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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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It's not the price, it's that it doesn't have a single thing I want. As I've said before, I'm a PVPer, where is the pvp content here to attract me? All I see is some arbitrary level cap increase with one new ability. That's not exactly a huge offering for $10 and I'm not going to reward them for giving me so little since that will make a dirty little habit of the whole thing.


If they want my money they have to give me something I want, doesn't matter if it's $1 or $100. I've already spent $300 on this game, and last year I spent $1k on video games total. Money isn't really an issue. But I'm not going to spend money, not even $1 on something I don't want. And right now I don't want RotHC.

EA's PR machine can be tighter than a clam with lockjaw. They dropped hints about an expansion back when RWZs came online in 1.3. After a summer of reorganizations they then followed it up last fall with more teasers, followed by a pre-order early access date release last month. We'll probably get a trailer or two in the coming weeks as well.


I guess my biggest problem is my lack of feeling entitled to insider information as part of my subscription benefits. I'm one of those types who, after downloading shareware, I'll donate anywhere from $20 to $50 depending on how valuable the shareware is to me. If it's of no value I won't donate ... I'll just uninstall it, fill out their survey and go elsewhere. If they ask for donations the next year & I'm still using it, then I'll make another donation.


It's okay if you don't want RotHC. It's your right as a consumer to shop somewhere else. What baffles me is why people who have already decided to shop somewhere else remain on station (if you will) to soapbox and poison the community punch bowl. They can't be taking a freaking video game so seriously that they look for ways to be offended by it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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It's more of a symptom of how ticked they've made customers. It's one thing to tick off a customer to where they go elsewhere. It's another thing to tick off a customer to where they go elsewhere and tell everyone they know to go elsewhere. That is where EA has got to with a lot of people.
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can't say i feel nickel and dimed at all ..i handed them their $9.99 and i plan on enjoying it.


Its 10 bucks for subs and TBH a can of ground coffee costs me more then that, hell i spent more then 10 dollars on lunch today and it costs me about that much a day in gas just to get to and from my office.


The same people complaining about being "nickel and dimed" for something they will get many hours from are the same ones that won't bat an eye when they get charged $1.50 to use an ATM at some other bank and will do that multiple times a month.

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It's more of a symptom of how ticked they've made customers. It's one thing to tick off a customer to where they go elsewhere. It's another thing to tick off a customer to where they go elsewhere and tell everyone they know to go elsewhere. That is where EA has got to with a lot of people.
Which begs the question ... what is it about a video game or its developer that can impact a person so strongly so as to motivate them to incite a smear campaign? Has video gaming become so important that it rivals championing other more pressing issues ... like where the money that's used to play the game comes from? It's a question of perspective. Anything I can rid myself of simply by uninstalling with a few mouse clicks does not merit anything beyond consideration as a toy. I feel this is where the whole "getting a life" thing comes into play. But that's just me. Edited by GalacticKegger
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A couple of things bother me about this "expansion pack."


1) Preorder by Jan 7th. That's real shady there, pressuring us to buy something before you release specific details on what it is we are buying. You don't see commercials on TV saying "The amazing thing-o-matic does all sorts of wonderful things! It might open bottles for you, or maybe it will pick a lock. It probably contains a screwdriver and a flashlight but that is subject to change before shipping. You'll find out what it contains after you receive the product! Order in the next 15 minutes and we'll give you free express delivery!"


2) This doesn't sound like it's going to be a very large amount of content. We'll probably blow through it in a day. So really, they should be charging about $10 worth of Cartel Coins for it, not $10. That way, f2p pay $10 to unlock it and subs can use their monthly coin allowance if they want.


Just my 2 coins.

Edited by Anakis
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Which begs the question ... what is it about a video game or its developer that can impact a person so strongly so as to motivate them to incite a smear campaign? Has video gaming become so important that it rivals championing other more pressing issues ... like where the money that's used to play the game comes from? It's a question of perspective. Anything I can rid myself of simply by uninstalling with a few mouse clicks does not merit anything beyond consideration as a toy. I feel this is where the whole "getting a life" thing comes into play. But that's just me.


You are making way too much sense for these forums my friend. I wish more people were like this. Then again, logical reasoning doesn't sell as well as sensationalism and emotion.

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Which begs the question ... what is it about a video game or its developer that can impact a person so strongly so as to motivate them to incite a smear campaign? Has video gaming become so important that it rivals championing other more pressing issues ... like where the money that's used to play the game comes from? It's a question of perspective. Anything I can rid myself of simply by uninstalling with a few mouse clicks does not merit anything beyond consideration as a toy. I feel this is where the whole "getting a life" thing comes into play. But that's just me.


You ever received poor service at a restaurant and told all your friends not to eat there? It was just one meal and there are dozens of other places to eat.

