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KOTOR 10 Years Later


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So we're coming up on the 10 year anniversary of the Original Knights of the Old Republic. KotOR was first released on July 15, 2003. I think we can all agree that it was awesome.


This got me thinking of something I'd like to see in TOR. I realize I'll likely never see it because of its scope, but it would be cool regardless.


We know that as a Sith Lord, Darth Revan constructed a Holocron. This Holocron was later recovered by Darth Bane and used to further his Sithy ways. But if he constructed a Sith Holocron, isn't it conceivable that he may have produced a Jedi variant as well?


What I would like to see is a quest chain in TOR, one that revolves around locating Revan's Jedi Holocron (or perhaps Datacron to facilitate non-force using classes). This Datacron would contain a copy of his memories from the events of KotOR. Activating the Datacron would allow you to essentially play through KotOR in the TOR engine. The Datacron would show you the basic events, but would also allow to make choices different from those Revan made (so playing non-canon Revan would be possible).


What I'm essentially asking for is a tenth anniversary edition of KotOR. Because honestly, who wouldn't want that?


Now obviously my wants for the Tenth Anniversary of Knights of the Old Republic are farfetched and ridiculous, but I'd still like to see some sort of event around July. What would you like to see from TOR for KotOR's tenth birthday?

Edited by spencer_
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Hmmm this would make sense though. Would be cool if they gave us a free copy of Kotor 1 for anyone who subs on the month of the 10th year anniversary.


KOTOR fans should already have a copy. I have an original XBOX copy and a copy for my PC. They are really cheap from what I hear, at bargain bin prices.

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KOTOR fans should already have a copy. I have an original XBOX copy and a copy for my PC. They are really cheap from what I hear, at bargain bin prices.


Seriously, like I need another copy of KOTOR, or KOTOR2. Both on Xbox, both on PC, got at least one "best of" multi-game box set with each in it... They've made their money from me, too.

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While this would be cool, BioWare didn't even do anything for THIS game's one year anniversary except give everyone a few fireworks that most people deleted. What makes anyone think they would do something for KOTOR?
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You know what would be also awesome? If there was something wrong with the force that messed up the time-space continuum of the universe and allowed you to participate in important scenes and battles from Kotor.
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You know what would be also awesome? If there was something wrong with the force that messed up the time-space continuum of the universe and allowed you to participate in important scenes and battles from Kotor.


I think that would violate the Prime Directive.

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I think everyone should get a free in-game item for the anniversary:


Knights: KOTOR-style Jedi robes

Consulars: Juhani's robes

Smugglers: Carth Onasi's clothes

Troopers: KOTOR-style Republic soldier uniform

Warriors: Darth Malak's armor

Inquisitors: Darth Bandon's armor

Bounty Hunters: Canderous Ordo's clothes

Agents: Sith trooper armor


Either that, or make every one of those armors temporarily available on the Cartel market as adaptive armor. Or, they could make a "KOTOR cartel pack" and when you get open it, you get one of the above uniforms, a KOTOR themed weapon (Carth's blaster, Canderous' repeater, ect.), and one companion customization (see below).


T7-01 customization: now looks like T3-M4

Iresso customization: now looks like Carth

Bowdaar customization: now looks like Zaalbar

Elara customization: now looks like Bastila

HK-51: now looks like HK-47

Vette customization: now looks (more) like Mission

Andronikos customization: now looks like Canderous

Scorpio customization: now looks like KOTOR-style combat droid

Blizz customization: now looks like KOTOR-style Jawa

C2-N2 customization: now looks like KOTOR-style protocol droid (Republic markings)

2V-R8 customization: now looks like KOTOR-style protocol droid (Empire markings)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its an awesome idea from the OP. And I think something at least mildly related to Revan's memories and his past being re-lived by the player who is playing the sequel to KOTOR 1 and 2 anyway so it makes perfect sense as well. Things like cutscenes of the past has promise.

Speaking of KOTOR I would like to just say how beautifully those two games were made. Even in the midst of all the criticism it received even KOTOR 2 especially KOTOR 2 actually where the dark side was so

its presence actually felt in the cut scenes...and Kreia...hearing her
honestly made the player feel...changed. This is exactly the feeling a teacher should have on those she teaches and that is EXACTLY the effect that the developers deliver. Those stories were written in such a way that they truly gripped the soul. May everything that made KOTOR 1 (The Story of one of the greatest, most remarkable,respected,feared,loved,hated,
and Dark Lord of The
force user. ) Brilliant story and if I had my way with Star Wars 7, I would center it around
. Barring the novels, actually Revan has a much chunkier back-story than even Luke Skywalker, and plenty to make an excellent movie from Something George Lucas can be proud of, even though he doesn't like the idea of having any of the KOTOR characters coming into the movie. Also SWTOR as long as it continues to better capture the essence of KOTOR 1 and 2 it too will persist through the annals of time being hailed as one of the greatest games of our time as it takes its place in The Star Wars Hall of Fame. This idea and Exaltation however small and insignificant it maybe, is my contribution to the upcoming anniversary celebrations!:) Edited by Remedist
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I'd totally approve anything that ties into KOTOR. Maybe a sidequest that crosses several worlds, gathering pieces of the story. It would start at the Endar Spire wreck, of course. Then, involve going to Tatooine somehow. Of course, there'd have to be some kind of workaround for Republic players not being able to go near Korriban.


A random thought; HK-47 wouldn't be the only one of Revan's crew to be alive after the centuries. Wookiee lifespans average 600 years. It's more than feasible that Zaalbar's still around, albeit with gray in his fur. (A Sith Warrior encountering him with Vette in tow might get an interesting, bittersweet response out of him, too.)


For that matter, I'd squeal with delight if they somehow bribed Silveredge9 into letting them make some content about the Brotherhood of Shadow. Talk about a jaw-dropping and EXCELLENT mod that might as well be canon in my book.

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