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Where are the devs?


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Yeah, it's funny, I work in a 24/7/365 industry, and while it's nice to get a couple days off in a row here and there, pretty much we have to keep operating and the entire staff doesnt get thanksgiving week, xmas month and new years week off. And last I looked, an MMOG was a 24/7/365 service, so....


And please, enough with the apologists. There are plenty of other mmo forums that have active CR's in them over the holidays.

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Get out the whips and chains boys! These game developers want to spend time with their families over the holidays. Don't they realize the GAME is MUCH more important?!?!? No mercy!


Must be nice to put in 15 mins of work a day then take off for half the month. I wouldn't know I worked on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and will be at work on New Years as well.

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OK. I completely understand the frustration of everyone one the forums but to say that the developers put 15 minutes of work into the day is ridiculous. The problem isn't the work they are doing, it's the direction behind the entire project. Management needs to be given a dose of reality or switched out, it's not the team itself to me.
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My company's customers pay for our service. Let's just say they don't expect us to close up shop for 3 weeks just because the western world happen to have a few holidays. They don't care about our families or whatever. If a problem surface they expect me or someone else in my company to be on the next flight to be onsite as soon as possible to fix the problem. I guess that is one of the reasons why my company is successful and why Bioware lost over 80% of their swtor player base. Just a thought you know.


And when there were server issues on Christmas eve they posted and the people taking care of the servers fixed the issues. This thread isn't asking for the server IT people to be posting on the forums, they're asking for the content creators and producers to be posting. Have a little common sense.

Edited by DaRoamer
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