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You ever received poor service at a restaurant and told all your friends not to eat there? It was just one meal and there are dozens of other places to eat.
Absolutely. But I didn't narcissistically camp the restaurant lobby and tell anyone who would listen that my steak was undercooked, my vegetables were overcooked or the water wasn't wet enough. Or that they were sub-species fanboy idiots for being okay with the establishment, its service or its food. That's not how adults handle it.


I simply spoke with the manager to explain my experience and why I wouldn't be coming back, then went about my business. That is how adults handle it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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If they are indeed adding new FP, WZs, etc... and just aren't done with them, why not announce them? If they know they'll be there in some form, why not announce them?


Maybe someone who cares more or remembers better can confirm this, but wasnt tfb originaly supposed to be part of Makeb? and they jsut released it early to keep people happy because it was already done?.


If so then that probably answers the question about fps and ops, it will just be the originals upgraded to nightmare mode for level 55's if anything at all.

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Some people would rather have big xpacs for $60 instead paying the 10$ for the minor xpac. say bioware continues the trend and releases the smal xpacs every year for a 100$ we could have 10 small xpacsover 10 years. Now let look at it from wow perspective. in the last 10 years there has been 4 expansions at $60 each which is $240 in 10 years. it would take swtor 24 years to match that price for xpacs so i would stop complaining about the price. Edited by Praiden
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Absolutely. But I didn't narcissistically camp the restaurant lobby and tell anyone who would listen that they were sub-species fanboy idiots for liking the establishment, its service or its food. Nor did I campaign against the restaurant. I simply spoke with the manager to explain my experience and why I wouldn't be coming back, then went about my business. That's how adults handle it.


Maybe some adults. Personally, if the service is bad enough I don't complain to management. I simply walked out and then told everyone I knew and anyone who would listen to me not to eat there. If someone mentioned that they were thinking of eating there, I told them not to. I guess that's a childish way to handle things.

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Maybe some adults. Personally, if the service is bad enough I don't complain to management. I simply walked out and then told everyone I knew and anyone who would listen to me not to eat there. If someone mentioned that they were thinking of eating there, I told them not to. I guess that's a childish way to handle things.
But you simply walked out and then told everyone you knew and anyone who would listen to you not to eat there. You didn't camp the restaurant to make your point, so why treat this differently? How does a video game merit receiving more immediate attention than food? Edited by GalacticKegger
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They are finally introducing SGRs in Makeb along with several new systems, 5 new levels, a big new planet, new storylines, new skills and abilities and more.


So after learning this, would you reconsider?


I'd need more details.

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They are finally introducing SGRs in Makeb along with several new systems, 5 new levels, a big new planet, new storylines, new skills and abilities and more.


So after learning this, would you reconsider?


Are they including class story content? Because if not, then no.


If I knew the next thing after Makeb, or the next thing after the next thing was going to include class story content I would buy Makeb. Until then SWTOR is just another nickel-and-dime generic MMO with outdated mechanics.

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They are finally introducing SGRs in Makeb along with several new systems, 5 new levels, a big new planet, new storylines, new skills and abilities and more.


So after learning this, would you reconsider?


Uhm, Basically he just restated what is already said...


New Planet

1 New ability per class

5 levels

Faction based Storyline..


We already knew this info and no, its not worth 25 bucks (The REAL cost of Makeb for subs).


Only new info he gave in that whole stupid post was that you can SGR a couple people on Makeb...ladefreakingda - No, this does not change my opinion of this lackluster "expansion."

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They are finally introducing SGRs in Makeb along with several new systems, 5 new levels, a big new planet, new storylines, new skills and abilities and more.


So after learning this, would you reconsider?


Source for this? Cuz the state of the game letter from Hickman says the opposite.

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You're preaching to the choir. Will Makeb add class-story content? No? Then it's not worth buying until we know when we can expect class story content. Rhetorical question is rhetorical. Until then enjoy your pre-corded one-liners and generic planet quests.
That sir would be a limitation based upon your personal preference. Others' mileage may vary. Edited by GalacticKegger
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That sir would be your personal preference. Others mileage may vary.


Obviously its my personal preference. The name of the game is to convince enough gullible people to pay just $10($25) for an "expansion" that short-changes them on content and doesn't live up to expectations as an "expansion".


You're being sold a slightly better Section-X at the cost of a real future expansion that adds expansion-sized content.

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Uhm, Basically he just restated what is already said...


New Planet

1 New ability per class

5 levels

Faction based Storyline..


We already knew this info and no, its not worth 25 bucks (The REAL cost of Makeb for subs).


Only new info he gave in that whole stupid post was that you can SGR a couple people on Makeb...ladefreakingda - No, this does not change my opinion of this lackluster "expansion."


SGR options with an NPC basically means you have the flirt option in dialogue. BFD.

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