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Stop with the class balance excuse


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Can we stop with the class balance threads please? How about before you post a thread about how bad the balance is you learn your class. This games balance is pretty good with only a “FEW” exceptions. I’m serious please read, research, and ask about your class and how to play it before you come to the forum and make yourself look stupid.


There are a lot of people who play all these classes well ask. Remember knowledge is power and the lack of it on these forums directly impact on the poor performance of many of you in game.

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Can we stop with the class balance threads please? How about before you post a thread about how bad the balance is you learn your class. This games balance is pretty good with only a “FEW” exceptions. I’m serious please read, research, and ask about your class and how to play it before you come to the forum and make yourself look stupid.


There are a lot of people who play all these classes well ask. Remember knowledge is power and the lack of it on these forums directly impact on the poor performance of many of you in game.


so.. You're a marauder?:rolleyes:

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Can't tell if he is trolling or being serious.


The class balance is pretty good except for smashers doing 10k on 5 people at once, sorcs get interupted everytime they try to cast an ability, ops are a bust dps class with terrible burst and mercs are free kills to everyone.

Edited by HoboWithAStick
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^ Plays focus/rage and wants to hold on to his crutch for as long as possible


You should be careful when you assume you know what they say. and FYI i do not.


for your info i have i have vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc. I have tried smash but i really hate it and think it is bad for PvP so i run combat.

Edited by Rhyn
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Can't tell if he is trolling or being serious.


The class balance is pretty good except for smashers doing 10k on 5 people at once, sorcs get interupted everytime they try to cast an ability, ops are a bust dps class with terrible burst and mercs are free kills to everyone.


I have most of those classes and have a different take myself. I think some people don't understand that classes have roles and that can cause issues. Here is what i have a problem with in PvP.


1- smash singularity stacks on the target not the guard/jugg so only the single player gets hit with the large smash the other 4 get standard crit damage IE. 3k


2- Bubble stun needs its resolve value upped to the other hard stuns and should only be on the sorc/sage


3- Merc/mando needs to be looked at they are hurting some.


IMO the the biggest problems with class balance comes from the current CC system, and the insane amount of burst in the game ATM. It needs to be toned down So classes that are designed for sustained damage have a place in PvP. Not every class should be designed for burst and no burst class should be able maintain some high sustained damage.


The resolve system needs to be adjusted so CC's actually matter in the game. Make your CC break ability reset on death and double the CD on all CC abilities so they actually matter. Then we would see less stun locks, and cc use would then mean something when used correctly or hurt you when used unwisely.

Edited by Rhyn
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You talk about classes balance and playing your class but all your toons are flav of the month toons. Maybe you didn't mean it to play out this way but I'm sure someone that goes into the forums and tells people they need to learn to play are the same people that cry when they get their number 1 spot taken away.


Just to back this up, and going in the order you listed (which is probably the order in which you played them, people tend to list things in a order of relevance which means your first toon was a sorc? Lets just go by this kay?


vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc


Sorcs pre 1.2 was one of the best pvp classes out there. Nerfed after 1.2


Scoundrel pre 1.2 was one of the most over powered class this game has ever seen in same cases 2-3 shoting people. Since nerfed


Sent always very good in pvp (he probably rolled this after his scoundrel and sorc got nerfed)


Shadow always been very good in pvp, best solo class by far (I'm guessing he rolled this after he got some gear on his sent)


Vanuard crazy burst at range and melee since nerfed (He rolled this once it become flav of the month)


Of course I don't know if this is the way its played out with him but more then likely the way it went down.

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The resolve system needs to be adjusted so CC's actually matter in the game. Make your CC break ability reset on death and double the CD on all CC abilities so they actually matter. Then we would see less stun locks, and cc use would then mean something when used correctly or hurt you when used unwisely.


No sir

Edited by HoboWithAStick
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You talk about classes balance and playing your class but all your toons are flav of the month toons. Maybe you didn't mean it to play out this way but I'm sure someone that goes into the forums and tells people they need to learn to play are the same people that cry when they get their number 1 spot taken away.


