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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm done.


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Doesn't matter when you have a small pool of talent drowning in bads.


I don't pvp on my 50 tank so i don't know how that bracket is yet, but my shadow I am working on has to compensate for players 20-30 levels above my level 15 becuase they suck harder then a hoover.


If it's different in the 50 bracket that is good to hear, the pre-50 bracket is pretty bad with a few exceptions.


republic side by far has the most and best quality players on this server, we also have the top ranked pvp guild on this faction as well, if you want to get involved in a strong pvp community pubside is where its at. I have 50s on both sides, and I can safely queue up solo on my rep characters without having to worry about getting a bunch of incompetent players on my team.

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I agree somewhat with the OP. The fact that there are so many sents/mara who's strategy has regressed to leap and smsweep/smash is lame. The fact that it's become a feasible strategy against healers is even more irritating. I have no problem getting leveled when I know that it means the person is skilled enough to beat me. But when it's a two button attack that takes all the coordination of seeing someone else leaping at me, you may as well be spamming tracer missile.

As for a solution for Op, from someone who comes from a guild that does very little pvp, if you keep healing and do well enough with it, you end up developing contacts who appreciate a good healer. I've had the good fortune to meet people who will bring me in to their premades to heal. It doesn't solve the probl, em of 3-4 maras who only push 2 buttons to kill you, but you do get into a more skilled and coordinated team. And as Desi says, roll a smuggler, healing while running for your life is sadly kind of fun.


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I am one of GD's Juggernauts and I don't use Rage spec in pvp. I do very well with Vengeance spec. Plus our Marauder's aren't all smashers. Dahz for instance, isn't. Nor is Aroca I believe. I have been known to switch to Smash spec for a change of pace, but 90% of the time I am Vengeance. If you battled with me you know it.
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Well you can always tune into Consular's livestream for the special "Counting with Count Consular" portion of the show. All you smashbombers beware, were keepin tabs on you :eek:



1....smash bomber.......2...smash bomber.......



I plan on making a special segment for Counting with Count Consular :D

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Knifetwist, go bubble spec. It's by far the most maxed-gear-unnecessary build. A spammed 3-second stun is a spammed 3-second stun whether you are in recruit or optimized WH. The heal/bubble lets you spam more, well, bubbles and the balance/bubble gives you pretty excellent cc and non-negligible damage. A few weeks ago I jumped onto a pick-up rated group (admittedly a strong one) and was able to contribute quite a bit to victory in my fully-recruit bubble sage.
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Knifetwist, go bubble spec. It's by far the most maxed-gear-unnecessary build. A spammed 3-second stun is a spammed 3-second stun whether you are in recruit or optimized WH.

I think that's been part of the issue. I was running a bubble heal build most all the time, and I think it was just pissing people off. It got to the point where I was standing in the back, jumping in and out from LoS bubbling everyone, and opponents would run right past my teammates completely just to chase me around the map. Felt like I had a big target on my back. And forget asking for peels from teammates, that just doesn't happen.


So I went back to my old balance spec and had much more individual success. Lots of games now where there are no dedicated healers, so we still inevitably lose anyways, but at least I wasn't getting focused the entire match. And once again, 7 games straight, and the fewest GD members I saw in any given match was 2.


I seriously think that there are just a lot of players that eat one bubble stun, then get all rawr and decided to go on a crusade against the healing sage, because how dare they interrupt my smash-fest with a bubble stun!

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I seriously think that there are just a lot of players that eat one bubble stun, then get all rawr and decided to go on a crusade against the healing sage, because how dare they interrupt my smash-fest with a bubble stun!


I'm sorry, but as soon as I see a healer in a WZ I'm going straight for the throat.

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Premades farming pugs has always been lame.


Unfortunatly the terribads at Bioware can't get it [PvP] right and so the PuG Q is pretty much the only game in town.


Least it is not like WoW where you also have 20% of the team afk and another 30% give up as soon as they see 2x of the same guild tag.

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I'm not going to continue subjecting myself to the misery that is BG pug PvP.


