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On my more recent characters i have finished their class stories on... i totally skipped right over entire planets.


In fact i have gotten at least 4 characters to finish their class missions without doing a single planetary mission on Corellia. The ONLY character i did anything on Corellia for was my Sniper. And that was 6-8 months ago. The same with Illium, i may have completed that very short planet once, maybe twice. Never again.


So with all that said... i can totally see many players skipping the entire planet of Makeb and leveling to 55 via flashpoints, pvp or some other method.

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Well some of the planetary stories are fun: Tatooine on both sides. Others... not as much: Alderaan Imperial, Taris Republic.


If the Makeb main series is on par with the Tatooine one then I'll probably do it on as many as 5 characters. If it's a drop in quality... then maybe only 1-2 characters.

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Considering the only story we are going to be getting is the planet story, it does not bode well.

Even the worst class stories are way more interesting than any of the planet stories.


Their writing would have to drastically improve on Makeb for me to care even a little about the story. And you can be sure that I'll spacebar through it on my alts after the playthrough on my main. Those voice actors are sure worth the money, amirite?

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I'm kind of the opposite as in , I didn't have to do any Corellia on about 7 characters. So I might not even see Makeb for awhile as I also have at least 2 bonus series to do also. I will mix and match after I work out how much xp is on the 3 places i just mentioned. Can't wait to actually have the option really. O and just think your daily missions will actually give you xp . He shoots he scores all the way up to level 55.





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Considering the only story we are going to be getting is the planet story, it does not bode well.

Even the worst class stories are way more interesting than any of the planet stories.


Their writing would have to drastically improve on Makeb for me to care even a little about the story. And you can be sure that I'll spacebar through it on my alts after the playthrough on my main. Those voice actors are sure worth the money, amirite?



This is just ridiculous. The Voss/Tattooine world arcs are better than every class story except Agent/JK/SW *at best*. Most of the others, even including Belsavis, are passable, and better than the Con or the Smuggler.


You must have been playing some incredible class stories, because finding out the mysteries of Voss/ going through the trials/investigating a hidden Czerka bass/uncovering the World-Eater and the Esh-Ka are WAY WAY WAY more interesting that "hey dude, go to this planet, kill this guy" or "Retrieve this item" or "rescue this squad" except full of needless complications so they can drag the class story out over every planet.

Edited by johnxtreeme
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This is just ridiculous. The Voss/Tattooine world arcs are better than every class story except Agent/JK/SW *at best*. Most of the others, even including Belsavis, are passable, and better than the Con or the Smuggler.


You must have been playing some incredible class stories, because finding out the mysteries of Voss/ going through the trials/investigating a hidden Czerka bass/uncovering the World-Eater and the Esh-Ka are WAY WAY WAY more interesting that "hey dude, go to this planet, kill this guy" or "Retrieve this item" or "rescue this squad" except full of needless complications so they can drag the class story out over every planet.


The JK story was horrendous, please. Warrior story was pretty good. Agent story is the best out of all of them.

Honestly, the czerka story on tattooine was alright. Bogged down by the quests there (TRAVEL THIS DESERT TO CLICK ON SOME ITEMS. HAVE FUN). Voss was probably the best world story there was. Still, I remember what my CLASS STORY did on Voss way more than the actual world story. On my inquisitor is was "oh snap, gotta go fast and heal myself" even though I knew there really wasn't any hurry. Same sort of feeling of timeliness on my agent, etc. I do agree that a couple of the class stories really get worse the longer they go on (trooper and BH). But overall, I'd way rather replay an inquisitor or an agent or a smuggler or anything really than listen to tattooine or voss again.


P.S. You never even learn about the world eater on imp side. It's merely hinted that the republic was aware of something really awful on Belsavis but they never elaborate.

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Considering the only story we are going to be getting is the planet story, it does not bode well.

Even the worst class stories are way more interesting than any of the planet stories.


Their writing would have to drastically improve on Makeb for me to care even a little about the story. And you can be sure that I'll spacebar through it on my alts after the playthrough on my main. Those voice actors are sure worth the money, amirite?


I disagree with this. The Imperial Belsavis Planetary quest is actually quite good. Also since this is the ONLY content for the expansion and it's not competing against class story for writers time I'm hoping that this will be more of class level story, but with only 2 unique stories (Emp/Rep)

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The JK story was horrendous, please. Warrior story was pretty good. Agent story is the best out of all of them.

