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I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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Obviously its my personal preference. The name of the game is to convince enough gullible people to pay just $10($25) for an "expansion" that short-changes them on content and doesn't live up to expectations as an "expansion".


You're being sold a slightly better Section-X at the cost of a real future expansion that adds expansion-sized content.

Your reason for being here is now obvious. Thank you for sharing. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I just kinda don't understand what questions you wanted to be answered here.


Besides that the number of heroics and operation was not answered on. What questions did you guys want answers to for this expansion in order to qualify it as an expansion in your image?


Do you want a whole itinerary of what the expansion gonna be like in a minute by minute basis?

How many and how long each quest was like in the expansion?

How much game play hours the game will consume?

How long it will take to travel with your 110% speeder from one side of the planet to the other?


It just seems that whatever information you want provided it is still not enough.

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EA's PR machine can be tighter than a clam with lockjaw. They dropped hints about an expansion back when RWZs came online in 1.3. After a summer of reorganizations they then followed it up last fall with more teasers, followed by a pre-order early access date release last month. We'll probably get a trailer or two in the coming weeks as well.


I guess my biggest problem is my lack of feeling entitled to insider information as part of my subscription benefits. I'm one of those types who, after downloading shareware, I'll donate anywhere from $20 to $50 depending on how valuable the shareware is to me. If it's of no value I won't donate ... I'll just uninstall it, fill out their survey and go elsewhere. If they ask for donations the next year & I'm still using it, then I'll make another donation.


It's okay if you don't want RotHC. It's your right as a consumer to shop somewhere else. What baffles me is why people who have already decided to shop somewhere else remain on station (if you will) to soapbox and poison the community punch bowl. They can't be taking a freaking video game so seriously that they look for ways to be offended by it.


Because this game is now free to play. Just because I won't enjoy FUTURE content they are talking about doesn't mean I don't enjoy CURRENT content and am willing to wait around as a preferred player until they do offer something that appeals to me.


If they came out with an adventure pack that was "one entire pvp planet with three new OPVP zones, two warzones, and the official start of the ranked season with new ladder tournament, five levels and a new ability per class" I might pay $10 for that, MIGHT. There is the possibility that they might make something that I'd be willing to pay money for, but in the mean time I can still do WZs with my guild for free...



EDIT: As for your last tine. There was a guy murdered in my city last week because his housemate disagreed with him over the proper way to cook porkchops. People RIOT over sports teams and terrorize in the name of religion. It is not surprising to me at all that people feel passionately about a game. You spend hundreds of hours leveling and exploring as this online persona, and then the developer makes some bullheaded move that destroys your experience and forces you to choose between abandoning all the time you've devoted to these characters and this worl, and the possibility that the next game and the next developer is going to be even worse. When you've invested that much time and money, hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars, you get passionate about things.

Edited by Durasturan
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I want to know exactly what is included in the "expansion" that justifies paying $10-20 for it. So far we haven't heard anything other than 1 planet and 5 levels. New abilities would go along with those 5 levels, but what about those abilities is ground breaking that I would want them? So far, that information is not enough to make me, personally, want to open my wallet. This game has generated quite a bit of ill will. They will need to provide far more than what they've promised to get me to play.
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can't say i feel nickel and dimed at all ..i handed them their $9.99 and i plan on enjoying it.


Its 10 bucks for subs and TBH a can of ground coffee costs me more then that, hell i spent more then 10 dollars on lunch today and it costs me about that much a day in gas just to get to and from my office.


The same people complaining about being "nickel and dimed" for something they will get many hours from are the same ones that won't bat an eye when they get charged $1.50 to use an ATM at some other bank and will do that multiple times a month.


Have you reached L50 yet? I seem to remember saying you hadn't a few weeks ago. Just there's probably not much point in getting early access if you don't have a L50 to do so with.

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I want to know exactly what is included in the "expansion" that justifies paying $10-20 for it. So far we haven't heard anything other than 1 planet and 5 levels. New abilities would go along with those 5 levels, but what about those abilities is ground breaking that I would want them? So far, that information is not enough to make me, personally, want to open my wallet. This game has generated quite a bit of ill will. They will need to provide far more than what they've promised to get me to play.


So... if Bioware said that the expansion was a new large area with additional levels instead of planet, class abilities and story lines would that suffice to make it feel like an expansion? Because that's what WOW did with their expansions. Would that make WOWs expansions an exception to the rule that you can pay for an additional area and additional levels, but not for Swtor?