Just to back this up, and going in the order you listed (which is probably the order in which you played them, people tend to list things in a order of relevance which means your first toon was a sorc? Lets just go by this kay?


vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc


Sorcs pre 1.2 was one of the best pvp classes out there. Nerfed after 1.2


Scoundrel pre 1.2 was one of the most over powered class this game has ever seen in same cases 2-3 shoting people. Since nerfed


Sent always very good in pvp (he probably rolled this after his scoundrel and sorc got nerfed)


Shadow always been very good in pvp, best solo class by far (I'm guessing he rolled this after he got some gear on his sent)


Vanuard crazy burst at range and melee since nerfed (He rolled this once it become flav of the month)


Of course I don't know if this is the way its played out with him but more then likely the way it went down.


So every class can be FOTM?


1st Class was rolled shadow Dec 15 2011

2nd Vanguard was rolled I believe in Feb 2012 played tactics and assault spec

3rd sent was rolled I think In April 2012 tried all spec but like combat the best

4th Sorc rolled around Jun or July 2012 Madness

5th Scoundrel is the last and he is a scrapper and I really enjoy it.

6th ops medic also in the works


Here is the deal Sorc’s can fry the piss out of melee if they don’t close the gap and fast. Melee can destroy the sorc if they do close the gap. However, this is not always true who is behind the keyboard and has more experience and time vested in that toon will have the edge. It is a vicious circle I know.

For ops/scoundrel DPS I think they are harder to play than other classes and be good at it. It is very positional and target selection is key for the class but it does not suck and in the right hands is brutal.

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the only complaints I have about balances are the Sent/Maras Cloak of pain/Rebuke.


Its pretty ridiculous that there pretty much invincible for like 4 seconds. that needs to be nerfed.


other than that I don't really have any complaints.


That's a completely different skill. Guarded by the Force is the Bubble you're looking for. :cool:


Also, that invincibility can be stunned, slowed, rooted. . . just want to hand that out there. :)

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Can we stop with the class balance threads please? How about before you post a thread about how bad the balance is you learn your class. This games balance is pretty good with only a “FEW” exceptions. I’m serious please read, research, and ask about your class and how to play it before you come to the forum and make yourself look stupid.


There are a lot of people who play all these classes well ask. Remember knowledge is power and the lack of it on these forums directly impact on the poor performance of many of you in game.


That's the crux of the matter...the one factor that cannot be controled, and the biggest reason for senceless "needs to be nerfed" threads..Player Skill.(most cases the lack there of). There are still many great players who will surprize you reardless of how good you think you are. I consider myself a student.."always a student". I'm constantly trying to improve my performance. The unfortunate reality with many idiots who play this game, is they try to blame the system, the game's design...NOT the player facing them. It's pathetic, laughable..

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1- smash singularity stacks on the target not the guard/jugg so only the single player gets hit with the large smash the other 4 get standard crit damage IE. 3k


2- Bubble stun needs its resolve value upped to the other hard stuns and should only be on the sorc/sage


3- Merc/mando needs to be looked at they are hurting some.


IMO the the biggest problems with class balance comes from the current CC system, and the insane amount of burst in the game ATM. It needs to be toned down So classes that are designed for sustained damage have a place in PvP. Not every class should be designed for burst and no burst class should be able maintain some high sustained damage.


The resolve system needs to be adjusted so CC's actually matter in the game. Make your CC break ability reset on death and double the CD on all CC abilities so they actually matter. Then we would see less stun locks, and cc use would then mean something when used correctly or hurt you when used unwisely.


1. smash simply doesn't need to autocrit(perhaps tuned down too) and their execute should not be ranged. i like your approach too though~~


2. sorcs need that amount of cc, just to stay alive!, not to kill, if the resolve value of bubble stun were to be upped as you suggest, that talent would be useless, even a liability for a team. it should probably only be applied to the sorc true, but the way it is right now, it's the only thing that keeps smashers/burst in general somewhat controlled. the clicking bubble off stun needs to been gone yesterday, also more attacks should be internal damage for sorcs


3. indeed they're just sad, if not hidden in a zerg.


the resolve system is fine, ccs matter. you not liking to be stunlocked, has more to do with your personal playstyle and what and how you think you should be able to accomplish that.


how can you actually believe doubling cc cds and at least doubling(reset after death) the availability of cc-breaker relate to cc's being more meaningful? ccs would be rendered >useless<.

