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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We have more players than GW2?


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Going by xfire charts in the first month alone gw2 peaked higher and ended lower




Looking at the stats today they're both pretty much at 1/10 - 1/8 of their respective peaks. One 1 year in and the other what, 3 months? Not hard to figure out which slump had to be the steeper one in the shorter time frame.


Again, take it as you will. I take it as a sign that the messiah of mmo games has yet to arrive. To the Titan party!


For what it's worth, according to xfire, you will note that GW2 has been stable peaks and valleys (at about 2x the hours logged as SWTOR) for the last 2 months. At this point in SWTOR's lifecycle (4 months after launch) SWTOR was losing about 50 000-100,000 subs/month on average. :(


The big difference, of course, is that SWTOR was relying on those subs for revenue, whereas the B2P GW2 does not.


So as to the original op question, GW2 seems to have more active players, and seems to be mostly stable. SWTOR seems to have fewer players but also seems mostly stable.

Edited by dandamanno
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There is less than 100 people most of the time. But even if it was 100 people the number is still very low.

Just think about it 3 servers with 100 people on each planet. That does not make up for a lot of people in total.


The little number in the corner only tells you how many people from your faction are on the planet. So if it says 100 then it's likely double that. Last night on Shadowlands on the Imp side Balmorra had 5 instances going. That was likely about 300-350 people, Imp side only.

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From my limited time on GW2, I felt that the game was pretty and had alot of fluff in the sense of things to see and listen to.


Once you got past the fluff (puzzles, jumping, vista points) it was just a boring PvE game with a world pvp endgame. Not even sure there's anything else to do atm. You can only attack a keeps walls for so long before you get bored of it.


Oh and I hated the combat system, always felt like I was waitting on CD's with my Necro. I also hated the fact that there was no pure healer spec's as that's what I enjoy doing in PvP. DPS bores me after a while.


No clue on how it's doing though, but I doubt it's doing badly.


This ^


I found the fact that you had most of your skills early meant you had nothing to look forward to as you leveled up apart from elite skills.

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Going by xfire charts in the first month alone gw2 peaked higher and ended lower




Looking at the stats today they're both pretty much at 1/10 - 1/8 of their respective peaks. One 1 year in and the other what, 3 months? Not hard to figure out which slump had to be the steeper one in the shorter time frame.


Again, take it as you will. I take it as a sign that the messiah of mmo games has yet to arrive. To the Titan party!


Oh Christ, Xfire again. I got GW2 for Xmas and have been logging into it, and not SWTOR. I don't use Xfire. Guess it doesn't record me. Matter of fact, me, the wife, both sons, my sister, and brother-in-law all got GW2 and none of us use Xfire. :rolleyes:


And to the fellow that said GW2 was F2P, it is actually B2P. F2P gives you the game for free + cash shop. B2P, like GW2 and TSW, makes you actually purchase the game. Huge difference in the end.

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Why doe sit matter?


Why is it so important to some people that for them to justify liking TOR means it has to be doing better then some other game?


Ill never understand that mentality.


Can honestly say I havent visited a GW2 forum, a WOW forum, or any number of other MMORPG forums/sites (excluding RIFT as RIFT latest expansion interests me so wanted to read up on features) because they all simply do not matter to me.


If they doing good ......congrats

if not so good.....really doesnt matter to me to be honest

Im focused on TOR and TOR alone at this point in time.


Who really cares if we have more or less then some other game?


Besides, EA put out the magic break even number long time ago, 500k active subscriptions long term. We know they fell below that already. Those other games numbers have no baring on TOR.


There's a very good reason why people feel they have to put down other games and talk up the games they play. Games die. They die because they don't get enough subscribers/purchases. There are only a limited number of potential subscribers and every additional MMO out there cuts into that number. If Wow or GW2 or whatever is doing great, then that's going to hurt your game to some extent. Most people don't subscribe to five different MMOs. If they are like me, they unsubscribe to the game they are currently playing before they move on to the next big thing. If the game you love starts losing subscribers then the company stops investing in new content or slows down and then a vicious cycle starts that ends with the game shutting down. It really sucks to be one of the last subscribers to a game. All your time and memories just go poof. So if you don't support my game then you are a dirty word insult and don't possess the same level of skill that I possess at staring at a screen and pushing buttons.

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Oh Christ, Xfire again. I got GW2 for Xmas and have been logging into it, and not SWTOR. I don't use Xfire. Guess it doesn't record me. Matter of fact, me, the wife, both sons, my sister, and brother-in-law all got GW2 and none of us use Xfire. :rolleyes:


This may surprise you but I and many of my guildies that play TOR dont use it either. :eek: Guess we even out eh. :rolleyes:


The point isnt numbers per se but trends. And god knows gw2 fans were very fond of xfire when it clocked more hours played for gw2 than for wow. Now, not so reliable/relevant anymore eh heh.

Edited by aeterno
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Problem is the developers wanted to be hipsters.


If they had grabbed the GW1 combat system and slapped it in a persistant world as they promised initially, they would've gotten a winner.


Instead they thought they'd make us auto-attack alot and lose all elements of team-play by removing healers from the game. Bravo! They are hipsters beloved my the developing community but their game is in serious decline. If the game was sub based, it would've been the biggest fail of MMO's ever. Even as F2P since the start they are aproaching SWTOR levels of population.