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So... if Bioware said that the expansion was a new large area with additional levels instead of planet, class abilities and story lines would that suffice to make it feel like an expansion? Because that's what WOW did with their expansions. Would that make WOWs expansions an exception to the rule that you can pay for an additional area and additional levels, but not for Swtor?


No. It's still a content patch. It was announced as a content patch for no charge. Then they decided they were goin to call it an expansion and charge for it without adding anything to it.

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No. It's still a content patch. It was announced as a content patch for no charge. Then they decided they were goin to call it an expansion and charge for it without adding anything to it.


I just cancelled my Sub after 1 year of playing and bought the collector edition and told that subs would not pay for this content it time to move on since this game still feels like a bad beta

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No. It's still a content patch. It was announced as a content patch for no charge. Then they decided they were goin to call it an expansion and charge for it without adding anything to it.


It "was" determined as a content patch, it is "now" an expansion. I would agree with you if the planet was the size of Section: X and that it did not come with a Heroic or Operations, but so far its larger than Section: X. Have you even been to Section: X? That was a pretty sizable area and the content there kept me amused for a few hours.


But since this expansion takes place in a totally new planet, with totally new NPC, voice acting, storyline, class levels and abilities, with obvious new end-game equipment, this would not qualify as a content. For me content patches are like taking old things and errr "patching" things up, not come up with totally new content.

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Because this game is now free to play. Just because I won't enjoy FUTURE content they are talking about doesn't mean I don't enjoy CURRENT content and am willing to wait around as a preferred player until they do offer something that appeals to me.


If they came out with an adventure pack that was "one entire pvp planet with three new OPVP zones, two warzones, and the official start of the ranked season with new ladder tournament, five levels and a new ability per class" I might pay $10 for that, MIGHT. There is the possibility that they might make something that I'd be willing to pay money for, but in the mean time I can still do WZs with my guild for free...



EDIT: As for your last tine. There was a guy murdered in my city last week because his housemate disagreed with him over the proper way to cook porkchops. People RIOT over sports teams and terrorize in the name of religion. It is not surprising to me at all that people feel passionately about a game. You spend hundreds of hours leveling and exploring as this online persona, and then the developer makes some bullheaded move that destroys your experience and forces you to choose between abandoning all the time you've devoted to these characters and this worl, and the possibility that the next game and the next developer is going to be even worse. When you've invested that much time and money, hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars, you get passionate about things.

This game is a subscription model with a free to play option. F2P is but an intended gateway to monthly sub revenues, not the end all. If it were then TOR would either be a Facebook game, or the cash shop would be it's sole revenue source. Neither is true. What the cash flow comparisons are between subscriber revenues and cash shop revenues remain to be seen, if that information is released at all. Personally, it's none of my business because I'm not a shareholder - merely a subscriber.


I've been here since 2009, from closed beta through open beta & early access. Playing on average about 15 to 20 hours a week since early access I have 3 ops-geared level 50s and a dozen or so alts of varying levels, classes and builds. I also have a level 41 that is PvP-only and I'm anxious to hit the RWZs at level 50 and gear up for it. I have yet to complete the game on any of them. I easily could have if I stuck to ubering out a main or put in enough hours to make it a 2nd job, but I opted for a leisurely pace and variety instead. Personal choice. That's all it is for anyone really.


Even without the xpac there'd still be enough to merit my retaining a 50¢ a day subscription. More content will just give my 50s more to do, and I'll gladly "sacrifice" a couple of Starbucks cappuccinos or whatever for it if need be.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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This game is a subscription model with a free to play option. F2P is but an intended gateway to monthly sub revenues, not the end all. If it were then TOR would either be a Facebook game, or the cash shop would be it's sole revenue source. Neither is true. What the cash flow comparisons are between subscriber revenues and cash shop revenues remain to be seen, if that information is released at all. Personally, it's none of my business because I'm not a shareholder - merely a subscriber.


I've been here since 2009, from closed beta through open beta & early access. Playing on average about 15 to 20 hours a week since early access I have 3 ops-geared level 50s and a dozen or so alts of varying levels, classes and builds. I also have a level 41 that is PvP-only and I'm anxious to hit the RWZs at level 50 and gear up for it. I have yet to complete the game on any of them. I easily could have if I stuck to ubering out a main or put in enough hours to make it a 2nd job, but I opted for a leisurely pace and variety instead. Personal choice. That's all it is for anyone really.


