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If you could have a lightsaber, what colour/style would it be and why?


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Purple ! Cose Purple is So Goood !


This Purple :http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/swtor-purple-outline-color-crystal-bloom.jpg


And I would go for that long double blade Lightsaber ? the same as Kira . They were so Good , that's what I always pick in Kotor 2 :D

Edited by SerraShar
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I like the original trilogy, but I believe I would like a Purple Double-bladed Lightsaber, Juyo form is always awesome!


Name for my Lightsaber wouldn't matter if they are not going to live beyond the encounter! :rak_03:


Just in case: I would have a normal Yellow Lightsaber hidden...

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My thought would be "why a lightsaber at all?" They're actually kinda fragile if you think about it and have had really no innovation for thousands of years. If anything it would be a white-bladed lightkatana. Katanas are inherently better than other sword types anyway. And most lightsabers suffer from poor design anyway. The cross-guard saber is one of the poorest of all, making the hilt look like a glowing tetris block. The idea that you can go "hey look I can burn people with the exhaust port!" doesn't work when they are on both sides and can just as equally burn a hole through your own stupid chest.


The crossguard section shouldn't have perfect 90 degree angles because it's absolutely pointless for a lightsaber. You'd want the extra beams/energy at a 45 degree angle and near the blade hilt in order to catch the opponents blade there and take control of it since it would be trapped between the two beams. The way it's designed both in the movie and shown in SWTOR would allow anyone smart enough to just cut off the exhaust pipes and let the thing explode in your hand.


If anything, I'd rather have a Sith Sword in the form of a katana or Chinese blades such as the jian, which is made for speed and flexibility, light and mobile for close quarters combat and was used in conjunction with martial arts. It would be far more formidable in actual combat than your standard lightsaber.

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I would have the two I have now. The volatile champions lightsaber, with blk and green or blk and orange crystals depending on mood, with lightning ,or damaged tuning. I would name one death, and the other conqueror of worlds.

I would use them for what their names imply.

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If anything it would be a white-bladed lightkatana. Katanas are inherently better than other sword types anyway.


Katanas were fine swords for the times and enemies they were intended to face, but that's true of almost any sword. No one wasted the metal and work on something that didn't work. Katanas were actually made of the crappiest iron imaginable, iron sand, requiring a lot of work with smelting and folding to get properly hard steel for the blade. The legends are probably more an effect of how hard it was to make one (and samurai becoming glorified bureaucrats during the Tokugawa shogunate) than anything else. Before that a samurai was a horseman and archer - bragging about his swordsmanship meant he outed himself as a bad archer and rider and a dismal strategist as he for some reason ended up in close combat. ;)


I can't really see why anyone would care what shape a lightsaber has. It will cut through anything anyway, right? Straight or curved would make no difference except someone would find one style cool and one not. A straight blade is probably easier on the magnetic thingamajigs that keep the plasma blade together so most users would default to that unless they had some reason to want a different shape. Personally I always found the blue lightsaber in A New Hope to be incredibly cool. It's stylish and simple, no frills.

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I can't really see why anyone would care what shape a lightsaber has. It will cut through anything anyway, right? Straight or curved would make no difference except someone would find one style cool and one not. A straight blade is probably easier on the magnetic thingamajigs that keep the plasma blade together so most users would default to that unless they had some reason to want a different shape. Personally I always found the blue lightsaber in A New Hope to be incredibly cool. It's stylish and simple, no frills.


That's always been a misconception. Lightsabers could never cut through anything. They are just glorified plasma torches and the EM-field that contains them and keeps them in that cylindrical shape can be diverted or outright blocked. It's also the only reason why lightsabers don't just pass through each other. There are multiple materials within the SWU that can straight up stop lightsabers and several organic lifeforms as well.


Far as shape goes, it does go beyond merely aesthetics. A basic lightsaber is their equivalent of a longsword and those are dual-edged. They are meant more for hacking than anything else and while a lightsaber makes it easier to cleave and pierce, it's primary is still hacking. Those like Dooku have curved hilts for more radius of control and whose chosen form works more along the lines of Fencing, using jabs, thrusts and parries as opposed to hacking and blocking.


The shape and form of the katana is designed a-specifically for slashing and focusing all of that force into a single edge as opposed to the dual-edge of a longsword. How this differs in lightsaber form is more appropriately its focus. There are arguments about how well a lightsaber can cut and how strong the blade is with what kind of crystal is being used as the focus. Sith synthetic crystals supposedly have greater cutting power. But the problem is that there is really no decisive way to prove that since all straight-edged lightsabers function exactly the same and without variation in style and form of the blade, they might as well all just look like big glowing willy extensions for all the difference it makes.


