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Return Resolve to the way it was prior to 1.4.


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Title says it all.


Resolve was never perfect, but for what it was I really liked it. This new version of resolve is outright bad. Nothing really changed on the competitive front, since RWZ teams should endeavour to coordinate their CC. The only thing the 1.4 change did was to make things easier... which isn't always a good thing.


The game should be punishing, for crying out loud... that's where skill comes to play. CC used to be a double-edged sword; use it right and you and your team could benefit. Use it wrong, and the enemy player and his team could benefit. As it should be*. When you take control away from another player, there should be some risk/reward factor involved.



*You could argue that this is the case, even today. A well-timed CC can win you an objective, be it a turret or a door. It's just that the game is less punishing. If two people stun simultaenously and the targeted person breaks out, no doubt there will be another CC to counter the CC-breaker. Prior to 1.4, if two people stunned simultaenously and the person used his CC breaker, he could save the base.

Edited by Majspuffen
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It should be returned to the way it was.


If I remember correctly, the reasoning they gave was something about random huttballs where people would get white barred too quickly, because 2 people would stun at the same time and then the ball carrier couldn't be stopped. This reasoning is bad and like you say rewards players who probably don't know what's going on or even know what a resolve bar is and just stuns first global regardless.


The prior resolve system was better.

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It was a pug friendly change. It was very easy for 2 persons to fire that stun at the same time. Personally i think its better now. Less random unexpected crap, more predictable outcome. What class do you play? If you are melee, the stun range affected you more, now everyone is saving the stuns fir you instead of snipers.
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It was a pug friendly change. It was very easy for 2 persons to fire that stun at the same time. Personally i think its better now. Less random unexpected crap, more predictable outcome. What class do you play? If you are melee, the stun range affected you more, now everyone is saving the stuns fir you instead of snipers.


You clearly haven't pvp'ed a lot if you think it's better this way..

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It was a pug friendly change. It was very easy for 2 persons to fire that stun at the same time. Personally i think its better now. Less random unexpected crap, more predictable outcome. What class do you play? If you are melee, the stun range affected you more, now everyone is saving the stuns fir you instead of snipers.


I play an operative healer and a jedi shadow DPS mainly, and on both toons I'm much more aggravated by CC since 1.4. On my operative I'm often bullied by more than one target, and while I do not expect to survive, I appreciated the chance of being able to do something, not just sit in a stun and watch my health disappear. It makes for very frustrating gameplay.


I'd say that with the change to CC in 1.4, there's more unexpected crap since you cannot reliably count on how much resolve you will get at any given time. I used to base my CDs around the resolve immunity. CDs like Deflection and Evasion, CDs that are rendered useless if you're stunned... and there are a lot of stuns in this game.


i still liek rifts harsh DR system


1 stun, 1/2stun IMMUNE


also their trinket ability "break free" after using it your immune to cc for 4~ seconds after to keep these monkeys from spamming their cc without consiquence


Cannot comment on whether that was a good model or not, but it sounds very different from SWTOR's. SWTOR took their resolve in the wrong direction in 1.4, and in my opinion they really should change it back to the way it was. It is the most sensible thing they can do. Reverting a bad change > trying to improve upon a bad change.

Edited by Majspuffen
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i still liek rifts harsh DR system


1 stun, 1/2stun IMMUNE


also their trinket ability "break free" after using it your immune to cc for 4~ seconds after to keep these monkeys from spamming their cc without consiquence


Warhammer's DR system was my favorite.


Immovable: Root immunity and knockback immunity have been combined into a new single immunity effect, and its duration has been increased over the previous effects. When affected by either a root, knockback, or pull effect, you will become immune to them for 30 seconds. This immunity will also persist through death.


Unstoppable: The duration of this stun, knockdown, disarm and silence immunity buff has been increased from six times the duration of the disabling effect to 10 times the effect duration, and will now persist through death.


They tried to encourage actually having to think when pvping.

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Still think that TTK is a bit low to withstand 8 seconds of hard stuns while 2 players are wailing at you. That plus the fact that overlapping stuns don't give you immunity now due to the changes of 1.4 equate in more "stun to death" situations. And as everyone, I think, agrees, "stun to death" is a very very unpleasant thing to experience ;).
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Todays resolve is a death trap.

I stay far longer when i use my cc breaker early and give a shyte on resolve.

I have a excellent PvP experience ignoring it at all, as resolve is just a tiny tool that provides help in situations, that do not even make 1% of all combat time.

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Saving your stun in this game is a bad tactic.

Stuns in this game are in a 1 minute cooldown and sometimes even less. It is always up every fight. There is no reason to save it. Every class has silence that has a very short cooldown. Plus a lot of classes have knockbacks, pulls , mez and other forms of interrupts.


Any class can lockdown a healer easily. There is no reason to save stuns in this game.


