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Why did we change the way the Character Selection screen sorts?


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They should just get with the program and allow us to sort it how we want it.


Personally, I looked at my selection screen the other day and thought it would be nice if there was two lists, one on the left and one on the right. One Sith. One Pub. That would be how I would like to see it.


I like the change as I seem to have a lot of alts starting with A, but arranging it to my liking would be preferable.


^ this and btw my visually impaired friend thinks the change is bad as he has to magnify every time he needs to change character now. I like the new way but yeah i prefer the above quoted persons option.





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That screen was sorted? I swear that random mo fo has been in a different order every time I've logged in since the day I created my second character.


that is what i thought as well B^) it seamed like all my toons were in a different order every time i logged in... i kinda like this new way a lot better... it puts the ones i play the most up top

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At the time, I thought the old way, (alphabetical, but last played character out of order at the top) was possibly the worst possible way they could have done it. Should have just been alphabetical, with last played character selected by default. Page turned as neccessary.


They managed to prove me wrong. The new way is worse.



I'm a crafter. Now when I want to cycle through my characters, I *always* have to change to the last page to get to the last one used. ALWAYS. Additionally, when I'm not just cycling through characters, but actually want to pick a specific one to craft a specific thing, there's no real rhyme or reason to where in the list that character is. My artificer could be anywhere in that list.


Only thing this new sort helps with are players with a small set of characters they actually use, and I'd expect said players don't have lots of characters to begin with, so the way they get sorted probably doesn't much matter.

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Agree with the OP.


I'm a hyper-organized type and would prefer some options on sorting your active characters. I'd like ALL the characters to be on one page, smaller sized images or double-columned, what ever works.


Not at all game-breaking or even majorly annoying, but it would be a helpful feature.

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I takes all kinds, I guess. Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for caring about something. Haters gonna hate.


Actually, they have monkeyed with the character select screen quite a bit more than most games do. They want to make a good first impression, I guess? Seems an odd thing to prioritize, though.

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What was the matter with last played and then alphabetical?


I specifically named my characters so that they lined up the way I wanted with the sorting you had previously.


Now it just sorts by last played and pushes the last prior down.


This means that to organize the way it previously was I have to log in to each character in reverse alphabetical order to get my characters organized the way I am used to.


What the hell?


If you're going to change the sorting at least give us options. Just changing it like this screws it up for anyone who had it organized by the previous method.


I know I'm a little bit obsessive compulsive, but we all are to some extent. Game devs should know that because many of them are the same way.


Put it back the way it was or give us sorting options, please.




Not to be rude but.....do you live under a rock? This is the way it has been.

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This thread is hilarious!


Now, I fully understand and support that you have your own preferences. It is just that this thread totally proves that, no matter what, they will always make someone unhappy with any change they make.


I like the new way. :)


Actually, it worked out quite nicely for me. It moved all my Imperial characters to once side, and all my republicans to the other. I'm a *happykittyface* chic atm. :p

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Not to be rude but.....do you live under a rock? This is the way it has been.


No, it hasn't.


Until the recent patch it sorted last played first then alphabetical.


I think maybe it's you that has been living under a rock, in a damp cave, in the butt crack of a troll.



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No, it hasn't.


Until the recent patch it sorted last played first then alphabetical.


I think maybe it's you that has been living under a rock, in a damp cave, in the butt crack of a troll.




But it probably looks that way to a F2P player who has only 2 characters on the server.

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I vastly prefer the new method. That said, I totally appreciate where the OP is coming from.


This is something that it amazes BW hasn't figured out after a year of post launch development for this game. You have to do your best to accomodate both the people that want the change as well as those that don't. Putting in a feature like this, it ought to be obvious that allowing you the option of how to sort would be the least intrusive.


And honestly, this same lack of foresight is why people are complaining about the new looks. BW seems to run head long into the most obvious issues.

Edited by Tumedus
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I support the idea of having multiple sorting options (including a manual one).


But if we're stuck with just one, I definitely prefer the new one. It makes sense to have the characters I currently play at the top.

Edited by JediMB
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No, not that.


If you have a bunch of characters that you don't play at all filling up your list why do you even have them?


I have 2 pages of characters also, but I actually use all of mine, if for nothing else than to gather mats for crafting. When you organize everything so that you know where all of these characters are it makes it easy to go through your list and log in to each one to collect, mail and resend companions on crew skill missions. When it's all grabtastic like it is now it makes it a pain in the butt.


So, you guys who saved a bunch of names but only play a few characters might be fine with this. Those of us who actually use the extra characters that are filling up those slots might not. Okay?



Really, if they were going to make a change at all they should give us options. Making a change that upsets one group to please another is not a good way to do business.




You assume I don't play them at all, AND you assume that I don't have a use for them (some of them are mat farmers and extra bank space for my gear hoarding). But the fact is there are several that I use more often then not and having the ones I use most often populating the first 4 or 5 slots in the character select screen saves the inevitable having to keep jumping to a second or on one server 3rd page to constantly retrieve the ones I use most. Now Im glad for you that you choose a naming scheme that puts your most used towards the front of the line, I however tend to use names that typically have some referential significance. My main on the one server, an Operative named Strichnine for example, having a double entandra type allusion to it in the form of Strichnine being a very deadly poison and my DPS based Operative being deadly but also with the story arc naming of your Agent as Cipher Nine there is the obvious nine reference in my toons name. But by the old system they had I was forever having to continually switch pages to get back to my main.


I will agree however with the suggestion of allowing us to move our slots and place them where we see fit and would gladly accept its implementation with open arms, but until such time as that would be implemented then it would seem that the majority by percentage of posters here prefer the new system.

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That screen was sorted? I swear that random mo fo has been in a different order every time I've logged in since the day I created my second character.


Same thing. I can never remember that there was an order in it. It always topped the one I last played.

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