So with the thought of the katana form in mind it does change how you hold and balanace, and how you strike with it. With the focus being almost purely on slashing it's actual cutting power would be degrees greater than a standard lightsaber due to it having a more solidified shape than just a straight cylindrical beam.


I should also point out that despite katanas and other such similar swords an weapons of that period being initially made of iron sand due to limited resources, they were still some of the strongest blades in history. In fact I'd say most of the greatest swords known in modern history have come from the lands of the East. Most notably China and Japan. On a more fun note, Man At Arms did a recent episode where they used those old smelting styles and tools to make steel from iron sand and use it to forge a dandao. Which is essentially the Chinese variant of a nodachi.

If nothing else, what they do and make is just pure awesome.

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On a more fun note, Man At Arms did a recent episode where they used those old smelting styles and tools to make steel from iron sand and use it to forge a dandao. Which is essentially the Chinese variant of a nodachi.

If nothing else, what they do and make is just pure awesome.


Aye, I've seen some of their other projects. It does make you understand (in a limited fashion at least) how much hard work and skill goes into making a proper sword. Which is why I went on about making katanas - it was a very hard project for the smith and while the best examples may well be the best swords (for their use as slashing weapons) in the world a normal samurai certainly didn't get a blade of that quality. The legends about chopping off machine gun barrels and killing five men with one stroke are just stories, even if the very best blades are incredibly well made. It was a damn good weapon against the lightly armored opponents a samurai would normally face but not the be-all and end-all of swords.


Lets not fight about whether a lightsaber should be straight or curved, it's a fantasy weapon in any case. And I do know about at least Cortosis ore that will help make an armor almost lightsaber-proof. If you think it would be better to curve the plasma rod I've got nothing to prove or disprove it. Maybe it would be good, maybe not. The magnetic fields required to keep it together would glue two lightsabers together anyway and neither Jedi nor Sith could strike a blow at each other after the initial parry. ;)

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Mine would be red, because I like the Sith code. I would only want to fight those that would challenge my skill and wit as a warrior. I then would carve the names of those I vanquished with my blade into my hilt, so I could remember the fight I had with them, and honor them as worthy foes.


Why? Because I like the idea of a story about a Sith who isn't evil, but views the Sith code as a personal goal of being the best.

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Copper with an ancient hilt like the First Saber from the JC story. I think I'd call it "the Beacon of Hope". But it's not about the tool but about its meaning. The warmth and the rush of hope and the banishing of Darkness before it. See. Edited by Cuiwe
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It would be yellow, with a Cortosis Crossguard like proper longsword.


My preferred style would be "finger sniping", because without a crossguard that's what real life lightsaber combat would amount to.


~ Eudoxia


That'd be otoh what my JK would use. Proper Cortosis Crossguard Yellow or Orange Lightsabre. Glorious. I think he'd ascend the rank of Force / Jedi Landsknecht at that time :D .


My SW wouldn't even use sabres. He's over that. Now he uses vicious curved blades like Fira blades and the like.


SI doesn't care about the tool as long as it does its job. Red or Purple(ideally Purple) Sabrestaff.

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If I could only have one that looked however I desired, it'd have a red crystal and be identical to Obi-Wan's last lightsaber in every way except for the black part of the hilt above the pommel, which would be cylindrical and made of the same metal alloy as the parts of the saber immediately around it (with the same radius, as well).


If I could have more, I'd have that with a green lightsaber crystal, a replica of that in case I ever decided to dual-wield, and Palpatine's lightsabers from his playdate (read: duel) against Savage and Maul–and however many lightsaber crystals I could carry without arousing suspicion (and maybe a pair of Defiant Vented Lightsabers, while I'm at it). It'd be perfect for infiltrating the Jedi and rising in the ranks–and strength–until I'd become the most powerful (and, hopefully, most trusted) Force-sensitive ever.

Edited by NekoAggelou
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A single blade lightsaber, the purest of weapons, with a standard straight grip. The grip would be slightly ridged for gripping purpose, with a slightly flared emitter opening and pommel. A ring that would be slid up to activate it which would have a small depression in the ring, so I could rotate said ring slightly to lock the blade into the On position for purposes of saber throws or weapon grip switching.

My crystal would be white/silver, as I have no connection to the light or darkside. I am a force of Justice and Righteousness, for those that need it, and of Mercy for those that should have it.

I would also wear light armor, protective enough to give such but light enough to allow for ease of movement, colored green and blue with a brown hooded robe and black boots.

Move Object, Force Light, and Moricho would be in my arsenal of Force powers as well.


While I am outwardly calm, I am determined. I understand the use of power as well as mercy, and my opponents deserve to get both from me. I am weapon and shield, both of which I will wield for those in need.

I'm Kal Adden, and no chains bind me.

Edited by lordmyrth
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