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First annual PvP ability awards


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What’s your favorite ability to use and what’s the most hated to have used against you across all classes? This will all be subject to opinion of course so you can base your selection on whatever you like...playstyle, energy managment, burst, sustained dps...




Best overall ability: flame burst...10m range spamable hard hitting DoT....

Best overall DPS ability:

Best DoT: flechette round

Best HoT:

Best AoE: smash

Best Burst:

Best Heal:

Best Defensive ability:

Best Proc:

Best controlling ability:

Best opener: shoot first

Best finishing ability: takedown

Most hated ability: smash

Most useless ability:

Cheesiest or over used ability: smash

Most misused ability: kb in general

Worst AoE ability:

Worst functioning ability:

Most under rated ability:

Edited by Chimerako
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Best opener... Poppoing Combat Focus (to get 4 stacks of Singularity) then leaping into battle and dropping a MONSTER FORCE SWEEP! lol no im just kidding... Best opener Leaping to my target with unremitting and Giving them a Master Strike with 10% bonus damage. LOVES IT! Merry Christmas!
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Best overall ability: Master Strike/Ravage

Best overall DPS ability: Smash/Sweep (most annoying too lol

Best DoT: Mind Crush

Best HoT: Salvation/Revivification - love the way they look too

Best AoE: Smash/Sweep (not my favorite btw - I prefer FiB)

Best Burst:

Best Heal: Diagnostic scan

Best Defensive ability:

Best Proc:

Best controlling ability:

Best opener: Agent coming out of stealth, knocking you down and freezing you in place! I hate it lol

Best finishing ability: Spinning strike! love this one! even on my tank I can finish people off with this

Most hated ability: Sweep/smash and anything from a concealment ops

Most useless ability: whirling blow

Cheesiest or over used ability: sweep/smash

Most misused ability: sweep/smash

Worst AoE ability: sweeping gunfire. I only use it if ive thrown a shrap bomb and the targets stay in place

Worst functioning ability:

Most under rated ability:


Most of those are abilities I actually use as well with the exception of the Operative since I only have a sniper

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heres what i think these will mostly be republic names


Best overall ability:Stealth ( imo the elemant of surprise is the best thing in pvp)

Best overall DPS ability:Force Sweep/Smash

Best DoT:Force Exhastion

Best HoT:Trauma Prode (only because it has 10 stacks)

Best AoE: Force Sweep/Smash

Best Burst: High impact Bolt/ Rail Shot

Best Heal:Emergancy Medpack

Best Defensive ability:Guarded by the force ( no brainer)

Best Proc:Vindicator ( vindicator set bonus of 10% dmg after force leap/charge, very hard choice)

Best controlling ability:Force Lift/Whirlwind

Best opener:Shoot First

Best finishing ability: Dispatch ( comon it's a lightsaber being thrown)

Most hated ability:Shadow Strike

Most useless ability:Strike ( no jedi uses it and atleast one advanced class of each other does)

Cheesiest or over used ability:Stun Bubbles for cheesiest Flame Burst for over used

Most misused ability:Stun Breakers ( hardly ever see them used at the right time )

Worst AoE ability:Explosive Round

Worst functioning ability:Hammer Shot for Commando Healers ( big come get me sign for dps)

Most under rated ability: Taunts


thats what i think and indeed some were very hard to think up

Edited by BattleGracefully
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nice posts guys I thought this was a nice break from constant QQing...even tho I whined a bit about cc in my next post. :rolleyes:


It's less of a break from qq when people vote smash as the cheesiest ability instead of bubble stun lol jk. Nvm someone did.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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I remember a time when Guarded by the Force was the most hated ability.

Priorities, dude. Getting mythical over nine thousand AoE smash autocrits in the face>not being able to finish off that meanie Marauder who impolitely refuses to bend over and give them their frag.

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Best overall ability: Force Push

Best overall DPS ability: Hidden Strike (with acid blade for the DoT and armor penetration) +knock down

Best DoT: Acid Blade

Best HoT: Resurgence

Best AoE: Orbital Strike

Best Burst: Smash

Best Heal: Unnatural Preservation

Best Defensive ability: Force Camo

Best Proc: Ravage reset with Vengeance

Best controlling ability: Force Push!

Best opener: Hidden Strike / Shoot First

Best finishing ability: Vicious Throw

Most hated ability: Pull / Grapple

Most useless ability: Kolto Overload

Cheesiest or over used ability: Smash

Most misused ability: Mind Trap / Sleep Dart

Worst AoE ability: Carbine Burst

Worst functioning ability: Thundering Blast

Most under rated ability: Shatter Shot and the ranged stun in Engineering, which is actually done with two abilities.



: D

Edited by vimm
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Most underrated ability: cleanse and/or kolto infusion


its PVP. The cleanse my scoundrel has works on nearly *********** nothing. No slows, no roots, no nothing. the only thing it seems to cleanse is fire from a pt/merc? not sure which ability that is.

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its PVP. The cleanse my scoundrel has works on nearly *********** nothing. No slows, no roots, no nothing. the only thing it seems to cleanse is fire from a pt/merc? not sure which ability that is.


Way to prove his point.

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Way to prove his point.


Since that ability is nearly spam able (at least for sorcs it's like 4s cd) it will mess dudes up vs those classes that rely on dots since those dots are required to proc main attack skills

If you think this is worthless you are so very wrong, do some duels vs madness/pyrotech/annihilation and you'll see how good that really is

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Since that ability is nearly spam able (at least for sorcs it's like 4s cd) it will mess dudes up vs those classes that rely on dots since those dots are required to proc main attack skills

If you think this is worthless you are so very wrong, do some duels vs madness/pyrotech/annihilation and you'll see how good that really is



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Since that ability is nearly spam able (at least for sorcs it's like 4s cd) it will mess dudes up vs those classes that rely on dots since those dots are required to proc main attack skills

If you think this is worthless you are so very wrong, do some duels vs madness/pyrotech/annihilation and you'll see how good that really is


Mm, perhaps you quoted the wrong person? I was saying cleanse/purge is underrated.


5 second cooldown, by the way.

Edited by vimm
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