I agree with this myself, if they had stuck to a traditional mmo game. It would have been an amazing F2P game, that would have countless players. GW2 is less like an mmo and more like a action rpg, not to mention the bugs and broken skills / talents are pouring out of the game.


Now its not a bad game, it can be a nice little diversion. But the devs have a long way still to go to fix a lot of the problems. And in its short time out, they have put a lot of new content / world events in. The holiday stuff alone has been top notch.

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Swtor might have more active players then gw2 right now but what do you expect. SWTOR is the best free rpg with multiplayer options going. Tell me another rpg you can get for nothing that has the depth of story that this game does, how many have paid anything is a different story.
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Problem is the developers wanted to be hipsters.


If they had grabbed the GW1 combat system and slapped it in a persistant world as they promised initially, they would've gotten a winner.


Instead they thought they'd make us auto-attack alot and lose all elements of team-play by removing healers from the game. Bravo! They are hipsters beloved my the developing community but their game is in serious decline. If the game was sub based, it would've been the biggest fail of MMO's ever. Even as F2P since the start they are aproaching SWTOR levels of population.


Going to disagree. GW1 was a great game for it's time. But having that style of game play into today's market is just plain bad. It's a bad game now and they realized it. Hell, they even said that GW1 made for a bad game play. It's the same reason people trying to copy WoW now are failing not only because it's an established MMO with years of development in it's pocket. But the old model is well... old. People want something new and that's what it delivers. No, they aren't approaching SWTOR population you have no way of telling that. It's not a subscriber based game so actual numbers are hard to put on paper. People come and go as they please a lot with that game so getting any rational number isn't possible.


I actually enjoy GW2 it's mostly a PvP game, yeah. But the PvE isn't that terrible. Lacking? Yes. Terrible, no.

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By the time I got to Hoth and Belsavis, I was lucky if I saw more than 80 people on during the peak hours. I was on Hoth a few days ago and I am currently working on Belsavis. I guess a majority of those people are quitting and leaving the game halfway through.


Having run major server events on both planets I can tell you that this is actually around the cap of each instance of those planets. So are you sure that you checked if there wasn't a second instance of the planet active already?


Also, it is logical that people spread out more at the higher levels. Where on low levels, people spend multiple levels on the same planet, once you hit end 30 you have 1-3 levels for each planet arc. That near endgame levelling areas are always the emptiest is a very simple fact of increased levelling curve MMO's.


This may surprise you but I and many of my guildies that play TOR dont use it either. :eek: Guess we even out eh. :rolleyes:


The point isnt numbers per se but trends. And god knows gw2 fans were very fond of xfire when it clocked more hours played for gw2 than for wow. Now, not so reliable/relevant anymore eh heh.


Good and valid point. For those not understanding this: TV Ratings are also determined on a sample audience. For game activity, XFire could be considered the same. Important factor that is against XFire though is that many gamers, especially the more casual ones, would not use the system. Therefore, the XFire sample audience may not be representative enough for the entire gaming population.

This requires a good statistical analysis though, not random shouts and quotes on a forum.

Edited by Devlonir
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if you count over 100 people per planet dying off then sure. I wouldn't though. Of course remember a lot people are leveling by just doing warzones now.


This, and new players or casual players that stay on planets longer then others.

I'm leveling a new char atm too, and i noticed that the people i left behind on previous planet a week ago (i had some stuff on main n such to do) that these people are only now arriving at the new planet, not everyone finishes a planet in an hour :p

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I agree with this myself, if they had stuck to a traditional mmo game. It would have been an amazing F2P game, that would have countless players. GW2 is less like an mmo and more like a action rpg, not to mention the bugs and broken skills / talents are pouring out of the game.


Now its not a bad game, it can be a nice little diversion. But the devs have a long way still to go to fix a lot of the problems. And in its short time out, they have put a lot of new content / world events in. The holiday stuff alone has been top notch.


It is like an ARPG, but with really boring loot. I think psychologically the game doesn't give you that need to play it like many arpg's do. All it is, is running from marker to marker helping random people do boring quests. People praised the DAoC -like PvP, but the PvE is so boring that I couldn't continue playing. I can't even enter a dungeon without having a group, and I HATE spamming the chat while waiting at the entrance just to do one.


I am still waiting for a new MMO that really captures the sense of community like DAoC did. That won't happen until they get away from instanced areas. This is the single worst MMO trend to date. I met alot of people in the older MMO's by going into a dungeon and meeting people who wanted to group up to tackle a harder section of each dungeon. Now in new MMO's everyone waits at the entrance spamming LFG. It is just a terrible design that splits up the community.

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I am still waiting for a new MMO that really captures the sense of community like DAoC did. That won't happen until they get away from instanced areas. This is the single worst MMO trend to date. I met alot of people in the older MMO's by going into a dungeon and meeting people who wanted to group up to tackle a harder section of each dungeon. Now in new MMO's everyone waits at the entrance spamming LFG. It is just a terrible design that splits up the community.


I don't think we will ever see mmo communities like we did before WoW, that and you have a new generation of gamer out there.

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