SWTOR rewards players if they spam mez and stun. There are no drawbacks and consequences which is why people complain that there are way too much CC in the game.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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Saving your stun in this game is a bad tactic.

Stuns in this game are in a 1 minute cooldown and sometimes even less. It is always up every fight. There is no reason to save it. Every class has silence that has a very short cooldown. Plus a lot of classes have knockbacks, pulls , mez and other forms of interrupts.


Any class can lockdown a healer easily. There is no reason to save stuns in this game.


SWTOR rewards players if they spam mez and stun. There are no drawbacks and consequences which is why people complain that there are way too much CC in the game.


Sentinel gets on your healer. You flash grenade him. He uses cc breaker. You knockback back root him. He camos. You legshot him and dps him for 1 global, then let it sit. He pops saber ward. You use diversion/dps him. White bar fades. You stun him so he can't deflect from saber ward/use guarded and execute him.


Yeah, there is no reason to save your stun. :rolleyes:

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Still think that TTK is a bit low to withstand 8 seconds of hard stuns while 2 players are wailing at you. That plus the fact that overlapping stuns don't give you immunity now due to the changes of 1.4 equate in more "stun to death" situations. And as everyone, I think, agrees, "stun to death" is a very very unpleasant thing to experience ;).


Yes. A bit off-topic, perhaps, but I enjoyed PvP the most back in 1.1. At times, it could be a bit too slow-paced for my tastes and that generally happened when there were too many healers and tanks in a game. and not enough DPS. But hell, that wasn't really the fault of the pace of 1.1. If there's too many tanks and healers in a game today, the pacing will be boring, too.


However, burst wasn't as strong in 1.1, and burst required some planning. Coupling class CDs with relics and adrenals. In those days, it was clever to save your CC to lock out a player during their time of burst. Look at Pyrotechs and Rage Juggernauts today. They have burst by just being... can't describe it in any other way.

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Of course, there have been complaints about resolve since launch.

But most reasonable players wanted changes to the system in 1 of 3 ways (or a combination of it):


1. Make the resolve bar fill a little faster

2. Make it tick a little slower

3. Make the breaker cooldown a little shorter


So what did the "World's best PVP developers" do? (Bioware quote)

They gave us none of that reasonable stuff and instead created 1.4 resolve.


Now it is possible to keep a target practially indefinitely stunned without his/her resolve bar ever filling up.


So you have 2 choices now:

1) either wait for your breaker to finally go white and enjoy your stun immunity while you respawn or,

2) hit it early and likely waste it because you get stunned again rightaway.


...and this is what happens when developers rely on metrics and don't play their own game!

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Sentinel gets on your healer. You flash grenade him. He uses cc breaker. You knockback back root him. He camos. You legshot him and dps him for 1 global, then let it sit. He pops saber ward. You use diversion/dps him. White bar fades. You stun him so he can't deflect from saber ward/use guarded and execute him.


Yeah, there is no reason to save your stun. :rolleyes:


You're fighting a bad if he's going to use cc break on the first stun. And I suppose the player is just going to sit there while you do all of this to him, conveniently? Lol you snipers are quite the imaginative bunch. :p

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Of course, there have been complaints about resolve since launch.

But most reasonable players wanted changes to the system in 1 of 3 ways (or a combination of it):


1. Make the resolve bar fill a little faster

2. Make it tick a little slower

3. Make the breaker cooldown a little shorter


...and this is what happens when developers rely on metrics and don't play their own game!

Every single PvP match I play--win or lose, dominate or be dominated, every single warzone--I wish any or all of these would be implemented.


Because it doesn't matter what class you are, or how many "escapes" you have (and some of them don't actually stop most of the stuns), it's fundamentally a CC-fest. All the time, every time.

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You're fighting a bad if he's going to use cc break on the first stun. And I suppose the player is just going to sit there while you do all of this to him, conveniently? Lol you snipers are quite the imaginative bunch. :p


Last I checked flash grenade isn't a stun. I just used it as an example of when it is more effective to save your stun.

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Of course, there have been complaints about resolve since launch.

But most reasonable players wanted changes to the system in 1 of 3 ways (or a combination of it):


1. Make the resolve bar fill a little faster

2. Make it tick a little slower

3. Make the breaker cooldown a little shorter


Yeah, all those things sounds great but... ugh. It just feels like Bioware isn't ever going to do a rollback. Incapable of admitting a mistake. Or maybe they don't think it was a mistake, who knows. They claim that they play their own game, and maybe we're just unfortunate to have masochistic game developers.


Here is what I'm guessing they are going to do;

They are going to adress the concern about CC. They are not going to do a rollback. Instead, they'll try to improve upon something that was a bad desicion in the first place. All to save faces.


But what do I know, I'm just a gamer.

Edited by Majspuffen
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