Grim Determination has completely ruined 50 warzones for those of us who prefer to stay away from unrated PvP. I can't go into a game without running into one of their premades. I have tried playing at 9am. I have tried playing at midnight, 3am, noon, etc. Every time of day, there is a GD premade going on at some point, and my win/loss ratio is around 1/16. Since all I do is PvP, this means that I log on to get my *** handed to me over and over again by the same players all day long. Being a sage seer against GDs smash-monkey-stacking premades means my lifespan is mere seconds.


I have given it a solid 2 weeks of heavy PvP since hitting 50, ranking up to about 58 in that time. Gearing up in this environment has been the worst experience of the last 15 years of my gaming life. I'm slightly bummed about leaving the BG community as a whole because I've met some great and helpful people here, but PvP is my preferred game, and I cannot continue getting bullied by Grim Determination in pug warzones any longer. So it's time to switch servers.


Grim, I don't personally know any of you, and I'm sure some of you are actually decent people irl. But the abuse that you dump on pug PvPers only fills me with disgust and disdain for everyone under the GD tag. Please know that there are people whom you are driving away from PvP, the server and maybe even the game due to your 'griefing' of pug wzs.


It's taken every ounce of self control to not make an imp toon and start cursing out every member of the guild. That's how frustrated I am. So I'm bowing out. To my fellow solo puggers, I wish you luck and hope you have a greater tolerance for sustained abuse than I do. :(


Dude relax its just a game. Clearly you take yourself and the game too seriously which is why you rage quit BG. I play pub side and I know sometimes GD rolls out a lot of premades and spam plays pvp. But hey all is fair in love and war. If you think there are no other guilds like GD on the other servers. You are in for a rude awakening.


BTW don't bother joining Ebon Hawk the other RP server. If you can't take GD then man you going to get your *** handed to you buy Empire, Hex and the rest. Oh Game Genie ha, forget about it. They would eat GD for breakfeast and crap them out.


Also you better stay away from Prophecy of five, in fact stay away from all the PVP servers. You are just going to get hurt, by players who play to gank solo players.


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I have noticed that GD has been in more and more warzones statistically. But it's not really their fault. They are a pretty big guild in Imperial side Begeren Colony, so of course they will que up together. I mean, wouldn't you if you had a guild to PVP with? You may not like the guild-to-premade aspect, but the game is a lot better, especially in warzones, with a group of people you know and trust with the assistance of voice communication.


EDIT: I do know how ya feel. I sometimes solo que as well hoping to get into a good team myself. Lady luck doesn't seem to like us sometimes. I still think you should give it more than 2 weeks. Like previously stated, it's not always going to be against premades, and you may even learn techniques to defend yourself. Maybe duel a Rage/Focus spec player to help you?


Agreed Graciel. I watched a couple of videos of GRIM, and the communication they have is sick. They know every player they fight, and know how to neutralize them.

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I'm sorry, but as soon as I see a healer in a WZ I'm going straight for the throat.


This. And that is WHY I have been running with bubble stun quite a bit lately. I know people hate it with a passion. It's my secret little revenge and payback for months of being piled on and stunned, knocked down, pushed around, rooted repeatedly, and beat on without being able to really fight back (it's a waste of time in most cases to fight back when running full heal spec, being a team player usually means run like a pansy while trying to heal your butt off for whatever time you have left to live). The angry $&@&*($ tears are delish! It's all I have left to look forward to. I know it's going to get nerfed... until then I'm enjoying it while it lasts. *Desi at her worst evil grin*

Edited by Desiirea
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Agreed Graciel. I watched a couple of videos of GRIM, and the communication they have is sick. They know every player they fight, and know how to neutralize them.


Funny they weren't able to neutralize us, or ascension from what I hear. As I said, the OP needs to speak for himself. Many of the republic pugs here have no issue beating a grim premade, 4 man or 8 man. ;)

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Dude relax its just a game. Clearly you take yourself and the game too seriously which is why you rage quit BG. I play pub side and I know sometimes GD rolls out a lot of premades and spam plays pvp. But hey all is fair in love and war. If you think there are no other guilds like GD on the other servers. You are in for a rude awakening.


BTW don't bother joining Ebon Hawk the other RP server. If you can't take GD then man you going to get your *** handed to you buy Empire, Hex and the rest. Oh Game Genie ha, forget about it. They would eat GD for breakfeast and crap them out.


