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What is your take on how this game is progressing?


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This thread should be labelled - What do you think about f2p?


f2p is restrictive that it does not allow a person to level all different characters on one account. They are limited to a small legacy as well.


The difference between p2p and f2p are large enough and also rewarding enough for the f2p player.


When it comes to money, people will always complain. However, look at how you benefit rather than how others are benefiting... and as said earlier their benefit is really only being able to play 1-50 at a limited experience and only for a few characters. Maybe f2p players should pay for a legacy title...


Question: Do f2p players get a legacy name? I am guessing they do since it allows them to stack up legacy exp... but I think the perks should be unlockable with a cartel store purchase... making them a preferred status player.

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Maybe someday they will wake up and stop trying to lure the ultra-casuals and go after a more stable less casual audience. The super casual have been targeted over and over, and the end result is always the same. Super enthusiastic new players who become ex-players within 2-4 months because that's what casual players do.


They have done nothing but pursue the stable non-casuals since launch to their peril. There is next to nothing in this game to appeal to ultra-casual players IMO.


They need to actually target ultra casuals if they want any measure of true success IMO.

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I think this game is progressing better in terms of income, thanks to the current loyal gamers spending money on cartel packs.


But in terms of game population, it won't bring back past subscribers because the current limitations of F2P has turned away 2 people I know who used to play this game.


It will of course bring in new players, but whether or not they will continue playing or sub the game is a different story.


Personally i feel it might be a bit early to judge income based on Cartel pack sales, or any other CM sales.

If the game, at the time of F2P, had 500K subscrribers ( low ball estimate ) and each subscriber recieved 2K Cartel coins ( estimated average, i recieved 3000, some players may have recieved more or less ) thats 1,000,000,000 cartel coins to be spent, which could account for the sales currently.


To the Op

This game is not dying, it will more than likely be around for quite some time ( look at AoC, its still running ) If YOU are enjoying the game and are OK with the buisness model, than keep playing. Don't let the Nay sayers, or Tortanic people get to you, decide for yourself what right or wrong and go for it. As for myself, while i have greatly enjoied the game for over a year now + 4 open Betas and would like to continue to enjoy the game, I feel what their doing is a money grab with the New planet and wiil not abide by it. I can live with bugs ( as long as i see people working on them ), Slow content implementation( i was in for the long haul anyway ), F2P with a store ( my choice to buy or not to Buy ;) But Piss poor deceptive buisness practices, A big fat NO. Either be honest and upfront with your customers, treat them with respect or go away. I hope you have fun with the game ( thats really what its all about ) I know i wanted to.

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Look at the message boards for any MMO and you'll see dozens of threads about why that game is dying. Gloom and doom and naysaying is popular. You can't put stock in these erstwhile prophets of doom.


I only recently started playing this game, but I've had my eye on it since its announcement. I think it's obvious it had a very difficult first year of life. I think it's obvious it still has a few technical bugs that are annoying and need to be stomped out. I heard alot about the bugs and problems with the game early on and decided I'd wait a year. The first year is always the hardest for any MMO.


Free to play is not a sign of doom, either; it's almost if not actually a necessity to be competitive in the MMO market, which is tighter than ever.


I joined the game as a free to play player because... Well, why not? After a day of stomping around Korriban, I decided to go for the plunge and subscribe. My wife joined up around the same time. She wanted a twi'lek sith, and thought of buying an unlock... But then said why not just subscribe?


So while this is all anecdotal - but really without hard data that's all we have - its at least an example of how free to play could lure in paid subscriptions. The "try before you buy" offering is strong and the advantages of subscribing if one enjoys the game are enough to be very enticing.

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I’ve said this from day one of launch(based off of beta choices) and will keep saying it as long as it’s still true. Anyone at EA or BW who’ve had an actual decision making vote on the way things have been released, customer support handled, or game operation needs to be fired.


Until these brain-dead people are out of the decision making process this game will continue to decline. Can anyone seriously think that management of this game has been anything but a class A cluster-F? Just go back in your head and look at some of their choices and see if you can’t find a plethora of them that make you go WTH dude, what are you guys smoking to think that that’s the way to run a AAA MMO?


I’m not going to go back and point out the 100’s of things they’ve goofed, like I said, anyone can find them, they’re not that hard. But, if you were a manager at your place of employment and did even a tiny fraction of these, would you honestly still have a job at the end of the day?


Although I really like playing SWTOR, my mind can’t handle too many more ‘boggles’ from BW/EA, it’s started to jell already from all the shaking.


Extremely well said.

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Just like to counter what you say here about casuals. I have played wow for 7 years, and I'm about as casual as you can get on that game. 45 alts, no toon at max level, no raiding, no pvp titles. I plat forever because

I'm casual. I like exploring; I like running alts.


This really doesn't have that much to do with what they should do for the game, but I don't think the problem is casuals.



Same here. I played City of Heroes for six years. I'd still be playing if it hadn't shut down. I have six characters here... But no "alas" or "a main"... All my characters are "mains", I explore, don't race to the end game and really enjoy being able to hop on, run a mission for a bit, or do some exploring or crafting or whatever.


It's the hardcore players who see the bulk of the game as something to race through to endgame, then get bored at the end when content doesn't appear as fast as they can consume it that jump ship from game to game to game.

Edited by DoctorJest
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If you want to actually play in the RP-PvP server there now really isn't any difference between it and the regular PvP. People trying to role play their characters in general chat etc even back in May/June was at a good level, but now the general chat in these is filled with the same pre-teen/teen garbage as other pvp servers (which celeb is hotter, other random stuff that is immersion breaking). Well, at least in the North American servers. Overall I think going F2P, while ensuring the game survived, brought the quality of the in-game community down especially on the RP servers.
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