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Too much CC


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CC is apart of PVP always has been and always will be. This is a thread that has been around in every single MMO i have played. You will get killed in a stun cycle once in a bluemoon and there will be nothing you can do about it.


People are jumping the gun on their qq and its making them look silly we are on Day 1 folks go suck on the soother for a few weeks.

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CC is apart of PVP always has been and always will be. This is a thread that has been around in every single MMO i have played. You will get killed in a stun cycle once in a bluemoon and there will be nothing you can do about it.


People are jumping the gun on their qq and its making them look silly we are on Day 1 folks go suck on the soother for a few weeks.


Just because its a mistake everyone keeps making in their games does not make it ok.The insane amount of cc in most MMOs is simply **** game design.Its not fun to watch someone else control your character.All CC should have 30+second cds and all types of CC should be on the same DR so people have to actually use their brain to set up kill.

Edited by Orila
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Having played a lot more pvp today I dont see a huge problem with CC at the moment. I still dont like that you are totally disabled and never will, but its not for long periods and unless several people are attacking you you wont have massive damage done to you so I dont see anyone being stunned to death.


However, the nerf bat will be out soon and thats when things always go to pot.


At the moment im more concerned about the clunky game play.

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I posted in another thread but yeah this is getting ridiculous. I feel like being in WOW with frost mages everywhere


The worst part is that there is NO DIMINISHING RETURNS whatsoever of if there are some they are clearly not working. Full health to zero without being able to move should not happen but it does

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You guys are complaining about the cc from a bunch of ppl, if u have 3+ ppl on u in this game your going to die anyways, why's it matter if you locked or slowly limping away? You only have a few breakers (and if ur ranged a knockback) fine then save them and stop using ur CD everytime you get slowed, I've had no problem and I'm R21 on My BH and 17 on my maurader already so I've done a little bit of PvP. The only class that has a right to ***** IMO is the wars/Jedi at lower lvls.... Situational ignorance =/= OP cc... If anything Mellee closers vs ranged knockback is the real problem in this game.


Edit: Heaven forbid we PvP in a game where our only advantage is "lololol I logged more hrs than you therefore my gear > than you. Even tho your more skilled I get 20% more DMG reduction and I can just faceroll 10 ppl at a time and have been using this crutch for years and forgot what real competition was" ... *COUGH*

Edited by Ohaiguis
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I play melee and I've got to say I'm stuck in some form of CC for probably 2/3 of the game. Half the time I don't realise what it is because it's constant and one after another.


There needs to be DR or the resolve bar needs to fill up quicker, because it's broken how I can go 100 % to dead without moving my character a step.


If Bioware want to promote rated Warzones then the CC needs to be tuned as it can cause some serious unbalance issues.

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As a healer in light armor I always get the highest number of deaths. I get 2 people on me and get CCed to death...can t do crap its frustrating.


There should be a immunity after a little while or at least you should be able to move while being destroyed. Strangled up in the air while being electrocuted and killed from full health to zero is not fun.

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I play a sith Sorc and the CC in this game is insane,having a 50% 6 seconds slow on a 12 sec cd,force lighting slowing and giving instant cast spells,a stun,a knockback,a sprint,and an absorb spell its impossible to die unless you're terrible at this game.




Weird ... I kill Sith SORC on a regular basis :) ... I guess the impossible is possible /shrug

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Ive been guilty of and have seen plenty of players just run into groups of players or situations without thinking. After playing other mmos for a long time im starting to realise how little thought is put in when im approaching a player or players.


Took me a few games to realise this, but things have changed a lot since my first matches, just from me changing my own play style. Its something i didnt expect from the game and are starting to really enjoy it now. I


Take into account also that some people have been playing flat out since the start of headstart, some of those well into the beta, while others have literally set eyes on the game for the first time a day or so ago - so the player skill level is really varied at the moment... and all 50 levels of us are grouped together.


It would be really disappointing to see bioware cave in to what the squeeky wheels of the community think they need... Seen it time and time again in other mmos leading to the typical heavily gear dependent homogenised cheese that the majority of us have been playing for the last few years.


Its new, its different, you prob will suck for a bit. **** happens.

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I just want SOME diminishing returns. I don't want to get CC once and be immune. But after 2-3 CC I shouldn't still be CC 3-4 more times until I finally die. I have had time as vanguard where I have had healing to survive and still spent around a full minute unable to act 90% of the time.


It's frustrating as a tank, when your in a less survivable class it's just death as the CC assist train rolls over you. Oh you finally got away!! Nope, lassoed, CC'd. Got away from that? Force splash KB, CC, CC, CC.



I mean ya, CC is useful and has definite purposes and it should remain that way. However right now it's spammed on single people like it's going out of style. Give some amount of diminishing returns. Like 20% reduced duration for each additional CC at least.


Note that I'm talking about being unable to act here, IE stuns. KB, lasso's, and immobilizes are something else completely.

