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False Emperor - Make part available at the end to prevent bailers


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This happens too often - people get their HK part in the False Emperor flashpoint and then leave the instance, leaving you to wait sometimes hours for a replacement player. The queue times on The Bastion are really long if you are dps.

The FP is bugged anyhow where most of the time the part doesn't even drop, so if they do a fix then I would like to see the developers re-code the flashpoint so the HK part becomes available upon completing the instance.

Edited by pooks
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That's the drawback of putting items required for individual progression in a group environment instead of an instanced version that can be soloed or classed as an H+2.


^^^^ This was pointed out on PTS and as usual ignored.

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I don't do any end game FP or operations so when I had to do Foundry and False Emperor I was upset but still did them and completed False Emperor with the group I had. It's sad when someone can't stick around 10 minutes to finish the last fight to help some others out.


False Emperor runs shouldn't be a problem since the part is at the end of the instance. Once you defeat Revan it appears by the end chest.

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