Also you better stay away from Prophecy of five, in fact stay away from all the PVP servers. You are just going to get hurt, by players who play to gank solo players.



Agreed! no offense to any Grim folks out there but they are not that great. i been in multi pug groups where they have gotten smooshed. they are good and thats why peeps need to join a good guild, understand that not everyone is PRO but we all gotta start somewhere. i actually like playing against them, there are just to many peeps out there that want a super cake win and don't want to work for it. then they play ****** teams and they own face and think they are all awesome, then they run into grim and they like awwww man this sucks i dont wanta play anymore. BAH!

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This. And that is WHY I have been running with bubble stun quite a bit lately. I know people hate it with a passion. It's my secret little revenge and payback for months of being piled on and stunned, knocked down, pushed around, rooted repeatedly, and beat on without being able to really fight back (it's a waste of time in most cases to fight back when running full heal spec, being a team player usually means run like a pansy while trying to heal your butt off for whatever time you have left to live). The angry $&@&*($ tears are delish! It's all I have left to look forward to. I know it's going to get nerfed... until then I'm enjoying it while it lasts. *Desi at her worst evil grin*


Thats what you're supposed to do! Use the tools they give you.

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I quit pvping on my empire toons at 50 because even Imp premades couldn't wreck a pub pug. That and Neo. Damn you Neo. No, but seriously... Pvp flip flops. Now that I play Pub side more, or low level alts, it's mostly an empire game. Such is the way of life. But the sad truth is most good players see a heal go off and look for the source, find it, and exterminate with extreme prejudice. I personally give props to all the pvp healers on both sides. In a pug where everyone is out to top the scoreboard and worry about their epeen, it takes major cajones to run as a healer. I get focused on any toon I play, if I don't feel like I have a target over my head when I pvp, I feel like I'm playing my class wrong and I fix it. When I pvp'd on my agent, Xerys, operative heals, I could adapt to healing or dps/cc as the situation needed and whenever I dropped out of stealth I got roflstomped, but I contributed. Was it nice to see my name in the top 3 heals and dps and kills at the same time, sure. But it felt better to see the "Empire Wins" flag pop at the end.


Oh, and I que solo as well. Only guilded on one toon, my jugg, and that guild isn't active in its current form anymore.


Pvp teams. TEAMS. Win, because they play as a team. Pug or premade doesn't matter. The stronger TEAM wins. Not the team with the stronger player. We beat the pubs a few times with Neo on their team. Never by much, but winning is winning whether by an inch or a mile.


Don't give up. Press on, be the player that makes others want to play like you. Heal til you die, respawn, then heal some more. Make the other team hate you so much they want to ragequit. ...like Neo. -.- evil bastard... (<3 no ****)

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Lol, I don't know about rage quit, but I certainly had my share of rage messages. :D


I do notice that the imps seem to be winning a lot in the lowbies. I would have said that imperials were about even with pubs a week or two ago, but that was when shadowfury was alive and it wasn't just grim running around. Now that its just grim again the balance has shifted more in favor of pubs. But as you said, faction dominance is always changing, so that's normal.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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But since this thread is active ill hijack it to advertise Urping with Urd! Check out that thread below



Now back to the thread's original purpose


Pub: grim isn't good. I beat them all the time. Too many smash monkeys in there.

Imp: grim is good. We beat pubs all the time. We have even specs.

Urd: I like Urping with Urd, the most important gear stat is swag, green marauder gear FTW

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But since this thread is active ill hijack it to advertise Urping with Urd! Check out that thread below



Now back to the thread's original purpose


Pub: grim isn't good. I beat them all the time. Too many smash monkeys in there.

Imp: grim is good. We beat pubs all the time. We have even specs.

Urd: I like Urping with Urd, the most important gear stat is swag, green marauder gear FTW


Couldn't agree with you more Wrex. Style is a big factor. :p I see some of these player gear sets and can't help but laugh. One of them (imp side) even looked like bozo the clown.




Lets just say that player has posted in this thread, and should know who they are. :p




I hate roots a lot. That is all.


Time to make like an Urdnought and abandon thread.


You want me to switch to combat spec, what? :p

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