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There should be a 15 second immunity to ANY form of CC once you use your break CC ability. A 2 minute cool down and I'm CC'd again immediately after using it means that it's completely situational to one or two types of instances - usually 1v1.


That's fine and all, but how many true 1v1s do you REALLY get?

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There are actually very few of these abilities for a lot of classes and they are on long cooldowns. In a WZ, getting stunned for literally 30 seconds straight because there is that much CC and no DR is just dumb.


oh, and just because I know someone is going to quote me and say L2P or get good: Yes, I am better than you. By far. You're wrong if you disagree with me and its you that needs to learn about how PvP in games should work. Take a hike.


I'm wrong if I disagree? Wow you must be really smart. :rolleyes:


The fact is, you're wrong if you think you're getting stunned for "literally 30 seconds straight". If you're such an experienced PVPer you'd know that the Resolve system prevents CC chains from getting out of line the way you're claiming.


Oh, almost forgot... L2P and loose the attitude.

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Happy, smack down, instant pwn, twitch monkey PVP FTW


Apparently it can't be pvp if zerg/cleave is NOT the reccomended strategy


Actually, I'm in favor of EVEN MORE defensive stuff into the game

I'd really love it if the game was contact based

(no ghostly moving through each other)


Then you would see tanks actually HOLD pinch point

(well at least until they got "grenade-blasted" back 5 meters)

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I dont mind if theres a ton of CC in a game, rightly implemented it will create ways to use tactics to overcome overwhelming forces if your group is skilled enough, but the way its implemented in swtor its not skillbased since it can be spamed on the same player over and over again, the built in protection against it is either broken or just poorly implemented.


But i guess its just how dumbed down games work today.

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I don't have an issue with the amount of stuns or CCs. I can fight pretty much any class 1v1 and have a fair chance of winning. If there are multiple people focusing on you, you should die. I don't think i've ever been locked for longer then 10 seconds, and thats from the long CCs (like mind maze for shadows). I usually let those run through unless i need to cancel a cap/bomb, in wich case i don't care if i die if i succed. I have never seen someone stunlocked to death in this game in a 1v1 situation(like in wow vanilla where you could keep someone locked for over a minute if he didn't have his trinket), if there are multiple people on you then you should die.


I do not believe snares count as CCs and as a melee you should be snared pretty much all the time if the other guy is playing right. Though most people seem content to just spam their abilities and not care about targeting the odd guy out to keep him away.

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Every class has an interupt, get out of cc and cc themselves.


There is diminishing returns also.


The key to cc is to know WHAT cc to use your skill to get out off.


e.g. I purposely do this (on my assassin).


There are 2 players:


I lightning stun 1 (4secs), wait for the panic get out of CC button mash, then wirlwind (10+ sec).


Fight 2nd.

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As a healer in light armor I always get the highest number of deaths. I get 2 people on me and get CCed to death...can t do crap its frustrating.


There should be a immunity after a little while or at least you should be able to move while being destroyed. Strangled up in the air while being electrocuted and killed from full health to zero is not fun.


Get a tank to shield you and taunt people hitting you.



Come on people... at least learn the systems in game before complaining -.-

Edited by Zutha
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As a person that has hated the 'trinity' system from Day One, and a player that LOVES CC my views are somewhat biased. I have not PvP'd in a warzone yet, but I have on the PvP server I have been playing on for nearly the last month (Beta, Game Test, Early Game Release and now).


CC from what I can tell is fine. I have no experience past level 36 in PvP (Vanguard, Shield spec). I've killed and been killed, and CC was never the major force in declaring the winner. As far as I can tell, every class has some form of a counter, and some classes even have a counter to that. I have lost a few kills from stealthing players knocking me back and running off to safety, but now I hope Stealth Scan with a 3-second immobilize will change that.


I think this game involves more skill than many people let on, and they are just too used to other games, REFUSING to learn the mechanics in this one.


Plus, the fact that so many are arguing for and against shows the system is actually good the way it is. If a majority of people were complaining with only a few defending it would be a sign of a problem. I see no problem here.


TL:DR- LearnToPlay. LearnToRead.

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I just want SOME diminishing returns. I don't want to get CC once and be immune. But after 2-3 CC I shouldn't still be CC 3-4 more times until I finally die. I have had time as vanguard where I have had healing to survive and still spent around a full minute unable to act 90% of the time.


You can't still be CC'ed after 2 - 3 CCs unless they are far enough apart that your resolve meter resets or that they trigger your resolve, you do nothing useful while it is up and then get CC'ed again.

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In a WZ, getting stunned for literally 30 seconds straight because there is that much CC and no DR is just dumb.


I call BS. I'm calling you out for this lie and/or exaggeration. Or perhaps you lagged or something and need to get a better ISP or comp. My resolve bar fills up after about 15 seconds and I'm free to go on my way...

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