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Merc in PvP?


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I started this game at launch with a Sentinel on a now dead server, played to 50 and quit around February out of long war zone que's and world PvP being a joke (still is lol); but iv come back to try the game out again and iv rolled a Merc/Healer because it seems that good healers are few and far between in this game.


My question for the all knowing trolls of the forum world is this, are Merc's up to snuff in PvP? As someone who has always had an easy time being a decent-to-good level PvPer i seem to find myself getting mashed up pretty easily on my Merc, whether i play healer which i have played the most or messing around with DPS. I can lead a war zone in healing pretty easily, but it seems i have to work far harder to accomplish damage or heals than a comparable class like a Sorc or Operative.


Opinions/comments/learn2play you *********** newb posts/ all are welcome.

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You really do want a tank giving you some love.


There are no escape CD for commandos and that includes medics, you can merely choose to turtle and hope people will peel for you before your shield runs out.


Scoundrels can slow attackers down and heal on the move while sorcs can sprint behind a pillar on the other side of a room and heal up after bubble stunning attackers. Sorcs can also screw around with knockback roots and bubble stuns to further slow down attackers.

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In ranked wz a good arsenal merc is just horribly for the opponents !


If you are playing against any decent team you won't even be able to get off a tracer missile. You are even a free kill to a Sorc which is saying something. If you want to play your Merc in a RWZ environment you are better off trying out the Pyrotech tree even though it is the gimped version of the Powertechs one.

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Ive been playing since launch and ive always PvP on my Commando, however recently ive become a bit disheartened at the fact that no matter how well i play, i am always easily outdps'd by a DPS Vanguard with a simpler rotation. Ive actually been playing my Commando less and less now and focused more on my healing Scoundrel, because i feel i can actually do more for the group that way.
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Ive been playing since launch and ive always PvP on my Commando, however recently ive become a bit disheartened at the fact that no matter how well i play, i am always easily outdps'd by a DPS Vanguard with a simpler rotation. Ive actually been playing my Commando less and less now and focused more on my healing Scoundrel, because i feel i can actually do more for the group that way.


I agree, my first 50 was a 50 Merc which I enjoyed Arsenal so much. Nowadays we just get ROFLStomped by any Pryo or Smashtards no matter how well you play you will NEVER beat one of them. Our defensive cd is laughable, not to mention the only way we are going to get off a CC is if we waste our instant cast CD to make the CC instant. Really wish we could talent into an instant CC like Sorcs can.

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If you are playing against any decent team you won't even be able to get off a tracer missile. You are even a free kill to a Sorc which is saying something. If you want to play your Merc in a RWZ environment you are better off trying out the Pyrotech tree even though it is the gimped version of the Powertechs one.


For me pyro merc far better than madness sorc (arsenal vs lightning? ummm... i dont know, lol :p). But u still need to play like a sorc - i.e. very carefully! :D

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Mercs are quite hard to playm but if you gonna dps play Pyro. Arsenal ca ndeals loads of damage but i relies on people being bad and no knowing where the interrupt button is. If you face any decent player playing arsenal you will be lucky to fire a tracer before you die. Pyro on the other hand has no problems with interrupts and you can run and unleash dps much better than arsenal.
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As long as Austin Peckinbaugh can have his way, Mercs will not be a viable choice in RWZs. As a DPS they are PvE as Arsenal, and bad as Pyrotech. I've got a fifty that I've run and gunned with. I've had him from launch and he's still my main. But he's not ever chosen for RWZ because he has 0 utility as a DPS, and is subpar as a healer. The healing has alot to do with the superb mobility of Agent/Scoundrel and the puddle heal of Sorc/Sage. Even when you're immune to interrupts with your bubble popper, you'll still get stunned out of the game.


Fact is merc has no good spec in pvp. Just a better one in healing.

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