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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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We hit level 10 on the starter Planet.

Would you spend 10 bucks just for one of the starter planets that we leave in 30 min to an hour?

Just a thought.


Don't be silly.


Everyone who's played this game for any length of time knows that you level fastest from 0-10 and it's much slower as you approach 50.

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Can't you see they are charging you for a PATCH?


They call it "expansion" to bluff you!


this is a mini expasion OR the biggest patch ever in all the MMOs.


i am not crying for 10 dolars, because like i said, this is a mini expasion or DCL with new level and new posibilities for see more people with no the same spec

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Don't be silly.


Everyone who's played this game for any length of time knows that you level fastest from 0-10 and it's much slower as you approach 50.

Yes, and we also knows it will be the size of a large planet. IE like Hoth, Belsavis....

Would you pay 10$ for Hoth, or Voss, Balmorra, Alderaan,... ? I'm pretty sure you make around 5lvl on those planet, bonus serie included ofc.

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Yes, and we also knows it will be the size of a large planet. IE like Hoth, Belsavis....

Would you pay 10$ for Hoth, or Voss, Balmorra, Alderaan,... ? I'm pretty sure you make around 5lvl on those planet, bonus serie included ofc.


they said this planet will have


underground caves

and more things

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for all you flamers who are quitting or dont want to part with $10... lets think for a second here...


to get the 5 levels is going to take at least 5-10 hours minimum (as long as you play the game and dont game the system). plus you will still rinse repeat end game content for countless hours after that... and many people just login to chat with friends they make in game


so lets think about $10 now... where I live $10 is

-1.5 drinks or 2 beers which last under 1 hour

-a movie - 2 hours

-popcorn and soda at said movie - last 1 hour

-a cheeseburger deluxe at the diner - 30 min

-2 games of bowling - under an hour

-2 Triple Venit Mocha's at Starbucks - under an hour

-Dave and Busters - 30 min


I can go on and on... so who cares if its an expansion a patch or just a money grab... in todays world $10 is too small an amt to complain about (dont get me wrong, I am and will not deny you your right to complain, but really you have no arguement)... especially when you can go f2p and eventually get the content anyway...

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for all you flamers who are quitting or dont want to part with $10... lets think for a second here...


to get the 5 levels is going to take at least 5-10 hours minimum (as long as you play the game and dont game the system). plus you will still rinse repeat end game content for countless hours after that... and many people just login to chat with friends they make in game


so lets think about $10 now... where I live $10 is

-1.5 drinks or 2 beers which last under 1 hour

-a movie - 2 hours

-popcorn and soda at said movie - last 1 hour

-a cheeseburger deluxe at the diner - 30 min

-2 games of bowling - under an hour

-2 Triple Venit Mocha's at Starbucks - under an hour

-Dave and Busters - 30 min


I can go on and on... so who cares if its an expansion a patch or just a money grab... in todays world $10 is too small an amt to complain about (dont get me wrong, I am and will not deny you your right to complain, but really you have no arguement)... especially when you can go f2p and eventually get the content anyway...


You REALLY don't get what this is all about.

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I'm 100% sure this is EAWAREs unofficial motto


The statement is true for the human race in general.


Yet, it doesnt mean it applies here. You are getting alot of value for those 8 euros/10 dollars.

Its more like: If you want to hate on something, there is always a way.

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I'm currently waiting for a new patch (probably 1.7), which I hope will fix the balance of classes.

It will show how developers are able to correct their mistakes which they did before. If the patch will be successful, i mean that they'll fix problems with smashers, bubblestun, etc.

so i'll buy expansion, if not... then bb swtor. Because if all be the same like now, then it can be much worse in future. (i'm talking about changes which will affect pvp)

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for all you flamers who are quitting or dont want to part with $10... lets think for a second here...


to get the 5 levels is going to take at least 5-10 hours minimum (as long as you play the game and dont game the system). plus you will still rinse repeat end game content for countless hours after that... and many people just login to chat with friends they make in game


so lets think about $10 now... where I live $10 is

-1.5 drinks or 2 beers which last under 1 hour

-a movie - 2 hours

-popcorn and soda at said movie - last 1 hour

-a cheeseburger deluxe at the diner - 30 min

-2 games of bowling - under an hour

-2 Triple Venit Mocha's at Starbucks - under an hour

-Dave and Busters - 30 min


I can go on and on... so who cares if its an expansion a patch or just a money grab... in todays world $10 is too small an amt to complain about (dont get me wrong, I am and will not deny you your right to complain, but really you have no arguement)... especially when you can go f2p and eventually get the content anyway...