Honestly, the czerka story on tattooine was alright. Bogged down by the quests there (TRAVEL THIS DESERT TO CLICK ON SOME ITEMS. HAVE FUN). Voss was probably the best world story there was. Still, I remember what my CLASS STORY did on Voss way more than the actual world story. On my inquisitor is was "oh snap, gotta go fast and heal myself" even though I knew there really wasn't any hurry. Same sort of feeling of timeliness on my agent, etc. I do agree that a couple of the class stories really get worse the longer they go on (trooper and BH). But overall, I'd way rather replay an inquisitor or an agent or a smuggler or anything really than listen to tattooine or voss again.


P.S. You never even learn about the world eater on imp side. It's merely hinted that the republic was aware of something really awful on Belsavis but they never elaborate.


I haven't done all the stories yet but I actually thought the Jedi Knight was #1. Warrior and Agent tied for #2. (I've done 5 and half way through a 6th).

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I haven't done all the stories yet but I actually thought the Jedi Knight was #1. Warrior and Agent tied for #2. (I've done 5 and half way through a 6th).


I think JK is either you love it or hate it. I happen to hate it (it makes the jedi council look ridiculously incompetent, among other things).

I still think consular is worse though, FWIW.

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Well... yea, I see OPs point, to some extent. I have capped six toons and on my last three alts, planet quests were only a side note. I skipped entire planet quests on some occasions. I have a pretty good idea on what I can skip now and how to manage underleveled encounters, not to mention there is great xp to be had in flashpoints and pvp.


But that being said, I don't think that will be my strategy when I arrive at Makeb initially. After all, I want to see the story and the side quests. So... I plan to do every bit of Makeb for at least a few of my toons and, depending on loot drops, creds, and how well laid out the planet is, I may run all of Makeb on all toons.


For me the option to skip Makeb entirely is not desirable because Makeb is much more than a vehicle to gain 5 more levels. It is a continuation of the larger story. I will see it all first and then decided how I want to handle Makeb with my alts.


For what it is worth, the JK story was great. The typical SW story. I'd rank IA the best, but JK is definately #2. And I did enjoy the planet stories as well. But after 4 or 5 times through... I do pick what I want to see. The grind is not worth the effort anymore in all cases when I can get what I need in terms of xp elsewhere.

Edited by Rafaman
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I think JK is either you love it or hate it. I happen to hate it (it makes the jedi council look ridiculously incompetent, among other things).

I still think consular is worse though, FWIW.


I can see you're point there to an extent.


Consular is the one I'm working through now...

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I'm kind of the opposite as in , I didn't have to do any Corellia on about 7 characters. So I might not even see Makeb for awhile as I also have at least 2 bonus series to do also. I will mix and match after I work out how much xp is on the 3 places i just mentioned. Can't wait to actually have the option really. O and just think your daily missions will actually give you xp . He shoots he scores all the way up to level 55.






No idea if this is true, but I had read that players will only level while on Makeb (from 50 to 55). Was a while back and I cannot recall where etc.


Now like I said...I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not. But, it would indeed be a way to induce people to buy the Makeb expansion.


Has anyone heard if people can indeed level beyond 50 if they do not do Makeb? That the level cap will simply exist universally? That such things as doing dailies will give you exp?


A curious thing.

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No idea if this is true, but I had read that players will only level while on Makeb (from 50 to 55). Was a while back and I cannot recall where etc.


Now like I said...I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not. But, it would indeed be a way to induce people to buy the Makeb expansion.


Has anyone heard if people can indeed level beyond 50 if they do not do Makeb? That the level cap will simply exist universally? That such things as doing dailies will give you exp?


A curious thing.

You need to purchase Makeb to level past 50.

After purchase, any normal xp you get will level you. You dont just have to do Makeb stuff to lvl past 50.

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One thing I'm wondering is if the level 55 stuff is only available to those who buy the extension? If you don't buy the Makeb extension package will you be able to level up to 55? I thought not but some seem to think you will. Edited by coille
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One thing I'm wondering is if the level 55 stuff is only available to those who buy the extension? If you don't buy the Makeb extension package will you be able to level up to 55? I thought not but some seem to think you will.


They haven't stated that level 55 content is Xpac only because that's how WoW does it, and since they try and stick to the WoW formula... they assume they don't have to tell us that if you don't purchase the Xpac your only new content will be from the CM.


Still, I'm going to wait until they fix a couple of the Makeb bugs before I buy it. Because you know it will be unplayable when it releases:rolleyes:

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