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Question for PvPers, 2nd most powerful attack in game?


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So smash can hit what, ~40k max? (8k x5 targets), just curious what is the 2nd hardest hitting attack in game.*


*if there are no autocrits, please give me the crit percentage chance you have, and the surge rating, along with how many targets the ability can hit. We will assume you get lucky and crit every target however.

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Fully talented Orbital Strike/Flyby could theoretically hit for well over 60k without even critting....with crits, I'm guessing at least 100k. That is a 12 seconds easily avoided well-marked attack though, with 3 seconds of warning before the first tick.
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Fully talented Orbital Strike/Flyby could theoretically hit for well over 60k without even critting....with crits, I'm guessing at least 100k. That is a 12 seconds easily avoided well-marked attack though, with 3 seconds of warning before the first tick.

That's the difference between theory and reality.


As for the second best hitting ability, personally I'm unsure but I would say that's either Ambush (Marksmanship only because of crit multiplier) or Shadow Strike (I don't recall a crit multiplier in Infiltration)

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That's the difference between theory and reality.


As for the second best hitting ability, personally I'm unsure but I would say that's either Ambush (Marksmanship only because of crit multiplier) or Shadow Strike (I don't recall a crit multiplier in Infiltration)


There's no extra crit multiplier on ambush


on topic; series of shots in marksmanship is pretty nasty, deception mauls, pyrotech railshots and pretty much all the execution abilities (assassinate, take down, vicious throw etc) and imo force crush is pretty damn deadly for classes that cant cleanse it

Edited by Reveillere
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There's no extra crit multiplier on ambush.


Are you sure ? Is it for Snipe and Followthrough only ?

It's odd because my feel like it hits for less in Lethality than Marksmanship. Or it is because of another talent...

Edited by Altheran
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Are you sure ? Is it for Snipe and Followthrough only ?

It's odd because my feel like it hits for less in Lethality than Marksmanship. Or it is because of another talent...


20% armor pen on ambush, you get crit multiplier on series of shots, takedown and followthrough

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About Shadow Strike and Maul, in theory the highest ones you could do are not from Infiltration/Deception but Balance/Madness.

I just checked, Infiltration doesn't get any talent that increases Shadow Stike outside of Find Weakness in first tier, but Balance can increase its melee damage bonus making Shadow Strike to hit even harder.

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About Shadow Strike and Maul, in theory the highest ones you could do are not from Infiltration/Deception but Balance/Madness.

I just checked, Infiltration doesn't get any talent that increases Shadow Stike outside of Find Weakness in first tier, but Balance can increase its melee damage bonus making Shadow Strike to hit even harder.


Circling Shadows - Tier 3

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Second hardest hitting ability is probably Carnage Scream.


As far as total damage in a single hit, maybe Chain Lightning? On my min maxed Sorc I usually see a biggest hit somewhere around 4k, and can hit 3 people. I think Chain Lightning.does pretty similar damage, and can hit more people. Mine isn't autocrit though.

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Death field crits around 4k and can hit 3 people, and wither crits for about 3.5 and can hit 5 people

Maul goes up pretty high, with several buffs (pvp powerup) I've heard of an assassin who got a 10k somewhere, most likely done with a gear set that includes all power/surge and no crit chance so roughly 1/5 chance to crit

Edited by JP_Legatus
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My prototype flame thrower hits for 2.2-2.6k per tick (6.6-7.8k w/ full channel) which sounds decent, but it can be easily avoided so it is actually pretty pathetic compared to smash/sweep. Chain lightening can hit pretty hard, over 4k each on 5 people if it crits with a full lightening build. When I was madness I could hit 3 people w/ deathfield for over 5k each on crits. So of the classes I am most familiar with, there is really no ability close to smash/sweep's potential.
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Assuming we're talking instant damage, ala smash, then wither, chain lightning, or carbine burst. I would guess carbine burst as it has the highest base damage.


If you include dots then orbital strike, death from above, or flame thrower. This is tougher, PROBABLY orbital strike, but specced flame thrower might be quite a bit higher. I refuse to play PT/AP again after trying it for a bit, just a horribly designed spec.

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for me


the biggest hitting ability on me is SMASH by a jugg (7.7k)


and the funny thing is the second hardest hitting ability is VICIOUS throw by a jugg (5.9k)


this class is hard


but srsly after this would be ambush and rail shot

Edited by wwkingms
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just talking about straight up damage, Death From Above could potentially hit high numbers. it has no limit to the number of targets it can damage in an area, and ticks 6 times. ive seen max crits about 1.5k.


so 6 X 1500 = 9000 -> 9000 X 8 = 72000 damage


of course the likelihood of all 8 opponents being grouped together for the full 3s, and then the likelihood of landing all crits against every target for every damage tick, is just about impossible, this is massively theoretical.


i doubt this ever actually happens to anyone

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Currently, maul can do up to about 7.5k. Dual crit chain shock can do over 7k, and discharge with 5 static charges can do 5.7-6k. Of course these are all single target damage, but still big numbers none the less.


Yeah sure. On people with 14k health and 0 expertise maybe w/ a Warzone stim.

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