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I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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In all honesty, I remember Makeb just being mentioned as future content... I think some people have the weirdest memories and misconceptions about future content and then get really bent out of shape when things don't turn out that way. The only definite fact we were told that didn't turn out true, to my knowledge, was that we were told it would be coming this year, which it won't.


Only thing that bothers me about Makeb is that I know too little about it to want to pre-order. The details are scant and the content we are given sounds bare minimum for even a cheap expansion.

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None of any of this matters for two basic and simple reasons. 1- We all know that no matter how much people cry BW/EA is not going to change their minds and say "oh you're right, we'll just call it an update and make it free". And 2- We all know darn good and well every single one of these people are going to pay $10 (probably already have) because none of them can stand not being the first one to do the new stuff and reach 55 so they can complain about it. EA knows this as well, which is how we why they will not change their prices.
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Two Points: The DEVs specifically stated Makeb would be the largest free-content update ever to hit an MMO. The direct quotation has been posted numerous times on this very forum. It is not misconception or presupposition.


Second, even if it was presupposition, one of the primary jobs of Customer Service is to establish Expectations amongst the consumer-base. Anyone who has ever been involved with CS, retail, sales, etc understands this.


Bioware's job was to set expectations and redress incorrect ones.


It did neither effectively.

Edited by -IceHawk-
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Look at RotHC for what it truly is. DLC. Plain and simple. $9.99 is not an outrageously high price for a DLC pack. Now if you are not a subscriber and have to pay $19.99 THAT IS OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH FOR DLC! EA/BW should just call it a DLC pack and charge everyone $9.99 and quite being little *****es.
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Look at RotHC for what it truly is. DLC. Plain and simple. $9.99 is not an outrageously high price for a DLC pack. Now if you are not a subscriber and have to pay $19.99 THAT IS OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH FOR DLC! EA/BW should just call it a DLC pack and charge everyone $9.99 and quite being little *****es.


I'd be ok with this (barring perhaps the level cap raise). It would make it optional and not be indicative of true expansions that Bioware plans on releasing in the future.

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These forums have been around for 4 years? How could a games forums be around before a game???


Are you from the future??? Am I on TV right now!?!?!


Yes the forums have been around before the game. Not a joke. Not flaming you. I have been here too. ( Alot that still post have been as well)

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Yes the forums have been around before the game. Not a joke. Not flaming you. I have been here too. ( Alot that still post have been as well)


Mmmmm, that I find interesting.


Must have been pretty dead around here.......for 3 years pre-game release.


What the heck did ppl whine about before the game came out? Whine about the game NOT coming out fast enough?

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Mmmmm, that I find interesting.


Must have been pretty dead around here.......for 3 years pre-game release.


What the heck did ppl whine about before the game came out? Whine about the game NOT coming out fast enough?


Forum was VERY alive before the game came out. With dev posts and everything. Pretty sure most games have a forum before the game comes out.

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The thing that gets me is that everyone keeps complaining that EA is "keeping us in the dark" and "won't give us any details about what is all included with the expansion"


Remember last year, before the game went live? Remember everyone screaming for details and the Devs telling us to "just wait and be patient"?


The details will come. so be patient. if you don't want to pay the $10, hey good for you. I paid my $10.


see you on Makeb.

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No matter what we say game company's will do what they want. I remember begging Sony not to change to the combat upgrade with SWG what they did was ban me from the forums for life. I remember blizzard always nerfing and changing their MMO to the point i was sick of getting my talent points refunded. it's like that with these game company's, people complaining and organizing never seemed to make them change their minds.


Best you can do is make a suggestion avoid adding to the mess the forums already are, and enjoy a new year coming. We will have to pay for this new DLC or we can't progress. I suggest saving some quarters up and buy it later or just keep playing or whatever you need to do.


I respect your opinion for sure, but nothing we say will make them change what they have planned. Just hope for the best and enjoy yourself as much as you can with the game.


Oh and happy new years folks!

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Well... look on the bright side. Makeb is still cheaper (for subscribers) than the suits they sell on the Cartel Market.


Note: I'm not complaining about the cost of Cartel armor, here... if they were to offer a suit I really liked, I'd buy it.

Edited by nateslice
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Mmmmm, that I find interesting.


Must have been pretty dead around here.......for 3 years pre-game release.


What the heck did ppl whine about before the game came out? Whine about the game NOT coming out fast enough?


They pretty much spent all that time getting SWG threads locked. Serious not being snarky or angry about it. same thing when Wow fans made a suggestion back in those forums, they got told to go back to Wow and **** off the TOR forums.


Most of the suggestions got flamed so bad they got removed.

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These forums have been around for 4 years? How could a games forums be around before a game???


Are you from the future??? Am I on TV right now!?!?!


Yes since October 2008 I think, I signed up on the day the forums went live maybe the second day.. The forums were around a long time, maybe a bit to long before the game launched..:)

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These forums have been around for 4 years? How could a games forums be around before a game???


Are you from the future??? Am I on TV right now!?!?!


Forums opened in Oct of 2008


And yes hes been here that long, as have I, and a number of others


Though to be honest those numbers are dwindling fast.

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Mmmmm, that I find interesting.


Must have been pretty dead around here.......for 3 years pre-game release.


What the heck did ppl whine about before the game came out? Whine about the game NOT coming out fast enough?


They whined about how Collector's Edition Vendor was incredibly unfair. Oh it was such a big deal then xD. Now no one gives a c**p any more.

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Can I have a link to a direct quote from the developers stating that specifically Makeb will be a free update? I hear that a lot on the forums but it tends to be a stretch from what the developers actually said.


Well point is they NEVER said MAKEB would be free. Makeb was only mentioned in upcoming content promos. Later BW started saying how they are still thinking about it and are unsure whether it will be free or not.

Now ofc I could agree that Makeb doesn't seem big enough to be called an Expansion and therefore should just be a simple content patch, but I NEVER heard BW saying that Makeb would be free in any trailers or interviews that I watched.

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