Even without the xpac there'd still be enough to merit my retaining a 50¢ a day subscription. More content will just give my 50s more to do, and I'll gladly "sacrifice" a couple of Starbucks cappuccinos or whatever for it if need be.


What does that have to do with anything you asked me or how I responded? You asked me "Why do people continue to come to the forums and complain, why not just take your money and go?"


My response is that what you are presenting is a false dichotomy, I can continue to play the portion of the game I enjoy without giving them any more money whatsoever, RotHC has nothing in it for me, it looks like a shoddy waste of time. If they offer a content update that I might want to buy, then perhaps I will buy it. In the mean time I will play the content I want for free. Sooooo what was the point of your big old TLDR post above?

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I want to know exactly what is included in the "expansion" that justifies paying $10-20 for it. So far we haven't heard anything other than 1 planet and 5 levels. New abilities would go along with those 5 levels, but what about those abilities is ground breaking that I would want them? So far, that information is not enough to make me, personally, want to open my wallet. This game has generated quite a bit of ill will. They will need to provide far more than what they've promised to get me to play.


As with all expansions, and large content updates, information will be released piecemeal, until 'adequate' internal testing and QA has been completed enough to ensure the features are ready to make the FAQ, whilst it is cool to know what is coming, its suicide to announce features that are'nt set in stone, we've seen just how much negativity that can generate in the community, both just and unjust.


I am looking forward to the expansion as I enjoy the game, so for me the £8.00 or so will be well spent.


Information will come when it comes, certainly a full feature list will be available nearer the live date.



Edited by Farstrider
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-They havent even announced what does new expansion bring.It may contain its intended content plus makeb which was announced to be free before.It may feature lots of new and exiciting things like fully decorable starships , new classes , new crew skills , new cartel stuff , new warzones , operations...


-$10 and $20 price is a preorder price. People think a regular patch will be selled to them for a cheap price.However noone knows its actual price when its released.They will charge it for $30-50 on the first release just like any other mmo game expansion.


-Expansion announces 1 new planet.We dont know how big it is. One planets means as small as quesh and it means a playable area of total of voss , tatooine , belsavis too. Again we have to wait before we whine.


So please do not whine for info based on speculations at least let them announce it , play beta then whine

Edited by kijthae
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What does that have to do with anything you asked me or how I responded? You asked me "Why do people continue to come to the forums and complain, why not just take your money and go?"


My response is that what you are presenting is a false dichotomy, I can continue to play the portion of the game I enjoy without giving them any more money whatsoever, RotHC has nothing in it for me, it looks like a shoddy waste of time. If they offer a content update that I might want to buy, then perhaps I will buy it. In the mean time I will play the content I want for free. Sooooo what was the point of your big old TLDR post above?

I too enjoy the game as it stands now. As for the xpac I've already paid for mine because it's an expansion. It's not a $40 expansion where the game was reinvented and added Pandas on a floating turtle. It's just a $10 expansion with new content and some announced but to-be-expounded upon upgrades. That was the principle behind my purchase choice. Were 10 bucks capable of putting my livlihood in jeopardy then I wouldn't consider paying it.


The "taking your money and go" part were your words. I openly welcome anyone who isn't trashing the neighborhood. As for the xpac, no one outside of Bioware's walls knows enough to accurately evaluate anything more than what they've published - including its price-to-content value. If someone chooses to get their panties in a wad based on speculation, then that's their choice. But smearing the walls with it is a bit ... pubescent. That was pretty much my point.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I too enjoy the game as it stands now. As for the xpac I've already paid for mine because it's an expansion. It's not a $40 expansion where the game was reinvented and added Pandas on a floating turtle. It's just a $10 expansion with new content and some announced but to-be-expounded upon upgrades. That was the principle behind my purchase choice. Were 10 bucks capable of putting my livlihood in jeopardy then I wouldn't consider paying it.


The "taking your money and go" part were your words. I openly welcome anyone who isn't trashing the neighborhood. As for the xpac, no one outside of Bioware's walls knows enough to accurately evaluate anything more than what they've published - including its price-to-content value. If someone chooses to get their panties in a wad based on speculation, then that's their choice. But smearing the walls with it is a bit ... pubescent. That was pretty much my point.


I don't think anyone is making any comments based on speculation other than those who are claiming the expansion pack will indeed have WZs, FPs, etc.... Most of the detractors are simply looking at the announcement of one planet and 5 levels and are unimpressed.