This isn't an incorrect perspective or "not getting it." It's just the truth. If you enjoy the leveling and story in SWTOR, which I think is the best part, $10 for a week of casual questing, plus anything new they include, like another WZ or OP, etc., isn't much money.


If you like the game, you shouldn't be bitter about spending $10. Yes, it was supposed to be a patch before. Lots of things were supposed to be different about the past year. Plans changed because not enough people stuck with the game. The people still here like SWTOR and I assume want it to turn around and start reaching toward its potential. $10 for a planet and some other things in an adventure pack isn't a big deal.


If it is, get your priorities in order and stop playing video games so much.

Edited by arunav
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This isn't an incorrect perspective or "not getting it." It's just the truth. If you enjoy the leveling and story in SWTOR, which I think is the best part, $10 for a week of casual questing, plus anything new they include, like another WZ or OP, etc., isn't much money.


If you like the game, you shouldn't be bitter about spending $10. Yes, it was supposed to be a patch before. Lots of things were supposed to be different about the past year. Plans changed because not enough people stuck with the game. The people still here like SWTOR and I assume want it to turn around and start reaching toward its potential. $10 for a planet and some other things in an adventure pack isn't a big deal.


If it is, get your priorities in order and stop playing video games so much.


Until they slap "expansion" on everything from now on, making our sub useless and just charge us extra on top for everything. Im amazed how people dont see this slippery slope that of all companies EA will DEF use to its advantage and take us for every dime they can.

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I'm waiting.


If the game hasn't been optimized to run better before this "expansion", I won't bother.

I'm tired of playing a game that SHOULD run well on my computer but it doesn't.


Also, if there won't be any new Operations before or at the launch of this "expansion", I won't bother.

Running Terror from Beyond for 5 more months or so? Yeah, no thanks.

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I would be very surprised if I will still play this game in May, when this exp launches. If I am still here when that happens, I will gladly pay for it. But to pay for something that even they don't know how it will look, is beyond stupid, for me.

P2W items and almost obsessive focus on Cartel market with the exclusion of other parts of the game, is the future of SWTOR. And to me, it looks very bleak. Especially with their CS which is at it's lowest point considering the quality of their work. It simply cannot get any worse.

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what are you gonna do?


did you buy the expansion?




are you gonna buy it?


or perhaps you want more info about it?


or you will never buy it?



i want to see what the people are going to do.


give me your coments :)


and if you want to know. i've already pre-ordered

Buying the expansion on Monday. Just waiting for payday. Between my kid and my ex, the holidays put a dent in my finances.

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I'm currently waiting for a new patch (probably 1.7), which I hope will fix the balance of classes.

It will show how developers are able to correct their mistakes which they did before. If the patch will be successful, i mean that they'll fix problems with smashers, bubblestun, etc.

so i'll buy expansion, if not... then bb swtor. Because if all be the same like now, then it can be much worse in future. (i'm talking about changes which will affect pvp)


I guess that's goodbye then.


Cos smashers arent a problem other than that theres a lot more of them now that it's fotm, it was always potent. Any mechanic when cheesed in an organized fashion seems "problematic". You remember the "nerf operatives cos people unsub when a group of operatives locks and burns them down" lol? Same principle. Oh noes a ranked team has 3 smashers coordinate their hits? Shocking, focused burst in organized pvp, cant have that, NERF. Same ting with bubbleflags. They won't get the bat just cos you and I are annoyed by it.

Edited by aeterno
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