animation is constantly the same for every one of his strikes. When i fight a melee in SWTOR, i can tell exactly wich skills he is using. This gives a new layer of reading and strategy to the game that WoW does not have.

SWTOR is an evolution of the WoW combat in the good way. I am convinced that the only people who cant see that are extrmely parcial to WoW.


Things have changed from vanilla wow. The class development in swtor is very poor in comparison, this game still only has 3-5 regular abilities per class that are copies of other class abilities.

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So, pops ... you think that rehashing 5 skills and 5 buffs over entire game is dynamic?


It is more of an Hack'n'Slash game than your usual MMO.


5 skills, plus secondary weapons, or element attuning, plus combos between them. Actually, it is times, not plus, since it is combinatory.


The key is that it is no longer mashing buttons relentlessly, it requires quick wit, and strategy. The closer we get to it is by playing a Mara/Sent popping CDs with precise timing, but still, lacks variety.


I for one play just play the stories here, the rest I prefer GW2 and do it there.

Edited by Socialist
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I started playing SWTOR a few days ago and really love this game. Story, gameplay - really nice.

What I don't get a bit is combat. Started as a Jedi and I was immediately disappointed a bit that the combat is kind of shallow. You just come to an opponent and slash and slash and slash... use a different named slash... then a slower slash... quicker slash... and either you have higher dps than the enemy and you win or you don't and you lose. At level 11 I got maybe 10 different slash abilities, each of them named differently and each of them doing pretty much the same thing.


After that just out of curiosity I tried to play as a smuggler and immediately recognized the difference. You can jump into cover, throw grenades, evade the incoming lasers while shooting back and so on. Really fun!


Am I doing something wrong? Why is the Jedi's combat so boring?


A little dull until the late-30's/early-40's. You'll get more abilities, mobility and pace-setters. That will make things a little more fun.


That said, melee sucks in this game.

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Not sure why you even bother to play the game with this kind of attitude.


It's because he likes to write nonsense and troll these boards, don't pay much attention to that.

Regarding Jedi, combat will definitely be more fun as you gain levels, and his class story is fantastic to say the least.

If Jedi is not your cup of tea however, you can always try different classes with different combat styles and stories.

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It's because he likes to write nonsense and troll these boards, don't pay much attention to that.

Regarding Jedi, combat will definitely be more fun as you gain levels, and his class story is fantastic to say the least.

If Jedi is not your cup of tea however, you can always try different classes with different combat styles and stories.


Not as good as Sith Warrior... like not even close.

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It is more of an Hack'n'Slash game than your usual MMO.


5 skills, plus secondary weapons, or element attuning, plus combos between them. Actually, it is times, not plus, since it is combinatory.


The key is that it is no longer mashing buttons relentlessly, it requires quick wit, and strategy. The closer we get to it is by playing a Mara/Sent popping CDs with precise timing, but still, lacks variety.


I for one play just play the stories here, the rest I prefer GW2 and do it there.

GW is pretty simple. Just start with debuffs on target and then damage skills. When everything is on decent cooldown switch weapon and start over.

This way you will have the highest possible dps.


But jesus christ that is boring and also main problem with GW2. It is so simple you can easily make up optimal rotations for damage in PVP and PVE.


I find the combat in SWTOR lacking. But it works better than in some games and right now is more fun than WoWs pandarens simplified combat. You have a bunch of skills and for most situations you have one or more abilities and depending on how you act the outcome varies.

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It is more of an Hack'n'Slash game than your usual MMO.


5 skills, plus secondary weapons, or element attuning, plus combos between them. Actually, it is times, not plus, since it is combinatory.

The key is that it is no longer mashing buttons relentlessly, it requires quick wit, and strategy. The closer we get to it is by playing a Mara/Sent popping CDs with precise timing, but still, lacks variety.

I for one play just play the stories here, the rest I prefer GW2 and do it there.


I play GW2 and SWTOR concurrently and I don't find that endgame requires more strategy in either one. Now leveling up? Yeah, the lowbie dungeons in GW2 were more challenging than the lowbie dungeons in SWTOR, but that's because they don't have Raids, the dungeons had to be a bit tougher or casuals would have burnt through the content. Honestly, I like the idea of having more HM LI content in SWTOR - tougher flashpoints would be fun.

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The only instance when I really couldn't decide what skill to use (I'm talking early levels only) is Riposte vs Slash. Riposte is faster because it doesn't respect the Global Cooldown while the other is more powerful and (imo) recommendable in most instances except when you have a lot of focus built and you want to use both basically at the same time for some burst damage...


Don't forget Riposte can't miss, dodge, or be blocked (not to mention if spec'd it triggers a free damage shield for tanks). It's a must for any Jedi/Sith. Slash is good early on but later levels (30-40's I'd say) it's just a high damage attack with no other benefits and since it shares the cooldown with a lot of your focus/rage generators I tend to abandon it to make room for other attacks.

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Don't forget Riposte can't miss, dodge, or be blocked (not to mention if spec'd it triggers a free damage shield for tanks). It's a must for any Jedi/Sith. Slash is good early on but later levels (30-40's I'd say) it's just a high damage attack with no other benefits and since it shares the cooldown with a lot of your focus/rage generators I tend to abandon it to make room for other attacks.


Hmm... well, Riposte requires a successful parry so as a Combat Sent, I don't use it. My avoidance (Defense) is minimal to begin with and not my focus so... I'd rather not be looking for a chance to Riposte as it doesn't come up very often. But for a Guardian/tank? Sure, an absolute must especially with higher Defense.


As for Slash, well, as soon as you get Blade Rush it is obsolete. But before that, Slash will set up the Crit Proc for Blade Storm if you are a Combat Sentinel. So, yes it is very useful mid level too as you can really hit hard with Blade Storm as a result of using Slash.


But I digress... the point overall OP is that you shouldn't judge the Jedi classes by the early attacks and abilities. Things will get vastly better as you level and in the end, as a Sent you will be using more abilities than any other class if you want to be effective. The result? Great dps in end game, along with great CDs that impact and help the entire group, not just yourself.

Edited by Rafaman
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