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As with all expansions, and large content updates, information will be released piecemeal, until 'adequate' internal testing and QA has been completed enough to ensure the features are ready to make the FAQ, whilst it is cool to know what is coming, its suicide to announce features that are'nt set in stone, we've seen just how much negativity that can generate in the community, both just and unjust.


I am looking forward to the expansion as I enjoy the game, so for me the £8.00 or so will be well spent.


Information will come when it comes, certainly a full feature list will be available nearer the live date.



Games I've played don't ask you to pay until they've done this part in bold

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I don't think anyone is making any comments based on speculation other than those who are claiming the expansion pack will indeed have WZs, FPs, etc.... Most of the detractors are simply looking at the announcement of one planet and 5 levels and are unimpressed.
Speculation is a 2-way street. "Stay tuned for more information coming soon - Over the next few months we will reveal more exciting new features!" means just that. Those who are speculating that one planet and an additional 5 levels are all we have to look forward to can be taken just as seriously (or not) as those who are speculating what more exciting new features will bring.


Those speculating that one planet and an additional 5 levels are all we have to look forward to are either conveniently ignoring that exciting new features part or vehemently downplaying its significance, if not outright arguing (lol) that it's a waste of time to discuss. Kinda goes against the spirit of open discussion tbh.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Speculation is a 2-way street. "Stay tuned for more information coming soon - Over the next few months we will reveal more exciting new features!" means just that. Those who are speculating that one planet and an additional 5 levels are all we have to look forward to can be taken just as seriously (or not) as those who are speculating what more exciting new features will bring.


Those speculating that one planet and an additional 5 levels are all we have to look forward to are either conveniently ignoring that exciting new features part or vehemently downplaying its significance, if not outright arguing (lol) that it's a waste of time to discuss. Kinda goes against the spirit of open discussion tbh.


We'll reveal more exciting features is marketing BS. That's not just a BW thing, that's an any company thing. Generally speaking if you're trying to get people to pre-order you lead with all the information you can. You don't just say, "This is great. Buy it."

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We'll reveal more exciting features is marketing BS. That's not just a BW thing, that's an any company thing. Generally speaking if you're trying to get people to pre-order you lead with all the information you can. You don't just say, "This is great. Buy it."
Then there is nothing that anyone in these forums (or at EA or BW for that matter) can do to convince you otherwise. Your mind has already decided, courtesy of a small teaser released months in advance, that the xpac sucks even before specifics have been released. As you wish. I for one will simply look forward to (at the bare minimum) an additional 5 levels worth of content with 2 factions worth of story. For a paultry $10 anything more is a cool bonus. Edited by GalacticKegger
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-They havent even announced what does new expansion bring.It may contain its intended content plus makeb which was announced to be free before.It may feature lots of new and exiciting things like fully decorable starships , new classes , new crew skills , new cartel stuff , new warzones , operations...


-$10 and $20 price is a preorder price. People think a regular patch will be selled to them for a cheap price.However noone knows its actual price when its released.They will charge it for $30-50 on the first release just like any other mmo game expansion.


-Expansion announces 1 new planet.We dont know how big it is. One planets means as small as quesh and it means a playable area of total of voss , tatooine , belsavis too. Again we have to wait before we whine.


So please do not whine for info based on speculations at least let them announce it , play beta then whine


Well it's theoretically possible I suppose bloody unlikely but possible. However the planet has been confirmed as about the same size as the larger planets in the game so don't expect anything bigger than an existing planet.

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Look at those key features, do you see PVP anywhere in there? Those are the features of the game so far announced by BW. Now you can say "but they might add flashpoints and ops and warzones and new OPVP areas and etc etc etc."


But here's the thing, if they even thought for a second they'd be able to actually put or even WANTED to put that stuff in there, they'd be advertising it like CRAZY to make this content update sound like a real expansion. The fact that you can already preorder it but those things are not up there as features that you will get in exchange for your money, tells me they have no desire or ability to include them.


Well, since they just added a new PvP war zone two weeks ago what are you complaining about again? They have added two war zones (or was it three?) via content patches and will probably continue to do so in the future.

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Oh and for everyone saying "it's only $10, what are you poor?"


You can buy ET the video game for Atari 2600 right now for the same price as one month's sub and the new "expansion" if it's so little money why don't you guys all go out and buy it?




Edited since you cannot actually delete even your own post.

Edited by TheSkate
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