Just think about why which classes get more cc'd. the squishies that start panicing the moment anything hits them, or the melee that mostly cause that panic.. so you basically want melees/bursters to be even more uncontrollable, while the squishies do what? for that to somehow work, all gapclosers would need to have their cd doubled too, and def cds would need to be adjusted in some way, added to some classes... which translates to the same situation in an unnecessary more complex way with more flaws, just to pelase whom? noone.

Edited by use-less
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1. smash simply doesn't need to autocrit(perhaps tuned down too) and their execute should not be ranged. i like your approach too though~~


2. sorcs need that amount of cc, just to stay alive!, not to kill, if the resolve value of bubble stun were to be upped as you suggest, that talent would be useless, even a liability for a team. it should probably only be applied to the sorc true, but the way it is right now, it's the only thing that keeps smashers/burst in general somewhat controlled. the clicking bubble off stun needs to been gone yesterday, also more attacks should be internal damage for sorcs

3. indeed they're just sad, if not hidden in a zerg.


the resolve system is fine, ccs matter. you not liking to be stunlocked, has more to do with your personal playstyle and what and how you think you should be able to accomplish that.


how can you actually believe doubling cc cds and at least doubling(reset after death) the availability of cc-breaker relate to cc's being more meaningful? ccs would be rendered >useless<.

Just think about why which classes get more cc'd. the squishies that start panicing the moment anything hits them, or the melee that mostly cause that panic.. so you basically want melees/bursters to be even more uncontrollable, while the squishies do what? for that to somehow work, all gapclosers would need to have their cd doubled too, and def cds would need to be adjusted in some way, added to some classes... which translates to the same situation in a unnecessary more complex way with more flaws, just to pelase whom? noone.


You do realize the stun on the bubble pop is not filling the proper amount of resolve right? It's not that the class needs that CC it's that the devs are idiots and left it at it's mez level of resolve (300) and when they switched it to a stun they didn't change it to what it should properly fill (600).

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You do realize the stun on the bubble pop is not filling the proper amount of resolve right? It's not that the class needs that CC it's that the devs are idiots and left it at it's mez level of resolve (300) and when they switched it to a stun they didn't change it to what it should properly fill (600).
Assuming that they fix the "click exploit", a stun, even if it happens to be a hard stun, shouldnt have the same value as a stun you directly control. I hope they take that into consideration before they nerf it to the ground and lose another 10 % of the player base in one patch. Edited by Washingtoon
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The bubble stun also isn't a standard stun as far as activation. If it only broke from damage, couldn't be applied to other people and couldn't be clicked off it would be a perfectly fine mechanic. Currently its the only way to get casts off under pressure as a Lightning sorc, and if its a non activation type CC that can't be directly controlled as it is currently can, then it would be balanced. Increasing the amount of resolve it creates would just further DPS sorc problems since you need to control the enemies resolve and kite in order to survive.


Just massively increasing the resolve would cause problems with sorc dps survivability and put it back into not being used at all. Before when the bubble blind created 1/3 resolve and broke on damage it was worthless and more detrimental to the sorc than helpful.

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i recall something like it's a defensive talent, that's why it doesn't add the value of a stun, not sure if ...


Quote: Originally Posted by AllisonBerryman

Thanks for posting your thoughts about the stun bubble and its Resolve value. We do plan on making some changes to the bubble in the future, but we're still looking at some different options for addressing concerns about it. We'll continue taking your feedback into account and will let you know more when we can.


indicates they knew about the resolve value, at least so i understood it. acknowledging player's concerns about it, BUT looking into other ways to fix it, which again indicates, the resolve value is wanted that way...


correct me if i'm wrong though

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